A quick mayonnaise pie is real help! Recipes for quick pies on mayonnaise with cabbage, fish, potatoes, rice


Jellied cakes on mayonnaise dough - a help for modern, busy or just lazy housewives. No, not right, better say

smart housewives who value their precious time and do not want to spend half their life in the kitchen.

Quick mayonnaise pie - general principles of preparation

Mayonnaise dough is always mixed with eggs and flour. Additionally, sour cream or kefir, oil, and cultivators can be added. Usually all

products are simply mixed in one bowl. But sometimes you need to beat eggs well in a separate bowl, it all depends on the recipe.

Most popular filling products:

• potatoes, cabbage;

• canned fish;

• egg with onion;

• rice with onions or with fish, eggs.

You can simply fill the filling with dough on top, or lay in the middle. Collect the cake immediately in shape. All recipes are suitable for multicookers.

Batter does not require greasing the top with an egg. The pie is simply sent to the oven, baked until tender.

Quick cabbage mayonnaise pie

A variant of a very quick mayonnaise pie stuffed with white cabbage. This pastry is quite a good dinner.


• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• 6 tablespoons of flour;

• 5 grams of cultivator (0.5 sachets);

• 2 tablespoons drain oil .;

• 3 eggs;

• 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• spices.


1. Shred the cabbage with straws. If desired, you can add chopped onion or grated carrot to it, but not very much.

2. We crush the vegetables with our hands, shift them into a greased cake pan. Sprinkle with pepper and salt, but you need to salt a little bit. From above

spread the butter, cut into slices. We put it in the oven for about ten minutes. Temperature 200.

3. While we knead the dough. The easiest way is to beat everything with a mixer. Add salt to the eggs, 1 tsp. sugar, mayonnaise, then flour and

baking powder. We interrupt until the dough becomes homogeneous.

4. We take out the cabbage from the oven, it is already a little softened.

5. Pour a layer of dough on top, make punctures with a fork or knife, so that it flows down. Then level the top with a spoon.

6. We bake cabbage pie for about 30-35 minutes until cooked, reducing the temperature to 180 degrees.

Quick fish pie on mayonnaise with sour cream

To make such a quick mayonnaise pie, use canned fish, saury in oil is ideal. If there is no green

onions, then you can make the filling of onions, but slightly fried in oil.


• 3 eggs;

• 100 g sour cream;

• 100 g mayonnaise;

• 1.7 cups flour;

• cultivator (0.5 sachets);

• salt, sugar.

For filling:

• 2 cans of canned fish;

• 1 large bunch of onions;

• 0.5 bunch of dill.


1. For the test beat eggs, add sour cream with mayonnaise. Salt and stir well. Pour mixed flour with a cultivator. To interfere

repeatedly, set aside for a few minutes.

2. While preparing the filling. We open the fish. If there is a lot of fluid, then part must be removed. Next, pieces need to be broken so that they become

a little bit smaller. If saury or other similar fish is used, then a large spinal bone is best removed.

3. Cut the green onions, finely chop the dill, mix with the fish.

4. Lubricate the mold. You can optionally sprinkle with flour or semolina. Pour a thin layer of dough, about half will go.

We spread the filling and the dough again. Gently stretch it on the surface to hide all the greens and fish.

5. Send the cake to the oven. Cook until golden brown in medium mode in the region of 180 degrees.

Quick mayonnaise pie with onion and egg

Another version of the pie on kefir and sour cream, but the dough is a little different. The baking is very tender, juicy, if desired, the filling can be

add something else, such as a chopped piece of chicken or sausage.


• 100 g sour cream;

• 200 g mayonnaise;

• 6 eggs;

• 10 tablespoons of flour;

• salt, 0.5 tsp. soda;

• 2 bunches of onions;

• 6-8 boiled eggs.


1. Beat the eggs with a fork or a whisk, add salt to make the cake lightly brown, add a teaspoon of sugar, but you can knead the dough

and without it.

2. Add soda to sour cream, stir, wait a few minutes, then transfer it to the dough together with mayonnaise. Refuel it

ten spoons of wheat flour. If the mayonnaise is thick, then you can add 8-9, this will be enough.

3. For the egg filling, cook hard-boiled, cool, peel, cut into cubes. You can use the egg cutter, it will turn out very quickly. Add

chopped green onions.

4. In a greased form, collect the pie: dough, filling, dough.

5. Send to the oven for 30 minutes. Baking is prepared with onions and eggs from the dough at 190 degrees.

Sweet and quick apple mayonnaise pie

In fact, you can use not only an apple, but also pears, raisins, apples, plums and any other filling, but in small quantities.


