Communication in the virtual and real world - two big differences! Features of virtual communication in the opinion of a psychologist: who needs it?


In our country, more and more people are becoming, especially young and middle-aged, to join this invaluable good of civilization.

Less and less, we began to go to the good old mail, buy mail envelopes, send telegrams ... Even money can be sent through the postal services of the Network.

What is not in the virtual?

Now we compare real communication and what we have in virtual, that is, on the Internet. Talking with a person, we either at a subconscious level, or with the help of acquired knowledge, catch and interpret non-verbal signs coming from the interlocutor.

Of great importance is the expression on his face, look, intonation. For example, the phrase “I want to give you this” can be pronounced with logical emphasis on the first word: “I want to give you this”, on the second: “I want to give you this”, on the third: “I want to give you this”, and on the fourth and fifth. Depending on this, the information will carry a different meaning.

Talking on the phone, we can not see the interlocutor, therefore, we do not perceive his posture, gestures, expression of eyes. But in most cases, we “see” a smile and take note of intonation, which is a big plus.

And what about the Internet? If we don’t talk about Skype, we are not only unable to hear a lively voice with all its modulations and shades of intonation, but we don’t even know who we are talking to. That is, we don’t even have that minimum of information that the phone gives. Well, except that we can have an idea of ​​the degree of knowledge of the Russian language - and more!

Then why is it that about half of the population of our country prefers to click on the keyboard, instead of taking an ordinary pen and a sheet of paper?

Reasons for Virtual Communication

One of the most important reasons is inadequate social circle in real life, that is, in ordinary life. For example, a person works at home, goes out a little and suffers from loneliness. About those who, due to their physical condition, find it difficult to speak or are confined to a wheelchair, and we won’t talk about it - it’s understandable, for them this is almost the only window to the big world.

... Emma Fedorovna, a former cultural worker, received a serious stroke several years ago. Through the efforts of doctors, she was able to return her speechlessness and clarity of thinking, but, alas, she still cannot leave her apartment. Here is her story: “As if the whole world had turned upside down for me. There are no children, my husband left me a long time ago, my friends are busy with their own business ... I simply lost the meaning of life - who needs me, old and sick? Meanwhile, my head it works fine, I feel mentally young, but physically decrepit. The only outlet I saw was the purchase of a computer, my fingers and eyesight were normal. I thought and thought where to get the money for such an expensive pleasure and found a way out! I exchanged my one-bedroom apartment for a one-room apartment with a surcharge - and so Now I can communicate with anyone, about anything and as much as my soul desires! I was reborn to life, made many friends, and not only among Russians, I received a lot of advice about my health and I am pleased to speak with new friends "for life" .

Other very important reasons include the ability to realize a dormant acting ability. It seems that many users of the World Wide Web are familiar with the feeling of a certain euphoria when they, as if by magic, turn into a young coquette, now into a reckless macho, now into a “young man who is considering life,” then into a bored lady ... it is impossible to play so many roles in a few hours or even days, unless you buy a bunch of wigs and hire a make-up artist. But on the Internet, such miracles are common! Wearing a virtual mask, a person changes internally, and sometimes externally, he is full of confidence in his abilities: he would have - because he is both a director and an actor to himself!

There are often advertisements on the Web for free legal, medical, and other types of assistance. You do not need to be shy and nervous to contact a specialist: After all, a virtual consultation is usually anonymous, and you can talk about your problems openly, without hiding. It’s a sin to hide, it’s unlikely that the most comprehensive, qualified help will come to you in a virtual manner, but at least tell about the problems and get the most general recommendations and advice on who to contact - and it’s not bad! Do not be offended if the answer seems to you only as a formal reply: if it is a matter of health, then indeed, correspondence consultation in most cases is impossible. Take this with understanding and take note of what the expert advises.

If you are interested in any questionfor example, “who is Leonardo da Vinci?”, you can, without leaving your home, without rummaging through libraries and directories, simply turn to the search engine. And that’s it! You will receive not only comprehensive information about this genius of the Renaissance, but also, after reading a lot of articles, and get acquainted with his life and work.

Not everyone has the desire and ability to adapt to external conditions, but to manage them fully is possible, where? Of course, on the web!

Who is on the side of the screen?

Well, frequent guests on the Internet - single or "disliked" individuals of both sexes. However, do not really be reassured: it can be just seekers for an easy, non-binding virtual flirting.

Communicating in Wirth, you can find like-minded people, discuss professional issues, share thoughts.

A certain Alexander, a design engineer, could not find support in his team, moreover, his invention did not interest anyone at all. But he could not leave the idea: too much energy and skill was invested in it. "Maybe I’ve gotten something wrong? Where can I find a more qualified specialist?" - tormented the man with questions. The decision to look for colleagues on the Internet was a success: a long and interesting discussion, and most importantly, a discussion that was useful to Alexander, developed!

So, there is a benefit in virt! However, lively communication is much more constructive. Do not think that only beautiful, smart, professional, honest, kind, happy and happy people are sitting and waiting for you on the network.


Watch the video: The 3 Models of Communication (June 2024).