Step by step recipes for sour cream for any dessert. Manufacturing technology of sour cream with step by step recommendations


The beautiful look and unique taste of any dessert is created thanks to the cream. A cake recipe can be created independently, guided by your own taste.

It is only important to know the basic technological rules, for example, what can be changed in a step-by-step recipe without loss of quality, and what is better left unchanged.

Step-by-step recipe for sour cream - basic technological principles

  • Creams based on cream and (or) sour cream are very popular. They are light because they contain less fat than oil creams. Not everyone likes protein creams due to the fact that eggs are present in their composition - they cause allergies in some people, and it is undesirable for children to use creams based on raw egg whites.
  • Based on the basic step-by-step recipe, you can prepare sour cream with different shades of taste, adding fruit syrups, chocolate, dried fruits, nuts to the main ingredients. But any additional ingredient, interacting with the main components of the cream, can give a new shade of taste, but worsen the texture, and in the preparation of any creams it is very important to achieve the splendor and stability of the cream mass, because the cream is the decoration of the cake.
  • Sour cream belongs to the group of milk creams. This is a hint for people who are creative and thirsty for experiments: sour cream goes well with cream, and in the recipe for sour cream you can use a combination of dairy products if you need to adjust the fat content or add custard mass to sour cream. In general, when preparing any dish, it is advisable to study the biochemical properties of the products well, and in the confectionery business such knowledge is simply necessary to anticipate the result.
  • The delicate texture of sour cream has the disadvantage of instability, and for this reason the recipe is used mainly for combining cake cakes, filling cakes from custard dough. If, however, you want to decorate the surface of the cake with sour cream, then there are two options:
  • Prepare sour cream and decorate the cake with it just before serving: for a couple of hours it will retain its shape;
  • Add the gelling component to the cream. There is one caveat: gelatin has a characteristic aftertaste that does not harmonize with the sweet components of the dessert, so it is advisable to use agar to prepare sour cream soufflé. If the cake contains fruits or fruit jams, pectin is suitable for creating a stable creamy mass.

A detailed technology for making cream of sour cream is a step-by-step recipe.

The basic recipe for sour cream with vanilla (step by step)


Sour cream (30%) 750 g

Icing sugar 240 g

Vanillin 12 g

Additional components for other options for a step-by-step recipe for sour cream:

Dried apricots 250 g

Chocolate 150 g

Agar (gelatin, pectin)

Fruit syrup

Cream (33%) 200 ml

Cooking Technology:

1. Before starting work, be sure to pay attention to the quality of sour cream: it should only be fresh, with a fat content of at least 30%. Ideally - 33-36%.

In retail chains, sour cream with such a percentage of fat content is not common. Basically, the maximum fat content of natural sour cream in a film or in cups is 25%. For sour cream, you can use a natural farm product. Of course, at home it is difficult to determine the fat content in sour cream, unless indicated on the package. Focus on appearance: sour cream should have a creamy tint, be thick enough to hold its shape. Liquid sour cream contains a large amount of serum, and the cream from such a product will blur.

2. Cool the sour cream to 0-2 ° C, but in no case do not freeze. Chilled dairy products acquire a denser consistency, as they contain animal fat, which freezes when cooled.

3. Beat sour cream in a deep metal bowl. It is advisable to pre-cool the dishes before preparing the milk cream so that it does not heat up too quickly when whipped. To do this, you can hold the mixer bowl or bowl for some time in the freezer, and then transfer the sour cream to it. The second way: whip the cream by immersing a metal container in a large bowl filled with ice or very cold water.

4. It is very important to start whipping, turning on the mixer at the lowest speed, and, as the cream thickens, gradually increase it.

5. Finally, it is just as important to stop in time: as soon as sufficiently stable peaks appear on the surface of the cream, immediately turn off the mixer. If you overdo it with whipping, then the separation of whey begins: after all, in sour cream contains only 1/3 of the fat, which will separate from the whey mass and turn into oil. Try to prevent stratification. Whipping time, approximately - 10 - 12 minutes.

