Panic phlox - a flame in your garden. How to propagate, plant and care for traditional garden phlox


Panicled phloxes are one of the varieties of perennial phlox. These flowering plants are very common in gardens. Varietal and hybrid variety distinguishes these flowers. They are often called garden phlox because they combine numerous varieties whose morphological properties were used for complex hybridization and crossbreeding.

The general appearance of phlox is a plant with a strong, straight stem, which is lignified by the end of the vegetative period.

The height of panicled phlox ranges from 35 to 150 cm, and depends on the properties of a particular variety or hybrid. Their flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of panicles, fragrant, a wide variety of colors, pure colors, or mixed.

The diameter of the flowers is up to 5 cm. The shapes of the petals are very diverse - there are ovoid, star-shaped, with incisions. Petals can be either wide or narrow. The diameter of the inflorescences can vary from 10 to 40 cm. The shape of the inflorescences is also very diverse - spherical, cylindrical, in the form of umbrellas, paniculate, corymbose and pyramidal.

Caring for these flowers is not very difficult. Subject to basic conditions, the plants will respond with numerous, friendly flowering.

Varieties of phlox blooming in the early stages, prefer dry sandy and rocky soils, those that bloom at a later date are more unpretentious, but they will grow and bloom on fertile, loose soils.

All phloxes do not tolerate stagnation of water, in this case, the development of the plant is suspended, the roots rot, which can lead to the death of the entire bush. The lack of water also has a bad effect on the state of phloxes: they begin to bloom badly, or completely stop. The leaves below turn yellow, dry and fall.

Phlox frost-resistant plantsare very responsive to various top dressings. However, it should be borne in mind that with an overabundance of organic matter, the bush begins to “fatten” - foliage grows in excess, and the flowers do not develop. The result is simply a large bush with a small number of flowers, or without them at all.

Phlox reproduction is carried out vegetatively or by seed. The latter method is more laborious and time consuming. Seedlings obtained in this way bloom in the 3-4th year. The decorative properties of the mother plant with the seed method of reproduction are not fully preserved. The seed method of reproduction is most often used in breeding, to breed new varieties.

It is easier and faster to multiply phloxes by dividing the bushes. These works are most effective in the early spring.

A bush is taken, divided into 5-6 parts, taking into account the fact that each part will have several buds and roots. Landing of dividends is carried out in a separate area, where they will spend 4-5 years. When planting, the height of the plants is taken into account.

The distance between plants is from 35-45 to 50-60 cm.

From 6 to 12 plants are placed per square meter of area. After planting in open ground, plants bloom the following year.


Watch the video: Pruning Phlox Stair Step Style (June 2024).