Oatmeal cookies without baking - no oven needed! Cooking healthy and tasty oatmeal cookies without baking at home


Oatmeal cookies are one of the most useful flour products. Here's the recipe for making such a treat without baking in the oven. Many attribute it to fitness treats, but this is not entirely true. Sugar in most variants is also contained in considerable quantities.

Oatmeal cookies without baking - general principles of preparation

Since cookies are cooked without baking, you need to choose a good oatmeal. It is undesirable to take oatmeal and other large flakes for a long cooking, they swell very poorly in the absence of a sufficient amount of liquid. It is better to use crayons and soft oatmeal for cookies without baking. It's okay if a lot of flour and scrap is collected at the bottom of the bag.

What else can be added:

· butter;


· dried fruits;

Cocoa powder or chocolate



Cookies are usually formed with hands, often small balls are made. But you can sculpt figures of any other shape. It is advisable to roll the formed products into something so that they become dry on top and do not stick to anything. Cookies are usually put in the refrigerator, it will get stronger there. You can also store in it by moving it into a container.

Oatmeal cookies without baking with cocoa powder

One of the basic recipes for oatmeal cookies without baking, it is with cocoa, but not quite chocolate, a small amount of powder is added. If you want to make dark and fragrant cookies, then safely add more, but you will have to reduce oatmeal or add a little more oil.


2 cups of oatmeal;

3 tsp cocoa;

0.5 tsp vanilla sugar;

· 2/3 cup regular sugar;

2 tsp water;

100 g of oil;

· 0.5 tbsp. powders.

Cooking method

1. Take a dry bowl. We send flakes into it. If they are still large, then you can first put it in a bag and roll it with a rolling pin. Then we fall asleep.

2. Add cocoa and granulated sugar to the flakes, the powder will be used for the final sprinkling of the formed cookies. Immediately pour vanilla sugar or a pinch of crystalline vanillin. Stir the dry ingredients thoroughly.

3. The oil must be very well softened. If it remains harsh, then use a microwave, but do not heat it. We turn on the defrost mode for several minutes. Transfer the oil to a dry mixture.

4. Start kneading cookies. We rinse it with our hands, the sugar begins to melt, gradually the dry mixture begins to collect, pour in a little water.

5. Roll small balls out of the prepared dough. You can leave it like that or flatten it. Bread in icing sugar. You can use any other sprinkles, such as cookies, seeds or cocoa powder.

6. Put the cookies on a flat surface (board, dish) and send for half an hour to the refrigerator.

Dried oatmeal cookies with dried fruits

The recipe is for a very healthy oatmeal cookie without sugar, but dried fruit is also needed. Instead of dried apricots and raisins, you can take something else. The amount of oatmeal is approximate, it may vary slightly, it all depends on the moisture content of dried fruits.


200 g dried apricots;

· One and a half glasses of oatmeal;

150 g of raisins;

· 2 tablespoons of honey;

100 g of oil;

· Boned cocoa or cookies, nuts.

Cooking method

1. Pour dried apricots with raisins with warm water, leave for ten minutes. You do not need to speed up the soaking process using boiling water, this will only spoil the dried fruits. They should soak a little, then squeeze and grind. We use a combine or a meat grinder. If dates will be used, then you do not need to soak them, just take out the bone.

2. Add softened butter, honey, but you can also without it, since dried fruits are sweet in themselves. In any case, you can always try and adjust the taste.

3. Stir and add oatmeal. We make soft dough, which is convenient to sculpt.

4. Roll the balls out of it, make cookies. Roll it into something dry. We put it in the refrigerator or even in the freezer, let it harden a little.

Dark Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Chocolate version of cookies without oatmeal baking. Cocoa is present in the recipe, but it is used only for sprinkling.


100 g of chocolate

120 g of oil;

· 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;

2.5 tablespoons of cocoa;

· 2 tbsp. flakes;

A pinch of vanilla;

· 2 tablespoons of powder.

Cooking method

· Put half the butter in a bowl, put in a water bath. Open the chocolate, break it into pieces, pour it into the butter. All this needs to be melted, but it is undesirable to overheat. Remove from heat.

· Mix the oatmeal and sugar, put the vanilla, softened butter and pour the chocolate mass. We begin to stir. No need to worry if it seems to be liquid, chocolate will harden soon. Also, you do not need to put the "dough" in the refrigerator, otherwise you won’t get anything out of it, it will clutch into a ball.

· We wait a few minutes, then divide the mass into slices, sculpt cookies, spread in one layer. It is better to use the film immediately, the mass is well removed from it and nothing gets dirty.

