What can you say about the benefits of tarragon grass. The reasons for the popularity of seasoning and features of use


Wormwood is a plant of little appetite, but they cannot refuse the tarragon, which is one genus with it, all over the world. Also known as tarragon, it serves as an indispensable spice and a broad-spectrum drug.

How exactly are the benefits of tarragon grass

The second common name for the plant is tarragon. The spicy, slightly tart taste and delicate aroma of its long narrow leaves are unique, except that there is something aniseed in its smell ... But there is almost no bitterness in it, characteristic of herbs close to wormwood.

Tarragon came to Europe (in the past it was often called in the eastern style a dragon wormwood) late - at the end of the XVI century, but immediately took a prominent place in the gardens of pharmacists, innkeepers, nobles and ordinary citizens.

Tarragon greens are rich in essential oil, coumarins, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, resins, B vitamins, carotene, alkaloids, minerals.

Tarragon in any form is good as a general strengthening agent during periods of flu and other acute respiratory viral infections affecting the respiratory system.

With existing diseases of this nature, the anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of the plant are of great importance.

Tarragon supports the cardiovascular system by increasing the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, normalizing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol.

In the treatment of kidneys, the diuretics of tarragon are superimposed on its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, thus alleviating most of the symptoms of the disease.

Great benefits of tarragon for the gastrointestinal tract, because the plant:

• increases appetite;

• enhances the production of gastric juice;

• promotes the digestion of heavy foods (very fatty, sweet, containing a lot of carbohydrates, entering the stomach in combinations that worsen digestibility);

• establishes intestinal motility;

• treats increased gas formation.

Warm drinks, such as tarragon tea, help with toothache and relieve painful swelling of the gums and, in fact, you do not even need to drink them to treat the oral cavity - just a gentle rinse.

In addition, regular use of tarragon helps:

• prevention of vitamin deficiency;

• general strengthening of the body after serious illness or surgery;

• the disappearance of headaches (including chronic migraines);

• normalization of daily biorhythms, which can be especially useful in cases requiring changes in periods of activity and rest (for example, with a certain work schedule).

How to use tarragon grass in the kitchen with benefits for health and taste

The possibilities of using this plant in the kitchen (and in the food industry) are extremely wide:

• fresh and dried chopped tarragon is added to vegetable stews, meat, poultry, fish and seafood dishes, egg and pasta dishes, cheeses, casseroles, salads, side dishes and sausages;

• when soaking apples and pears, salting tomatoes, mushrooms and cucumbers, pickling cabbage, tarragon, in addition to enriching their taste and aroma, serves as a preservative (inhibits the activity of bacteria) and preserves the hardness and color of the ingredients being harvested;

• tarragon is obligatory in French Bearn sauce, found in some varieties of Dijon mustard, ravigot sauce and mayonnaise;

• fresh herbs of tarragon (it is recommended to add some other herbs and spices), you can flavor vegetable oil;

• with plant extract (and at home, for example, with dried herbs), soft non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drinks are made (the most famous is the emerald green "Tarhun" of the same name);

• also at the expense of tarragon aromatize liqueurs, wines and vodka;

• in marinades, tarragon gives meat special tenderness and preserves its juiciness.

And in order not to spoil the food and fully reveal the charm of tarragon, it is important to observe two rules:

• fresh greens are added to salads, ready-made sauces, pastes and snacks, to the second ready-made dishes, but it is unacceptable to season something that will be subjected to strong heat treatment (simple heating of the dish is allowed), since fresh tarragon is unpleasantly bitter under the influence of high temperatures ;

• for the second hot dishes, snacks, and baking (for example, bread) use dried tarragon greens and, ideally, it is recommended to lay it in the second and first dishes 5 minutes before cooking, for full brightness of taste and preservation of the benefits of tarragon.

It is useful to know that due to the specifics of the details of taste and aroma, salt can be replaced with tarragon in dishes for diets where its use is limited or not permitted at all.

At home, you can have in stock not only dry or fresh tarragon from the store - it is very simple to grow it on the windowsill and it is also possible to stock it up - chop the greens, mix them with salt and store them in banks in a cool place. Additionally, you can add refined vegetable oil to the jars. In addition, tarragon can be stored in the freezer.

What are the benefits of Tarragon grass for weight loss

Tarragon itself does not directly affect weight loss, but a number of its properties comprehensively contribute to this, because the plant:

• speeds up metabolic processes, which allows you to spend more calories in the same time periods;

• useful for eating disorders due to the establishment of digestion and increased digestibility of healthy substances from food and drinks;

• tones and invigorates, helping to overcome the spleen and the feeling of physical fatigue against the background of upcoming or past fitness training.

And it is worth noting separately that tarragon in combination with a complex of biologically active substances of ginger (for example, in aromatic tea with it, lemon and honey) impressively not only accelerates, but also normalizes the metabolism.

What harm may tarhun grass

With great care, tarragon should be used with a tendency to allergic reactions and it can certainly harm the grass of tarragon to women during pregnancy.

Of course, there should be no harm from a few leaves in your favorite dish or a glass of soft drink, but it is important to consider that with excessive use (and the sensitivity of all people is different), the plant can provoke a miscarriage.

But at the time of feeding the baby, if he was 3 months old, the tarragon is not forbidden to mothers, but again - in moderation.

Strictly speaking, excessive consumption of this plant is not useful in principle - the biological relationship with wormwood gives it specific properties and if you persistently and for a long time exceed the recommended norms per day (4-6 g of dry tarragon, 50 fresh, 500 ml of drinks from it), you can call indigestion and even poisoning, the first signs of which are nausea, dizziness, fainting.

It is highly desirable that there is no harm from the herb tarragon, to abandon the spice in diseases of the stomach with increased acidity of gastric juice, and it is completely contraindicated in case of ulcer.


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