Trampoline jumping - jump to health! The benefits and harms of trampolining, rules for preparing for trampoline training


This type of sporting activity is becoming very popular, trampoline centers are open everywhere that can be visited by both children and adults. Many people prefer to work out in the trampoline hall, because it is very useful, effective and delivers a lot of positive emotions. The experience of installing trampolines in home simulators or on sites near country houses is spreading everywhere.

A trampoline workout is a great alternative for those who are horrified to think about an early run or frankly miss you in a fitness room with conventional simulators. There are many techniques with exercises for muscle load and weight loss in the process of jumping. Since 2000, the International Olympic Committee has included trampolining as a separate sport in the Summer Olympics program.

Trampoline Health Benefits

Trampoline jumping is no less effective than hoop exercises or jumping rope. In this case, various muscle groups in the shoulder and pelvic girdle, in the press and on the legs also train, and the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened. At the same time, trampolining brings much more pleasure than training with cardio and weight training equipment. There is an interesting version about this: in ancient times, human ancestors easily jumped from branch to branch, collecting fruits or in search of refuge. And the kids were held by their mothers and also carried by running or jumping, so jumping brings a lot of joy to both children and adults.

All parents know how children like to jump on beds and pillows, or when they are thrown up in their arms. Therefore, trampolining is a great option to keep your child occupied for a long time. From this, muscles and ligaments develop faster, the musculoskeletal system is correctly formed, coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the limbs are improved. Well, to all this, a powerful release of energy occurs, appetite appears and falling asleep faster.

The obvious benefit of trampolining is at any age:

• active breathing “opens” the lungs and increases endurance;

• the vestibular apparatus is trained and a sense of balance develops, a congenital reflex is triggered in the jump, which allows you to choose the optimal body position;

• accelerated blood circulation stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss;

• various muscle groups are strengthened, including those that support the spine, posture is straightened, this helps in the prevention of scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases.

Any motor activity affects the state of the hormonal background, so it has long been noticed that regular exercise in sports positively affects the endocrine system. So, trampolining helps to improve mood and relieve stress. The feeling of jumping and flying contributes to the increased production of the “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, which causes a person to flush up unmotivated joy and positive emotions.

Trampoline training is recommended for people who are overweight or people with a weakened body after an illness during the rehabilitation period, because they affect the body in a gentle way. Ordinary uncomplicated jumps do not burden the knee and ankle joints. Everyone can determine the degree of load and duration of classes.

Interesting! Especially trampolining is suitable for those who have not practiced for a long time or do not know how to begin training. You will be able to feel the capabilities of your body and activate motor habits.

There are many types of trampolines for sports centers and home use:

• by type of manufacture - inflatable and tension;

• by area of ​​use - for group and individual lessons;

• trampoline complexes - in combination with slides, foam pits for practicing difficult jumps.

Rules for preparing for trampolining

Before class, you can take almost any food, but no later than 1-1.5 hours, otherwise you can get uncomfortable sensations in the stomach. You can drink any amount of water or juice, in accordance with their condition. Choose comfortable sportswear or cotton sets, do not forget about tight socks or Czech shoes, synthetic products can slip on the surface of the trampoline.

Well, if you can do a preliminary warm-up for 5-6 minutes to prepare and warm up the muscles. Start by warming up the joints, making turns and tilting the head, body, and circular rotations with your arms and legs. In the first minutes on the trampoline, do light jumps in place to increase your heart rate and prepare your heart muscles for further stress.

According to experts, 8-10 minutes on a trampoline replaces a 3-kilometer run in energy consumption. The optimal scheme for staying on a trampoline: several approaches up to 20 minutes. Of course, experienced trampolines do much longer, but this requires regular training 2-3 times a week. You can start visiting trampoline centers literally from a young age (3-4 years), many of them are equipped with trampolines of various sizes to organize a family stay.

During intensive training on a trampoline, you can use up 600-800 kilocalories and achieve sustainable weight loss results. Often, training on a trampoline is combined with aerobics, weight training and other types of fitness. Pro-trampolines jump from a standing position, sitting or lying down, group in flight and perform somersaults. Complicated stunt jumps with elements of gymnastic exercises are performed only under the guidance of a trainer. Be sure to follow the instructions posted in the sports facility and basic safety rules.

Harm and possible contraindications to trampolining

Adaptation can occur in different ways: some experience dizziness, nausea, and a slowing of the visual reaction, since an unusual load on the vestibular apparatus occurs. In this case, you need to rest for a few minutes or even transfer classes to another day. Do not try to master the highest trampoline right away, try to work out on more affordable ones. Thus, you can understand your own abilities and better adapt to the boundaries of the trampoline.

Trampoline exercises usually do not require special examination and health checks, but it is better to refrain from jumping if your pressure is different from normal or an exacerbation of chronic diseases occurs. You can not deal with in the postoperative or post-traumatic period until the permission of the supervising doctor.

The list of diagnoses in which it is necessary to limit jumping on a trampoline or completely abandon this: hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, bronchial asthma and respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pregnant and lactating women should be especially careful; visiting a trampoline is contraindicated in the II and III trimester of pregnancy.


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