· Mix powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Through a strainer, cover all the cookies on top. Then gently turn over to the second side and sprinkle as well. We transfer to the refrigerator, let it stand for a bit.

Oatmeal cookies without baking with cocoa and cognac

This variant of cookies is also with butter. Since the recipe is without baking, it is undesirable to replace this ingredient with margarine. Cognac will give the delicacy a noble taste and a light aroma of walnut.


110 g of sugar;

A couple glasses of oatmeal;

2 tablespoons of cocoa

· 1.5 tablespoons of cognac;

· 0.5 packs of oil;

Crumbled cookies or dusting powder.

Cooking method

1. Oil in a pack is not always 200 grams. If there are only 180 in it, then we use more than half. Soften it in the heat.

2. Oatmeal slightly roll a rolling pin to knead a little. Combine with prescription sugar, pour cocoa powder to them. Mix.

3. Enter the oatmeal oil with cognac. Rub the mixture thoroughly until it is collected. If suddenly the mass does not stick together, then add 1-2 tablespoons of water, knead until plasticine is obtained.

4. Hands form cookies of any size and shape. So that it does not stick, you can slightly wet your hands with water, but not much, otherwise the dust will melt.

5. For boning, you can crush any dry cookies or just take a little powdered sugar. It turns out very tasty with nuts. To enhance the aroma, they need to be fried, and then ceiling or chopped in a convenient way (with a blender, knife, use a grater).

Oatmeal cookies without baking with cottage cheese

For such a healthy and tasty oatmeal cookies you will need cottage cheese. Of course, it turns out tastier with a fatty product, but you can also take dietary cottage cheese. This version of cookies is cocoa-free, it’s vanilla. But if desired, you can use orange or lemon zest, just chop well before adding.


· A pack of cottage cheese;

· 3 tablespoons of sugar (as much as possible);

· 1 bag of vanilla sugar;

2 cups of oatmeal;

50 grams of oil;

Coconut flakes or cookies.

Cooking method

1. Cottage cheese needs to be well ground. If the product is not dry, then you can grind it immediately with softened oil on the back of the spoon. Add vanilla and granulated sugar. We continue to bring everything to homogeneity. Once the sugar has melted, the mass will become noticeably thinner.

2. Fall asleep oatmeal. Stir, leave the mass on the table for about ten minutes. If she does not want to stick together, then add a little water. Cream, milk or sour cream. Here, the humidity of the cottage cheese, that is, its consistency, plays a huge role.

3. We make small oatmeal cookies. Powdered sugar is ideal for sprinkling. We put the formed products in the refrigerator. Since the product contains perishable cottage cheese, it is undesirable to keep cookies in a warm place for a long time.

Oatmeal cookie cake without baking

Without baking, you can make not only oatmeal cookies themselves, but also cakes from it. That is, we buy cookies in the store, and then we collect amazingly delicious and full-time cake. Additionally, you will need bananas and sour cream for cream. It is advisable to use a split mold for such a dessert.


600 g of cookies

700 g of sour cream 25%;

· a cup of coffee;

· 0.3 tbsp. Sahara;

4-5 bananas

· 0.5 bar of chocolate;

A bag of vanilla.

Cooking method

1. Oatmeal cookies usually contain a lot of sugar, so put a little in the cream. Pour sand into sour cream, add vanillin, stir and until put in the refrigerator.

2. We cover the demountable form. Cooking cookies. It is better to cut it in half to get plates. We cut bananas in circles of about the same thickness. We just rub the chocolate.

3. Coffee needs to be prepared and cooled. It is necessary for impregnation, but it is not necessary to soak oatmeal cookies strongly.

4. Dip the pieces of cookies very quickly, shake off the coffee, put the layer into the mold, cover with cream, spread the bananas, then moisten the cookies again, repeat the layers. We remove the form for two hours in the refrigerator. Better weather the night.

5. Remove the cake from the mold, grease with the rest of the cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Oatmeal cookies without baking - useful tips and tricks

· Oatmeal mass, which is obtained by mixing the ingredients, can be used not only for cookies, but also for cakes. It will make a good base for cheesecake. Just do not forget the "cakes" after the formation to cool, so that they take the final consistency. By the way, if you can’t knead them by hand, then you can roll out the dough between sheets of parchment, put them in the refrigerator with them. Get cakes of ideal thickness.

· Of great importance in the perception of taste is the aroma. Do not forget to add vanilla, zest, aromatic essences to the confectionery.


Watch the video: How to Make No Bake Oatmeal Cookies. Cookie Recipe. (June 2024).