Alkaline water is good for health - true or false? Everything science knows about the benefits of alkaline water and its dangers


Water is the source of life, and the human body is its most perfect manifestation. It consists of 70% water, with an average pH range of biological fluids 7.3-7.8. It is the pH value that is one of the most important qualities of the water used.

What is alkaline water?

The pH value measures the acidity of the medium in values ​​from 0 (completely acidic) to 14 (completely alkaline).

At the same time, both negative acidity indicators and more than 20 are technically possible. A pH value of 7 is considered neutral.

Roughly speaking, alkaline water has a slightly higher pH level than ordinary drinking or tap water.

That is, the pH is greater than 7, and some, now popular, “designer” brands advertise water with pH values ​​of 8, 9 and higher.

Mechanism of action

The body is structured in such a way that it is independently capable of maintaining acid-base balance in the required range. It is in a slightly alkaline environment that human organs are most easily able to function, remove toxins and waste products. At the same time, resources and energy are spent on maintaining equilibrium. The need to do this around the clock keeps the body in constant tension.

To answer the main question, it makes sense to answer a broader question: how does your diet affect the acid-base balance of your body?

The life of a modern person is often active, resulting in neglect of the choice of food and drink. Naturally, over time you have to pay for it with health. Fast foods and junk drinks, poor diet, fatty and meaty foods, smoking, sugar and alcohol, stress, advertising that constantly bombard the mind, and many other factors can directly and indirectly affect the acid-base balance, namely lowering the pH. Other foods, such as potassium-rich fruits and vegetables, increase pH.

During digestion, nutrients are secreted, and some by-products are formed. They are either acidic or alkaline. For example, when your body metabolizes protein, it forms sulfuric acid. In addition, when your body metabolizes potassium, it forms bicarbonate, an alkaline compound.

At the same time, it is more difficult for the body to cope with increased acidity. It is the acidity of the body, according to scientists, is the result of many diseases and rapid aging. And when they talk about acidity, they often mean the pH of the blood. Because different parts of the body have different pH values. What to do to prevent the stage when chronic diseases appear?

Obviously, you won’t be able to deal with everything at once. It is impossible to simply be sealed in a cocoon, fencing off from the aggressive environment of the outside world. But you can start with a simple: careful attitude to food and drinks. About 80% of the food and drink of a modern Russian is acidic. And the easiest way to help your body in the processes of acid neutralization is to use alkaline water.

What is alkaline water good for?

In nature, water passing through the thickness of the soil is enriched with oxygen, minerals and acquires an alkaline reaction.

It should be noted right away that alkaline water is not a panacea. It can be consumed only in small quantities. Your doctor will tell you the exact number, but on average it is about 500-600 ml / day. At the same time, you need to "accustom" your body gradually, starting from 200 ml / day, increase the dosage for a month.

One of the claims associated with the use of such water is that it is better absorbed by the body than ordinary water. Confirmation of this is a small study that was conducted in 2010. The bottom line was that 38 young and healthy people consumed regular or alkaline (pH 10) water for a month. Researchers reported that those who drank alkaline water had more alkaline blood and urine and had a more hydrated body.

This is a promising conclusion, but the usefulness of regular consumption of alkaline water should be further confirmed by larger studies. But it should be noted that in Italy, France and Germany, the percentage of alkaline mineral water consumption is much higher than in other European countries.

In general, alkaline water can reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. The idea here is that increasing the acid level in the body (in the long run) can draw calcium from the skeleton, making the bones less strong. There have been many studies in this area, albeit with mixed results.

Also, if you suffer from acid reflux (heartburn), alkaline water can help. Researchers conducted a test with alkaline water (pH 8.8) and discovered deactivated pepsin, a gastric enzyme that is one of the main culprits for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Alkaline water will help you get a similar effect with antacids.

Regular use can give such results:

• Neutralization and removal of acidic waste, slag and toxins;

• Balancing the acid-base balance;

• Strengthening immunity;

• Slowing down the aging process;

• Normalization of metabolism;

• Reducing the intensity of the symptoms of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;

• General improvement, vigor, increased mental abilities;

• Destruction of free radicals.

And also, if you want to lose weight and lose extra pounds, drink alkaline water. The theory behind this statement is that the body uses fat cells to protect against acid. Thus, using alkaline water, your body no longer needs defenders in the form of fat cells and gets rid of them.

It’s best to drink this water in the morning, on an empty stomach.

What is harmful alkaline water

By far, the most convincing benefit seems to be bone health. Is she safe? Are there any side effects? Alkaline water is generally considered safe. The main disadvantage is that it is somewhat more expensive than tap water, and the costs may not be justified.

It is also impossible to make it the main choice of water, as already noted above. Around-the-clock use of alkaline water is like constantly pushing antacids into the body. A high pH can neutralize the effects of acid in the stomach, thereby causing some digestive problems. It can irritate the eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

Salts that are contained in mineral, alkaline water can accumulate and provoke the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink such water for people who suffer from urinary tract diseases and diabetics.

Abuse of alkaline water can cause metabolic alkalosis, the symptoms of which are: confusion, nausea, vomiting, hand tremor, tingling in the face and limbs.

In general, alkaline water has little effect on most people, while it is more expensive than ordinary. The easiest way to try alkaline water is to add 1/8 tsp. soda in a glass of neutral water. In any form, alkaline water is good to drink and can provide some benefits - and probably no serious drawbacks.


Watch the video: Alkaline Food Diets: Does it Work? UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (June 2024).