Alla Pugacheva told why she and her husband were less likely to be in the world


Alla Pugacheva, who recently became a mother, told why she and her husband, Maxim Galkin, began to appear less often at various gatherings. The reason for this turned out to be that they preferred to be with children for social events. She and Maxim take care of the children in turn. Every time one of them is obliged to attend a particular program or program, the other is left to sit with the children.

Recall that in the family of Galkin-Pugacheva last fall, twins were born Harry and Lisa. Since then, they have become real stars of the television screen: the whole country has been watching the broadcast with their participation. Given that the health of the twins should be supervised with particular care, especially with regard to their weight gain, the children are under the constant supervision of pediatricians, who note that the kids are far ahead of their peers in their development. Star parents devote twins all their time. However, each child has his own personal nanny.


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