Homemade noodles: step by step recipes checked repeatedly. Secrets of fragrant delicious homemade noodles with chicken and vegetables (step by step)


Homemade noodles cooked in saturated meat broth turn out to be tasty, satisfying, and aromatic. You can serve such soup for lunch and dinner. And even at the festive table, with an abundance of salads and hot dishes, there are people who want to taste really delicious homemade noodles. Therefore, the recipes for this dish must be in the "piggy bank" of each hostess.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade noodles - general principles

The most delicious homemade noodles are obtained on meat broth. You can take chicken, beef or pork on the bone. The meat is thoroughly washed, poured with water and boiled until tender. For taste, put roots, herbs, vegetables, spices.

The homemade noodles themselves cook pretty quickly, you can make it both in advance and when the broth is being prepared. To prepare it, you will need eggs, water, flour and salt. From these ingredients, knead the elastic dough, roll it with a layer, dry it, cut it into strips of the desired size, thickness, shape.

In principle, these two components are enough to make a tasty dish, but you can also add a variety of fresh or sautéed vegetables to the soup.

Serve the cooked homemade noodles hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

1. Homemade noodles: a step by step recipe with chicken and potatoes


• medium carcass (approximately 1.2-1.5 kg) of domestic chicken;

• potatoes - 3 pcs.;

• ground black pepper, ground salt - a pinch;

• Lavrushka - 1 leaf.

On the noodle dough:

• egg - 1 pc.;

• purified water - 1 cup;

• salt - a pinch;

• flour - 20 tablespoons.

As additional ingredients for homemade noodles with chicken and potatoes, take another half a bunch of fresh parsley and two hard-boiled eggs, which will be needed when serving.

Cooking method:

1. First, knead the steep noodle dough: break the egg into the bowl, add salt, whisk with a fork. Pour the sifted flour in small portions into the mass, continuously stirring the ingredients with a spoon. When the dough becomes firm, lay it on a table sprinkled with flour and knead it with your hands until it gains elasticity. You can also knead it with a mixer with a special nozzle for the test. If the indicated amount of flour was not enough for you, you can add a little flour directly when mixing on the countertop.

2. Leave the thoroughly kneaded dough under a towel on the table to allow it to lie down. “Rested” soft elastic mass, wrinkle a little more with your hands, divide into parts. Pouring flour periodically, roll each part into a thin layer with a thickness of not more than 3 mm. Leave the layers on the table for about 25 minutes so that they dry out a little. Cut the grasped dough into thin strips half a centimeter thick. When cutting the flour, do not sprinkle so that your noodles are not subsequently in flour dust.

3. Rinse the domestic chicken, cut the tail, chop into pieces. Rinse each piece again, put in a saucepan, fill with two liters of cold water, cook over high heat until bubbling bubbles appear, remove the foam from the surface, adjust the heat to the smallest and cook for about 50 minutes until cooked.

4. Gently transfer the chicken to a plate, strain the broth.

5. Rinse the peeled potatoes, cut into medium cubes and put in a hot broth, cook until the potatoes soften.

6. Separate the meat from the cooked chicken parts. Put the meat in a pan to the potatoes, cook for ten minutes.

7. Put the noodles in the pan, add salt, black pepper, put the parsley and boil for four minutes.

8. Ready soup with homemade noodles, chicken and potatoes, let it brew under the lid for about 10 minutes.

9. When serving, pour the hot noodle soup into plates, sprinkle with parsley. Put half of the boiled egg in each plate. Delicious homemade noodles with croutons or crackers.

2. Homemade noodles: recipe for meat broth with vegetables


• carrot - 2 pcs.;

• onion - 2 heads;

• green green beans - 5 pods;

• tomatoes - 2 pieces;

• Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;

• 10 grams of black pepper and salt;

• half a bunch of dill and parsley when serving.

For broth:

• pork ribs - 5 pieces;

• 3 leaves of lavrushka;

• at the request of one teaspoon of seasoning for vegetables and meat

Also for cooking homemade noodles you will need to take an egg, a little water, a pinch of salt and flour.

Cooking method:

1. As in the previous recipe, the first step is to knead a cool elastic dough based on one egg, a glass of purified water, salt and flour. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, let it rest a little under the towel. Roll out the finished dough into a thin cake about 2-3 mm thick, leave it on the table to dry, and then cut into thin strips (noodles). If you don't like very long noodles, you can cut the strips in half. Separate the prepared noodles with your hands and leave them on the table again to dry a little more.