• 4 eggs;

• 10 tbsp. l granulated sugar;

• 250 grams of mayonnaise;

• 10 tbsp. l flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 1 large apple.


1. The dough is kneaded according to general principles: beat eggs with sugar, use 9 tablespoons, leave one for now.

2. Add all the other ingredients according to the list above. We extinguish soda. You can take one teaspoon of baking powder. In that

If you do not need to extinguish anything.

3. Apple cut into slices or small cubes. It can be immediately added to the dough or later during assembly. Or lubricate well

shape, pour the pieces of fruit to the bottom and fill the dough. We do as we like more.

4. On top of the dough lightly sprinkle with granulated sugar.

5. You can put the cake in the oven! We bake it for about half an hour, the temperature is about 180-190. We check the readiness of the crumb in the same way

like a biscuit, that is, pierce with a toothpick.

Quick raw potato mayonnaise pie

Similarly, you can cook a pie with boiled potatoes, in this case it will be possible to add the baking temperature, and reduce the time.


• 4 eggs;

• 4 potatoes;

• 250 grams of mayonnaise;

• 0.3 tsp soda;

• a pair of onions;

• nutmeg;

• 1.5 tbsp. flour.


1. We make jellied dough. Beat eggs and half a teaspoon of salt well in foam. Add mayonnaise, then introduce one and a half glasses

flour. When mixing, fill slaked soda. The last time we mix well, set aside.

2. Peel potatoes and onions. If the heads are large, then one piece is enough. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and the onions are very thin


3. Pour half the dough into a smeared baking dish, stretch with a spoon to make the layer even.

4. Lay out the potatoes.

5. Add a pinch of nutmeg to the onion and salt. We do not put a little salt, because the potatoes are fresh. Mash the onion with your hands and immediately sprinkle

on top of potatoes.

6. It remains to pour the filling with the rest of the dough. Do not rush, pour a thin stream to evenly distribute on the surface,

you can draw a mesh.

7. Take a spatula or spoon. Carefully hide the filling, stretching the top layer of dough.

8. Put a quick mayonnaise cake to bake. Cooking at 170 degrees for at least 40 minutes, the filling should reach full


Quick pie on mayonnaise and kefir with potatoes and sausage

Another wonderful recipe for mayonnaise pie, which also cooks fast. There is sausage in the filling. We take the sausages,

ham or boiled, smoked meat.


• 200 g mayonnaise;

• 200 g of kefir (can be cut in half with sour cream);

• 3 eggs;

• flour;

• a bag of a cultivator.


• 4 potatoes (boiled);

• 200 g of sausage;

• 2 onions;

• oil, spices.


1. Put mayonnaise in a cup, pour kefir. Immediately break all the eggs, salt and turn on the mixer. We interrupt the mass for a couple of minutes.

2. Add two glasses of flour with a cultivator, whisk further, look at the consistency. It should be like thick sour cream. At

add more flour if necessary. We remove the dough to the side.

3. Cut the onions into cubes, fry in vegetable or cream butter until transparent. Leave to cool. While chopped

diced boiled potatoes and sausage. Season the minced meat with spices. If desired, you can add a little cheese, it will hold the mass together during baking.

4. We collect the pie: the dough, the filling of potatoes and sausages, again the dough.

5. We bake the mayonnaise pie with potato filling until tender, the temperature is around 180 degrees.

Quick mayonnaise pie with saury and rice

Another recipe for a simple fish pie. If there is no saury, then you can take a mackerel. For the filling, the leftover rice from the side dish will fit.


• 200 g sour cream;

• 10 tablespoons of flour;

• 250 g of mayonnaise;

• 3 eggs;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 150 g canned saury;

• 200-250 g of boiled rice;

• onion.


1. mix the eggs with sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, stir until smooth. We introduce wheat flour and add slaked soda. But

you can put it out in sour cream, stir and leave for a minute, then add to the dough.

2. For the filling, knead the fish, chop the onion very finely, combine with boiled rice. Add spices to your liking. Can live

dumb greenery.

3. We make jellied cake: the dough, the filling of rice with fish, the dough again.

4. Bake in the oven until cooked, temperature approximately 180-190. In time, the process will take about 35 minutes.

Quick Mayonnaise Pie - Tips & Tricks

• The dough for jellied salt cake will be beautiful and rosy if you add a teaspoon of sugar to it. But it’s important not to put it

more, especially when using raw food toppings, the cake may burn prematurely.

• The filling was not baked and it was discovered late? Quickly put the pie in the microwave for 3-5 minutes, this will be

enough. But in no case do not try to bake a cooled, much less cut cake in the oven. So it can only be dried and

to spoil.


Watch the video: Jamie's Quick Potato Dauphinoise (June 2024).