Let us talk about potency: will peanuts help a man to be strong? The benefits and harms of peanuts for men's health


General information

Peanuts, underground nuts or peanuts are not nuts at all. From a botanical point of view, peanuts are legumes. Peanuts are classified as nuts because they look and behave in the kitchen and in cooking more like nuts than legumes such as lentils or peas. And, although the article is not about botany, it is important to know for people who are allergic to nuts. They can safely and safely eat peanuts. Conversely, people who are allergic to peanuts can eat nuts. There are several important roles for peanuts in many areas of the world. So, in Africa, peanuts have a vital nutritional function because they contain a large amount of protein and healthy fats. A large percentage of the annual peanut crop is pressed to produce peanut butter, pale yellow, odorless butter with a very high boiling point. It is ideal for frying.

Peanut Health Benefits for Men

Peanut pod usually contains two, rarely three, kernels. Each core is small in size, so you should not be deceived by the large size of the pod itself. The kernel contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which well support the heart health of both men and women. A sufficient amount of these substances leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Proteins, which are found in extremely large quantities in peanuts, are essential for the health of cells in the human body. Cells are constantly being replaced and restored. In order for the replacement and restoration process to proceed normally, protein is needed.

Peanuts contain high concentrations of antioxidant polyphenols, coumarinic and oleic acid, which protect the heart and prevent the accumulation of free radicals. By reducing the production of carcinogenic nitrogenous amines, the risk of developing stomach cancer is reduced. Resveratrol prevents heart attacks by increasing nitric oxide production. It is worth noting that antioxidants become more active when cooking peanuts. A twofold increase in biochanin A and a 4-fold increase in the content of genistein are noted. They, in turn, reduce the damage caused by free radicals produced in the body.

Useful minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium, etc. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Peanuts also help fight nerve diseases, Alzheimer's, and infections. The vitamin E found in peanuts helps maintain the integrity of the cells of the mucous membrane and skin. Tocopherol protects them from free radicals, which cause great damage. A complex of vitamins B, such as: niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, pantothenic acid - also make a significant contribution to the health of the body.

For a man, this all means that ...

Due to the diversity of its composition, peanuts can have a very significant positive effect on the male body. For example, with heavy physical exertion, which is associated with any professional activity, sports or outdoor activities, peanuts can recharge energy and help restore and build muscle. The action is determined by the presence of methionine in the peanut, an amino acid that takes part in the synthesis of adrenaline.

Contrary to its nondescript appearance, peanuts have a high calorie content. This can be useful, for example, on a camping trip when there is no time for a halt, and a small snack of peanuts can well compensate for energy consumption. B vitamins will be useful in an aggressive emotional environment, with a predominant negative effect and in case of overwork. However, with a sedentary lifestyle, this property will play a cruel joke: the accumulation of excess carbohydrate and its conversion to fat will begin, which can lead to a set of excess body weight, obesity, etc.

All the positive properties of peanuts as a whole result in stabilization of the hormonal background of a man and, as a result, in a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere. The positive effect is noticeable and observed in all men, both healthy and suffering from chronic diseases.

With regular and moderate use of peanuts, potency, sexual strength and libido increase.

Negative effects and harm from peanuts

Peanuts do no direct damage to the male reproductive system.

As already mentioned, peanuts are high-calorie. A handful of peanuts per day is enough, which is about 30-40 grams. Despite the fact that most fats found in peanuts are healthy, low cholesterol-lowering unsaturated fats, excessive consumption, which leads to excess weight, can offset this advantage and contribute to heart disease, liver obesity and general obesity.

A low level of carbohydrates can leave a man without the proper amount of energy, an imbalance of nutrients can occur. For example, peanuts provide vitamin E and folic acid, but do not contain vitamins A and C.

Eating salted, roasted peanuts can lead to an accumulation of sodium in the body. Sodium is good for our health, because it balances the fluid in our body, helps in sending out brain impulses, regulates muscle contractions, affects blood pressure, but too much sodium is bad for health, because a high dose of sodium can lead to high blood pressure, hypertension, problems of the cardiovascular system, such as a heart attack, stroke, heart failure and other problems, such as osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney problems, etc. For this reason, the best Do not give preference to unsalted peanuts (even if it is not as tasty as salted) and eat it in moderation.

Those who are allergic to peanuts should generally forget about it and stay away, since the allergy can be so serious that it can even come from breathing in air contaminated with tiny particles of peanut dust. In the worst case, peanuts can cause life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

Peanuts are susceptible to contamination with aflatoxin produced by the fungus, aspergillus flavus, which is a very toxic and carcinogenic substance, especially increases the risk of liver cancer. As soon as peanuts take on a greenish-yellow appearance, it is dangerous and can no longer be consumed by both men and women. It was found that the use of aflotoxin reduces the growth and development rates in children. Interestingly, the risk of infection is even associated with peanut butter. In addition to this, mold on peanuts can grow even during storage, delivery, and even on grocery store shelves (subject to proper conditions). It is important to understand that this is a feature of the nature of peanuts - being a legume from being exposed to high moisture and temperature.

In conclusion, we can say that you will not be full of peanuts. For the above reasons, you need to follow a diet, and make sure that peanuts are consumed in moderation.
