Sagging skin on the hands is not a problem. TOP - 5 most simple and effective exercises for the upper arm


Sagging skin on the hands is associated either with too quick weight loss, or with underdeveloped muscles. In both cases, a complex of several exercises for the muscles of the hands will help to solve the problem.

Before proceeding directly to the exercises, it is necessary to understand what functions the muscles of the hands perform. This is necessary to understand the biomechanics of an exercise.

Arm muscles carry out 2 main functions: flexion and extension of the forearm in the elbow joint, therefore, the muscles can be divided into flexors (biceps) and extensors (triceps).

There are a number of exercises in which the load is given exclusively to these muscles (isolating exercises), as well as exercises in which the flexor and extensor muscles act as an auxiliary tool (basic exercises).

The multi-joint exercises, in which several muscle groups are involved, are considered basic. So, for example, pull-ups are basic exercises, since they simultaneously include the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders and arms.

To achieve a greater effect, it is necessary to use both isolating and basic exercises. In this case, you will not only get rid of sagging skin of your hands, but also achieve beautiful outlines of the entire upper body.

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up, which will warm the muscles and prepare the joints for the upcoming loads. It is enough to give warm-up about 10 minutes, during which it is necessary to perform various rotating and pulling movements, after which you can proceed to the implementation of the main set of exercises. Important: some exercises will require weights. These can be dumbbells or, if they are absent, improvised means, for example, bags filled with books or bottles of water.

1. Pushups

Push-ups - this is perhaps the simplest and most affordable exercise for the development of the shoulder girdle. When push-ups, the main load falls on the pectoral muscles, the anterior bundle of deltas and triceps, and the back, biceps and abdominal muscles are used as stabilizing muscles. Push-ups can be performed at different angles, depending on which the lower middle or upper chest is more actively involved in the work. This can be push-ups from any elevation, classically push-ups from the floor or push-ups, in which the legs are above body level, for example, on a chair. In this case, the technique of movement does not change, since only the angle of inclination of the body relative to the floor changes.

Technique: take the starting position the emphasis is lying, on the inhale start to lower slowly until the arms form an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows, in this position fix for 1-2 seconds, and then on the exhale rise to the original position. All movements are performed smoothly, the body forms a straight line. It is recommended to perform 3-4 approaches, the number of repetitions in one approach should be calculated individually so that the last 1-2 repetitions in each approach are difficult. Rest between sets for 2-3 minutes. In the future, you can use a backpack filled with extra weight, such as books, as a burden.

In one training day, only one type of push-ups is performed. Otherwise, you may experience a feeling of overtraining, which will inevitably slow down progress.

2. Dumbbell barbell tilt

The draft of dumbbells in an inclination is aimed at working out the latissimus dorsi, back delta and biceps. The stabilizing muscles here are the lower back and triceps. The draft of dumbbells in an inclination is not only a fairly effective exercise against the hanging skin of the hands, but also improves posture.

Technique: bend forward, legs are slightly bent at the knees, hands with dumbbells are lowered down, while inhaling, pull dumbbells towards you, bending your elbows so that the arms move parallel to the body. It is important to pull not only with your hands, but to use exactly the broadest muscles of the back, especially at the initial stage of traction. This exercise can be performed with both hands at once, and alternately. It is recommended to do 3-4 approaches, the first of which will be warm-up, that is, using a lighter weight. The weight of weights is selected so that 10-12 repetitions can be made in working approaches. Rest between sets for 2-3 minutes.

3. Extending arms with a dumbbell from behind the head

This exercise is insulating for the triceps muscle of the shoulder (triceps). It is important to know that it is triceps that occupies most of the humerus, which means that pumping it will help to quickly solve the problem of sagging skin.

Technique of execution: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grab a dumbbell in your hands, position it above your head, inhale to slowly start the dumbbell by the head, bending your arms at the elbow joints, forming an angle of 90 degrees or slightly less (depending on the level of your stretch ), fix at the lower point for 1-2 seconds and exhale, straighten your arms, returning the dumbbell to its original position above the head. When performing this exercise, there is a risk of shoulder injury, so you need to be especially careful about the technique and control the movement throughout the entire amplitude. It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. The latter approach can be done to complete muscle failure, not counting the number of repetitions. Triceps is a fairly small muscle, so the rest between sets is 1.5-2 minutes. This exercise can be performed not only standing, but also sitting. The technique of execution remains unchanged.

4. Biceps curl arm dumbbell

Talking about an isolating exercise for triceps, you can not make out an isolating exercise for its antagonist, namely for biceps. Biceps or biceps muscle of the shoulder is responsible for bending the arm in the elbow joint, so all exercises aimed at pumping biceps involve bending the arms. The most affordable for home workouts is bending your arms with dumbbells.

Technique of execution: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in your arms, bend your elbows at the exhale, forming an acute angle, then lower your arms to the starting position on the exhale.

Important: in the initial position, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows in order to prevent muscle relaxation, during the entire approach the biceps should remain in constant tension. This exercise can be performed in two different grips. In the first case, the back of the hand looks down, in the second, it is parallel to the body, this type of grip is called the "hammer". It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Rest between sets 1-1.5 minutes.

5. Dumbbell chin pull

The pull of dumbbells to the chin accentuates the front and middle bundles of deltas and trapezes, as well as biceps.

Technique of execution: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells in your hands, taking your arms out to the sides, pull the dumbbells to the chin until the elbows are at the same level with the shoulders, then gradually return to the starting position. There is also an option to perform this exercise when the elbows rise above shoulder level. In this case, the trapezoid is more actively involved in the work. It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps with a rest between sets of 1.5-2 minutes.

These are the 5 best exercises that will help not only get rid of sagging skin on the hands, but also give the entire shoulder girdle a more toned and athletic look. This set of exercises can be performed 2 times a week with a rest between training days of at least 48 hours, since progress is simply impossible without a full recovery. As the body adapts to the loads, you can increase the weight of weights and the number of repetitions in the approaches. It is also recommended that each training session be replaced by exercises in order to exclude the possibility of the body becoming accustomed to the same type of load system.

Also, do not forget about proper nutrition, because, as you know, nutrition is the fundamental factor in building a beautiful, healthy body. It is necessary to minimize the use of simple carbohydrates, which contain various confectionery products, replacing them with sources of long-lasting energy, which is necessary for the human body, namely complex carbohydrates (vegetables and cereals, such as potatoes or various cereals). It is also necessary to balance the content of proteins and fats in the body, a sufficient amount of which is necessary for the body to function properly.

The combination of proper nutrition, regular training and a full recovery will inevitably lead to an improvement in your figure.


Watch the video: How to Tone Flabby Arms (June 2024).