6. Now about powdered sugar: when to add it to sour cream and how best to do it?

Microorganisms are present in sour cream and other dairy products, for which sugar or powder is a food product. Have you noticed how quickly the process of separating fruit juice begins when sugar is added to the fruit? The same thing happens with dairy products, with the only difference being that the fruit contains more yeast. Sour-milk bacteria will begin to “eat” the sweet ingredient as soon as it is added to the sour cream, highlighting the product of its processing - carbon dioxide, which, under the influence of air, immediately forms water and a volatile component. Water will remain in the cream, make it liquid, which will greatly ruin its quality and appearance. Of course, this reaction takes some time, and so that microorganisms of this time have as little as possible, powdered sugar must be added at the last stage of whipping and in small quantities.

For those who like sweets, it’s useful to know that there is a culinary technique that allows you to create the impression that there is a lot of sugar in the dish, but in fact they only sprinkle the surface.

This culinary trick is based on knowledge of human anatomy: taste buds that recognize sweet taste are located on the tip of the tongue, so just touch them on the surface layer of the cream to send a signal to the brain - a very sweet cream! Moreover, it doesn’t matter anymore that the cream inside is not so sweet anymore.

This is a hint: it is not necessary to add a lot of sweets to the cream, but it is enough to sprinkle the cream on top of them on the cake, which will extend its shelf life and avoid rapid spread, without violating the harmony of taste.

Conclusion: add the sifted powder to the cream, using half of the prepared volume. Use the rest of the product as a powder for cream surface: with a strainer, rub the powder on a cake greased with sour cream.

7. In the step-by-step recipe, you should first indicate that vanilla cream must be combined with powdered sugar, but in this case, recommendations for adding powdered sugar are much more important. Vanillin, cinnamon or other aromatic additives, naturally need to be mixed with loose components of the cream.

8. If it is necessary to add liquid extracts for flavoring, mix them with liquid ingredients:

- Add directly to sour cream when whipping;

- Dissolve in syrup or a spoonful of milk, if you are cooking custard cream, add to the mixture at the end of cooking.

To the basic recipe for sour cream, depending on the creative intent of the homemade pastry chef, you can add additional ingredients to get a completely new step-by-step recipe for cream on sour cream. Continue to prepare the cream if you want more than an ordinary vanilla smell.

Other recipes for cream sour cream

Prepare the main cream as described in the step-by-step recipe above. The technology remains unchanged, and additional ingredients will allow you to add a touch of variety.

• Add finely chopped pieces of dried apricots, which must first be washed and dried well so that water droplets do not get into the cream. An additional component to such a cream can be Amaretto liqueur, and for decoration use thick apricot syrup.

• Based on sour cream, you can create interesting compositions with the addition of melted chocolate, cocoa, cream ice cream, honey to the main recipe. The principle of combining the components: a small part of the cream for cream, combine with any of the additional ingredients and put into the bulk at the last stage, when the cream is already whipped. After that, so that the cream does not settle, mix honey, chocolate or other additives manually, with a whisk or spatula.

• Custard made from cream and corn starch, or from fruit juice can be added to the main recipe for sour cream. Be sure to keep in mind that milk or fruit jelly should have a very dense consistency, with a minimum liquid content, and its mass in a sour cream prepared according to a basic recipe should not exceed 25%. Powdered sugar in this case must be added when brewing. The brewed mixture must be cooled before adding to the sour cream.

Step by step recipe for sour cream - useful tips

  • To remove excess moisture from the cream, add cocoa powder to it: the cream will acquire a chocolate flavor, become less moist and more stable. If you want the cream to remain white, add corn starch.
  • Stability sour cream give oil emulsion prepared in milk or cream.
  • You can prepare it like this: beat vegetable oil (50-75 ml) in a strong foam, using a blender. Then gradually add boiled chilled milk (1: 1) to it, with a thin stream, and do not stop whipping until the mass thickens. Use refined, odorless, or peanut butter to give the cream a pleasant flavor. Add the finished emulsion to whipped sour cream, mix the cream with a whisk and apply on the surface of the dessert.


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