Chokeberry jelly: a healthy dessert and a supply of vitamins for the winter. Options for chokeberry jelly with and without gelatin


Jelly - as we thought in childhood, this is magic that can make all our dreams come true. I emphasize: delicious dreams. This dish caters to everyone: both children and adults. For a child, this is a colorful miracle, for parents - popular ingredients, ease and speed of preparation. But, like any dish, this sweetness has its own cooking rules, which we will learn about today.

General principles for the preparation of chokeberry jelly

As you know, jelly is popular not only in Russia. It occupies an honorable place mainly on children's tables, no matter what nationality, tables. Originally jelly was invented in France in the 16-17th century. And you can imagine that jelly became fragrant and unusually colorful only by 1985 in America, thanks to Per White, who perfected the ingredients of the standard recipe.

The basis of jelly is gelatin, which helps to solidify the desired shape. This takes time, which is also the main "ingredient" of the recipe. This fact is explained by the fact that it depends on the time whether your jelly will be useful and safe for health. After all, you can go to the store and buy ready-made gelatin with specific fruits, but they carry nothing useful in themselves. It has been proven by many programs, doctors and experiments even at home that such finished jelly bags do not contain natural chopped fruits. Moreover, having trusted in unreliable store products, you can poison or poison a child. Therefore, we offer you a safer old way, as they say "grandmother", of delicious cooking - a recipe with homemade fruit. Of course, you won’t be able to make gelatin yourself, but in this you can already trust in store products.

The number of recipes may depend on the variety of fruits, and recently began to combine colors, creating unusual beauty and a variety of recipes. To date, counted more than two dozen varieties of jelly. Most often, home cooks, pastry chefs use fruits such as: strawberries, raspberries, lemon, cherries and many others. This is due to the presence of bright color and a pleasant taste. But rarely, cooks remember about such a fruit as mountain ash. But in vain! Chokeberry jelly contains a large amount of vitamin, and such energy values ​​(per serving):

• 18.8 proteins;

• 136.7 carbohydrates;

• 2.5 fats.

And also a high calorie content - 689.5. Chokeberry jelly can be prepared in any country, anywhere, as with the current civilization it will be enough to go to a fresh or frozen fruit shop and buy the right amount.


Let's move on to the most interesting part - cooking. Everything is very simple, there is nothing complicated. Since varieties of jelly recipes for chokeberry have no special names, although the recipes differ from each other, we will simply number them. The similarity of each recipe is in three main ingredients: juice, sugar and gelatin. In almost every recipe, the means at hand are repeated:

• 2 bowls;

• sieve;

• pusher;

• sterile jars.

First of all, when you select the right ingredients, decide what kind of gelatin you will work with. There are two types of purchased gelatin: standard (regular) and instant. Standard gelatin should be poured with water half an hour before cooking and set aside. Instant gelatin is poured with warm water and stirred with speed.

Recipe 1. Gelatin-free chokeberry jelly

Go to the ingredients:

• 2,500 g of chokeberry;

• 1 g sugar;

• 3 glasses of water.

1. If you have frozen berries, then first of all you need to wait until they melt.

2. Pour peeled berries from twigs and leaves into a bowl, pour water. Rinse the berries thoroughly.

3. Move the already clean berries into a second bowl. Add 3 cups of water to the berries. We leave everything on the included stove, the temperature of which should be moderately strong.

4. After boiling, mountain ash should stand on fire for 30-40 minutes. Boil the berries, mix in parallel at this moment.

5. Remove from the stove. We prepare the juice in this way: we push the berries with a nudge, passing their juice through a sieve. The remaining cake after can be thrown out, leaving a small amount of pulp.

6. The pulp and the remaining juice are boiled with sugar for about 15 minutes. The amount of sugar is up to you. If you want to make less sweet jelly, 1 kg per mass will be enough.

7. Pour the resulting tasty solution into sterile jars and let us rely on time, leaving dessert in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Aronia jelly with apple


• 1 kg of mountain ash (aronia);

• 1 kg sweet and sour apples;

• 0.5 kg of sugar;

• 1.2 L pure water.

Variety in the form of apples will make the dessert difficult jelly from chokeberry.

1. For previously thawed, washed and peeled mountain ash, boil in saline for about 10 minutes. After, caress.

2. We clean apples and the regimen into small slices.

3. Pour all the fruit into one pan and fill it with water until the ingredients are completely covered. Turn on the fire and within 30 minutes the fruits will take the desired form.

