Why dream a kiss with a guy? The main interpretation of what a kiss is with a guy


Many love to kiss. But what does a kiss in a dream mean? Why dream a kiss with a guy? It’s worth sorting out.

Why dream a kiss with a guy - the main interpretation

It is believed that to see a kiss in a dream is a waking quarrel. But it is worth completely interpreting the dream in order to catch its hidden meaning. It is important to pay attention to the following details:

What guy do you kiss in a dream;

· Do you want this kiss;

· What emotions do you feel while kissing in a dream;

· For what reason a kiss occurred.

If in a dream you kiss an ex-boyfriend, then you should worry so that your partner is full of love and care. Try to surround him with affection, otherwise you risk losing this relationship.

Such a dream can also mean that someone from the past will suddenly appear in your life and bring a lot of trouble into it. Try not to focus on negativity, look for positive points in any situation.

If a man from the past begins to actively intervene in your present life - ask him not to disturb you from now on. If this does not help, in no case do not make concessions to him. He may try to tempt you. But he does this more out of envy than out of sincere and pure feelings.

If you dream about a stranger trying to kiss you, you don’t have enough variety of sensations in your life. You really want to change something in life, embellish it, but you cannot decide what you yourself want.

Perhaps you are tired of the old relationship, and you want to meet another partner? Or you want to build strong trusting relationships with this partner. The dream book advises you to understand the true motives of your feelings and motives, otherwise it will be very difficult for you. You will be unhappy with everything that happens in your life. You will begin to look for flaws in the people who surround you.

If you dream of a kiss with a guy on the train - you will find enormous changes in life. And this applies not only to personal relationships. You will fall into the cycle of events, and will not know how to get out of it. Try to benefit from all the upcoming events of your life.

If you dream of a kiss with a guy in a public place - you have long wanted to bring something out for all to see. Perhaps you like to draw too much attention to your own person. The dream book says that now is not the right time for this. You should be more modest. Behave as permitted, otherwise your reputation may suffer.

If you dream that someone is kissing you, you turn around and it turns out to be your boyfriend - a pleasant surprise awaits you, which will be a long-awaited gift for you. To see a dream in which you kiss with your boyfriend on the bed - a split is possible in your relationship.

If you see a lot of kisses with him - the spat will be long. In order to understand the reason for the quarrel, you need to explain the whole dream. But, the dream book advises not to give the guy a reason for jealousy.

If you dream of a kiss with a guy on the lawn, a romantic meeting awaits you, which will end in sadness for you. You will not only be disappointed in it, you will not want to have a relationship with anyone for a long time. If in a dream your boyfriend gives you a ring and after that kisses you on the lips - you should not expect an offer from him in reality. Most likely, he does not even consider you as a possible partner for marriage.

The dream book advises you to think about whether you and your partner really have mutual understanding, or whether each of you stands your ground and requires too much attention for yourself. If it is true. In order not to destroy the relationship completely - it is worth sharing responsibilities in a couple.

The dream in which your friend’s boyfriend kisses you - promises you a quarrel with her and hostility. The reason for this may not be your betrayal with her lover. The reason for this will be her inability to listen and hear. Each of you will wait for support and understanding from the other. The result of this expectation will be mutual resentment. The dream book advises to maintain friendship and not pay attention to household trifles. If the issue of the quarrel is too fundamental for you - wait the storm. Everything will be resolved as you need.

If you dream that the guy first held you tightly in his arms, and then kissed - such a dream means that you will be forced to obey someone else's will. You will have to sacrifice your interests for a common purpose for some time.

If you kiss your boyfriend in a dream and feel discomfort or other negative emotions - you should expect a cooling of feelings and emotions. The reason for this will be difficult domestic issues that will simply overwhelm you. Do not shift the severity of everyday life to personal life.

Why dream about a kiss with a guy in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said, if you see a kiss of a guy and a girl, you yourself lack affection and love. You want someone to take care of you, therefore, in a dream, imagine other people between whom tender feelings arose. Dream Interpretation encourages you to reconsider your attitude to life in general.

If you dream that a stranger kisses you, you want new unforgettable emotions and relationships. You should by all means get rid of the past, from negative experience in relationships. And to attract new connections into your life that are in no way similar to the previous ones.

If you dream that a kiss with a guy interrupted a phone call - you should beware of gossip and gossip around your relationship. Someone will try in every possible way to prick you with a word, to give you inconvenience. Do not get involved in this tricky game.

If you dream of a late night walk with a guy that ended in a kiss, you will find hidden opportunities and hidden reserves. You can use all your strength to achieve your goal. Here we can talk not only about personal relationships, but also about the professional sphere.

A dream in which you will see yourself from the side kissing a guy promises you condemnation from men. If you have been trying for a long time to find a partner for yourself - such a dream portends a meeting with a dishonorable man. He will get your favor and after that he will judge you. Try not to spoil your reputation with random connections.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy on Freud’s dream book

In the dream book of Freud it is said why he has a kiss with a guy. Such a dream promises treason and betrayal. If you kiss your boyfriend in a dream, you should expect betrayal from him. If the image of another young man who kisses you appears in a dream, you yourself will betray the relationship.

Dream Interpretation claims that after such a dream you can expect to meet with men who will offer you a hectic intimate life. And you can even agree. You will make such an act more likely from despair. Since they are very tired of spending evenings alone.

A dream in which a guy kisses you in the dark promises hidden sexual fantasies that you had to satisfy for a long time. You should speak frankly with your boyfriend about preferences in intimate relationships. If your tastes diverge, the dream book advises you to understand the sincerity of feelings for a partner.

Why dream a kiss with a guy in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina says, if a pregnant girl dreams of a kiss with a guy, she will be betrayed by her beloved. But the dream book does not recommend panic. Most likely, he was just tired of everyday life and he lacks the thrill. The dream book advises to diversify communication and leisure.

The Big Dream Book says that if a guy kisses your hand, you can get a rich and generous boyfriend who will turn your life into a holiday. You can spend a lot of carefree and joyful time with him. But the boyfriend will not be focused on a serious relationship; rather, he will be interested in easy flirting and free relations.

Aesop’s dream book says that kissing with an ex-boyfriend promises more trouble than happy events. Such a dream speaks about the intentions of the ex-boyfriend to reappear in your life. Most likely, the relationship has already become obsolete, and your return to them will bring only pain and disappointment.

Whatever the dream, do not shift the responsibility for your own actions to it. Dreams are called upon to guide and guide in the right or the easiest way. You yourself live your own life, having dream assistants.


Watch the video: WHAT IS NEW! Kiss Dream Meaning & Interpretation (June 2024).