2. Rinse the pork ribs, put in a pan with slightly salted water, add the lavrushka and cook after boiling the water over low heat for 50 minutes, periodically removing the foam.

3. While the ribs are boiling, prepare the vegetables: peel the onions, cut into thin half rings, grate the peeled carrots on a Korean carrot grater, rinse the string beans, cut the stem on the bell pepper, remove the seeds, rinse, cut into strips. Rinse parsley and dill, chop with a knife.

4. Remove the cooked pork ribs from the pan, strain the broth, put in it all the prepared vegetables. If you want, make a frying of carrots and onions in sunflower oil, so the soup will turn out to be more piquant and satisfying. Divide the cooled ribs into flesh and bones, put the meat in soup.

5. Boil vegetables and meat after boiling for 10 minutes, if necessary, salt the soup, pour in the taste of spices.

6. Put dried homemade noodles to the vegetables, boil for another three minutes.

7. Let the finished homemade noodles stand under the closed lid. Pour into plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Place black bread next to it in a separate plate.

3. Homemade noodles: a step by step recipe with potted chicken


• chicken broth - 3 glasses;

• 4 chicken drumsticks;

• onion - 2 heads;

• carrot - 2 pieces;

• 1 parsley root;

• 4 branches of fresh dill and parsley;

• allspice - 6 peas;

• 2 leaves of lavrushka;

• black pepper and salt - 15 grams each.

On the noodle dough:

• egg - 3 pieces;

• flour - 14 tablespoons;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• salt - 5 grams;

• water - 30 ml.

You can make chicken stock from any part of the chicken. Soup sets are very good in this case. The broth turns out saturated, such a product is cheap. Add laurel leaves for cooking aroma. If you are going to make a vegetable passer, prepare 30-40 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the chicken stock. By the way, experienced housewives often prepare broths in their free time, filter them and freeze them, after that they only have to remove them and warm them up. So, rinse the selected parts of the chicken, put in a saucepan, pour water, add three leaves of lavrushka, cook until boiling over high heat. Remove the foam with a spoon, put one peeled carrot and onion in the broth, one sprig of parsley and dill, and well-peeled and washed parsley root, salt and cook for about an hour. When the vegetables and meat become soft, transfer them to a flat dish, strain the broth.

2. Remove chicken drumsticks from the refrigerator in advance to defrost well.

3. Knead the dough for noodles: in a bowl beat eggs with salt, pour in sunflower oil, beat well with a whisk and slowly pour in the sifted flour, stirring with a spoon first, then as it thickens with your hands. Knead the dough thoroughly on the table, pack it in a plastic bag, leave it to rest for half an hour. Roll out the “rested” dough into a thin cake. Cut the test cake with the thinnest strips of the desired thickness, leave it to dry on the table for half an hour.

4. At this time, peel the second carrot and onion, cut the carrot into a cube, and the onion into thin strips.

5. Rinse thawed thighs, remove the skin, cut the meat, and discard the bones.

6. In a pan heated with sunflower oil, put the carrots with onions, fry for three minutes, then put the meat out, fry for a few more minutes until golden brown.

7. Arrange the fried vegetables and meat in 3-4 pots, depending on their size, lay the homemade noodles on top, pour in the prepared broth, add salt and black pepper. Add two leaves of lavrushka and two peas of allspice to each pot, cover with lids and put on a leaf in the oven for 12-13 minutes at a low temperature of 170 degrees, cook until the noodles are ready.

8. Remove the prepared soup with homemade noodles in pots from the oven, put the pots on flat plates, sprinkle the broth with chopped parsley with dill, and serve hot.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade noodles: tricks and tips

• The most delicious broth is obtained from meat on bones.

• It is important that the water does not boil and boils, but languishes, then the broth will turn out to be a beautiful transparent color.

• To prevent small particles of seeds or protein foam from accidentally getting into the soup, it is advisable to strain the broth after cooking.

• Non-dried noodles during cooking can stick together, so after rolling and cutting it must be sustained directly on the countertop.

• Store pre-prepared noodles in canvas bags or a plastic bag in a well-dried form.


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