4. Squeeze the fruit with gauze. Pour out a little water.

5. Add lemon juice, sugar.

6. Stirring everything, turn on the fire again.

7. About an hour should mix the mixture and remove the foam until it takes a thick look.

8. It remains only to pour in the molds and wait for the results of the refrigerator.

Forms in the form of some figures look very nice.

Recipe 3. Chokeberry gelatin with gelatin

To prepare a delicious jelly from aronia, you will need:

• 1 kg of mountain ash;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 600 ml of cold water;

• 200 grams of gelatin.

Cooking progress:

1. First of all, soak 200 grams of gelatin in 100 ml of cold water.

2. We turn to the pan, in which you need to pour half a liter of water and 150 grams of sugar.

3. After the water boils, we can throw the peeled mountain ash. During boiling, it is advisable to remove the foam. On low heat rowan should cook for 10 minutes. Soon, turn off the heat and add the swollen gelatin to the pan and mix until the water in the pan becomes warm.

4. When the syrup has cooled, you can pour jelly that has not yet thickened into molds or dishes. The cooling process of jelly occurs in the refrigerator, according to 4-5 hours.

You can decorate the dish with the same berry - mountain ash, placing it on top of the frozen jelly and a drop of butter, for beauty.

Recipe 4. Jelly from jam with chokeberry


• Purchased gelatin 2 tbsp. spoons;

• Cold boiled water;

• 1 kg of chokeberry berries;

• A little rowan jam (amount to taste)

Cooking progress:

1. We take capacity. We put 2 tablespoons of gelatin in it and fill it with cold boiled water. Mix thoroughly and in about an hour the gelatin should swell.

2. After an hour, pour the water with gelatin into the pan, where it will return to normal in a couple of minutes. While gelatin is being prepared, we can prepare the juice of chokeberry: we place the adapted mountain ash for cooking in a sieve, which stands on a deep plate, and squeeze the juice using a rolling pin. Waste cake of mountain ash can be thrown out.

3. Pour juice into a pan with gelatin and mix.

4. The peculiarity of this recipe is that instead of sugar, rowan jam is added to the syrup, the amount of which depends on you, that is, to taste, you get more than 3 tablespoons.

5. Stir until boiling.

6. After half an hour, the cord mixture cooled slightly, overflowing into pre-cooked dishes. But remember that the dishes must be deep!

7. Using a small sieve we remove gelatin balls or excess pulp from jam from the dishes. In other words, we clean and tidy up the beauty of the dessert.

8. Send the dessert to the refrigerator and wait for the full thickening.

Recipe 5 Jelly from Aronia for the winter

If you want to stock up on a healthy product for the winter, follow this recipe. But do not forget to prepare cans with lids for preservation. It is advisable to sterilize or fry them well.


800g rowan berries;

650 sugar;

4 tbsp. l gelatin;

1.2 liters of drinking water.

Cooking progress:

The berries are placed in a saucepan, and well wrinkle them with your hands.

Pour the juice into another container, fill the cake with water, put it on top of it. It needs to be boiled for 15 minutes.

Next, with the help of gauze and a colander, filter it. Add sugar to the resulting broth, boil for 7 minutes.

We pour 1 cup of compote, and dissolve the gelatin in it and pour it into the compote.

Pour the mountain ash juice there.

Boil another 5 minutes. Pour the finished, but not yet frozen jelly into the prepared jars.

We cover with iron covers, you can begin to roll up.

After cooling, do not forget to send the cans to the basement or to the refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Chokeberry Jelly: Natural


• 1 kg of chokeberry berries;

• 700 g of sugar;

• 500g of water.

Cooking progress:

1. Cooking berries: peel, put in a bowl and pour boiling water.

2. When the ingredients are sufficiently boiled, sit out with gauze.

3. Add all the sugar. Turn on a slow fire.

4. After 15 minutes of boiling, it can be poured into sterilized jars.


1. When pouring the finished liquid into sterilized jars or molds, use a sieve.

2. For a diet dessert, you should add less sugar, since the fruits contain a sufficient amount of glucose.

3. Jelly from chokeberry and similar desserts with this berry are prescribed by doctors to those people who have brittle nails and hair.

4. If you want to make gelatin-free jelly, you can use pectin.

Aronia itself brings pressure to a normal state, strengthens the immune system and normalizes blood circulation.


Watch the video: How to Make Chokecherry Jam (June 2024).