Indoor fern: benefits and harms, care tips. Amazing facts about the effects of ferns on humans, their benefits and harms


Lovers of comfort in the house and indoor flowers are increasingly giving preference to home fern.

What attracts them to this amazing plant? Unusual appearance or its useful properties?

Description and characteristic of indoor fern

Fern belongs to the family of ferns, which are distributed throughout the world. Indoor fern is an unpretentious and ornamental plant, with wide and spreading leaves.

One of the characteristic features of the fern is its lack of seeds. Despite this, the plant has the ability to multiply due to the presence of special spores (soruses) near its roots.

The appearance of the fern is very different from the usual indoor flowers. The leaves of the plant look like dissected feathers. The color of indoor fern is usually light green, and its height can reach 1 meter.

The benefits of indoor fern

Fern has many useful properties. The root of this plant is widely used in folk medicine, and amazing leaves are used in cooking.

Ordinary indoor fern absorbs dust perfectly and purifies the air. In addition, the flower neutralizes electromagnetic rays that come from the TV, computer monitor, microwave. By putting a pot with this plant in close proximity to a source of electromagnetic radiation, you can get rid of headaches, fatigue and many other consequences of using electronics.

Fern in the treatment: properties and benefits

In addition to absorbing electromagnetic rays and dust particles, fern is widely used in folk medicine, as it has a painkiller, diuretic and laxative effect, and also removes all harmful toxins from the body.

Particular attention is paid to the root of this plant. A variety of preparations for the treatment of helminthiasis, removal of tapeworm and tapeworm are prepared from different parts of the home fern.

With the help of fern, varicose veins are treated, as well as increase immunity and strengthen the body. Salted fern shoots perfectly relieve stress and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Powder from fern root is used to eliminate inguinal hernia in men.

It should be noted that fern has a lot of useful qualities, therefore it is used in the treatment of cancer, disruption of the digestive tract, oophoritis, ulcer, rheumatism and migraine.

How to care for a fern that does not harm him?

Having decided to purchase a house fern, you need to consider that he, like any plant, needs a list of conditions important for the successful development and life. Fern will not feel good in a house in which the following conditions are not met:

1. Lighting

2. Air temperature

3. Watering regularity

4. Humidity

For a home fern, the optimum temperature is 15-24 degrees. If the temperature of the habitat of ferns in the house is below 12 or above 25, then with a high probability the plant will wilt.

An important point for the life of a fern is air humidity. The plant will feel good in a space with 40-60% air humidity. In order to increase the humidity in the room, you can purchase a special air humidifier, but just spray the leaves of the plant regularly enough.

As for watering, it all depends on the season and humidity in the house. Basically, fern is watered 1-2 times a week, but you can focus on soil moisture: when the soil in the flowerpot has dried, you can water it. It should be noted that such amounts of watering are optimal, since dry and too moist soil can lead to harmful consequences for the plant. Excessive watering, for example, will lead to rotting of the roots of the flower. Also, fern needs watering exclusively with “soft” water. To do this, let the water infuse for several days at room temperature.

Florists often like to fertilize their plants, but does a fern need it? Of course. To fertilize this flower, it is enough to add mineral or organic fertilizers once a month. It is important to consider that the winter season does not fertilize ferns.

If we consider the issue of lighting in which this plant will be comfortable living, it is important to consider that the fern does not like direct sunlight. Due to excessive sunlight, the leaves of the flower may fade and turn yellow. The best place for a fern is a flower stand. It provides diffused sunlight that is comfortable for this plant.

Fern signals the need for transplantation with light green leaves, but such signs are often found only in young shoots. Usually, the plant is transplanted once every two to three years in the spring, when the flower ceases to fit in its pot.

Fern Species

The fern family includes more than a thousand varieties of this plant. But which ones can be grown at home? The following species of fern are adapted for life in close proximity to people:

• Nephrolepis

This type of fern is famous for its unpretentiousness. It performs well the decorative function of indoor plants, forming a lush and sprawling bush. Also, one of the advantages of this type is its rapid growth.

• Blehnum

This type of fern family, has similarities with a palm tree and requires a lot of space in the house.

• Adiantum

This species is also called "Venus hair", as it has fairly thin stems and small leaves. Unlike the brothers described above, it needs careful care and self-care.

What harm can a fern do?

Ordinary indoor fern does not do much harm. The only points that can be identified are an allergic reaction to this flower, which is quite rare, and the release of carbon dioxide by it. As for the second statement, this paragraph applies to all indoor plants, as they absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, which can cause headaches and dizziness in humans. Avoid harmful effects can be very simple - do not put a flower in the bedroom.

If an indoor fern standing in a flowerpot does not do much harm, then eating or treating a home flower can be harmful to human health, and also has contraindications. It is important to note that fern is a poisonous plant.

It should be noted that the intake of tinctures and decoctions based on indoor fern can lead to intoxication of the body. When poisoning with fern agents, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and fainting are characteristic. In case of a sad outcome of the use of the plant, it is necessary to quickly remove it from the body and cleanse the stomach.

It is strictly forbidden to take homemade cactus for food or for treatment purposes if the following factors are present:

• Pregnancy

• Diseases of the kidneys and liver

• Age up to two years

• tuberculosis

• Weakened immune system

• Anemia

• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage of development

Given all the above recommendations, the fern will not only decorate the house, but also give the household members benefits and positive emotions.


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