What is the tiger dreaming of? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what a striped predator dreams of


In a dream, you can see a variety of stories. You can witness pleasant events and very disturbing incidents. But what matters is how you perceive what you see. Are you worried, or do you like what you saw.

What is the tiger dreaming of? It’s worth sorting out.

What the tiger dreams of - the main interpretation

The tiger is a powerful mammal that causes mixed feelings for many, both admiration and fear. But what does the dream in which you see the tiger mean? Interpretation may be the most varied. To do it completely and correctly - it is important to consider all the details of sleep:

• Where did the tiger come from in your dream;

• Was he friendly?

• Did the animal attack you?

• What was his hair coloring;

• What did you experience when you saw the tiger;

• Who else did you dream about?

If in a dream you see a tiger sneaking up to you from afar - get ready for the problems that are about to overtake you, which will not allow you to live peacefully and happily do your job. Also, you may encounter the injustice of others, with their desire to find out everything after such a dream.

If you dream of a tiger that is sleeping peacefully, most likely your enemies will wait, leave you temporarily alone. Also, such a dream portends the cessation of a confrontation that could drag on. You could sort things out with someone, argue with someone. And now is the time when you can end the conflict and end the argument in your favor.

A dream in which you see someone suddenly open the door of your house and a tiger breaks into it - it promises you a quarrel with an influential person who will be simply enraged by your behavior. The way you solved your questions and problems. Perhaps you were thinking about deceiving someone, doing something for your own good, but harming the other. The dream book warns you against such acts. Try to be extremely honest and modest.

Also, such a dream can portend you problems in communicating with loved ones. Some anxiety and uncertainty will enter your life. You will be increasingly afraid to do what you want. More and more will follow the laws of society. If after such a dream you want to find out something serious with someone close to you, protect yourself from such thoughts. Try not to allow anything like this in your life.

A dream in which you see people running away from a tiger promises you obstacles and problems with a particular situation. Perhaps you yourself will try to escape from something, to escape from something. It can be either some important decision, or an important trifle, a detail that you really lack in reality.

If you dream that you are running away from a tiger, try to take all the obligations upon yourself and not refuse to help anyone. You will try to hide from obligations, to hide from life events. It will seem to you that too much has been piled on you, but this is not so. In fact, you will simply shirk responsibility.

If you dream that the tiger rubs against your feet, try not to succumb to other people's provocations. Maybe someone wants to get into your confidence and show you that you can completely trust one person. But you should not be so gullible and good-natured. The person who wants to show himself as a friend now, in fact, may turn out to be the enemy and harm you. Try your best to minimize his harm, do not allow enemy intrigues, do not allow that someone will control you and your life.

If a tiger eats a large piece of meat in a dream, a big jackpot will be transferred to you. You will not rely on the fact that you are so lucky. You can suddenly become the owner of a great life gift. But, along with it, chores can come into your life. A dream in which you see a tiger going to a watering hole indicates that you yourself lack resources. You need support and approval.

You really lack friendships. You need a person who would support you in everything and would not let you sag. Try to focus on everything new and wonderful in the near future. Try to open up new acquaintances and new meetings. Do not be alarmed if everything begins to develop rapidly in your life.

If you dream that a tiger growls at you - do not be afraid. Most likely, the enemies will decide to denigrate your name, but they will not succeed. You will be above prejudice, will be at your best everywhere and in everything. You may even be inspired by this behavior of ill-wishers.

If you have a dream in which a tiger attacks a village at night and kills people - in reality you will visit an unfavorable place. You may have to visit such a place at work. Dream Interpretation advises not to be upset because of this. In fact, everything in your life will work out well. The main thing is not to give in to temptation and not to harm loved ones. You can be tempted by luxury and permissiveness. Do not give in.

If you have dreamed of a tiger that is talking to you - listen to his words. These may be wise advice that should be followed in the future and not to make possible mistakes. Also, such a dream can be useful to those who have long tried to figure out the current situation and could not do it in any way. Now you will receive from life the right and true hint.

What does a tiger dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that a tiger dreams when a person needs the protection of a strong and wise person. Perhaps a woman painted just such an image of a man in her imagination and now he has come to her.

If in a dream a lonely girl sees a tiger, she will soon be able to meet a fairly influential man who can solve many of her issues. He will look after her beautifully, but you should not count on a long romance with him. Most likely, it will be a temporary hobby, which will end very quickly. It may even be just an attraction that will not lead to anything concrete. But the girl’s memory will remain for a long time.

If you dream that a tiger licks its paws, you will meet a person who will be very gallant with you. He will be so courteous and gentle that you might think that he is caring for you. In fact. A man will simply be well brought up and will devote enough time to you. Try to take such attention with gratitude and not abuse it.

If a girl dreams that a tiger attacked her and torn her to pieces, gossips will not give her rest. They will constantly spread negative information about the girl. They will not give her the opportunity to live in peace. If a pregnant woman dreams that a tiger sits at her feet, she will be safe. No one can offend her.

If she dreams that the tiger growls and rushes at her - it's time to take care of her health. Soon, someone close to you will become dissatisfied with her and will put too much pressure on her. It is important to avoid excessive pressure and nervousness.

What is the tiger dreaming about in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the tiger is a very wise and powerful animal. If it appears in a dream, then a person needs support and help. If in a dream you see a tiger killed - your enemies will be defeated. You have nothing to fear.

What is the dream of the white tiger? Such a dream may indicate that you have a negative attitude towards a person who cannot and does not want to do anything bad to you. Review your attitude to enemies. Perhaps they are not all against you.

What does the tiger dream of in other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that the tiger personifies a person who is belligerent and self-confident. He is what you want to be yourself. If in a dream you turn into a tiger - in reality you will be able to defeat your vices and grow stronger in your decisions.

You will become the owner of new opportunities and connections if the tiger bowed its head to you in a dream. If the animal purrs and tries to rub about you - be prepared for a not entirely fair game of competitors. They can bypass you at times in an important matter.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the tiger dreams when you are ready for almost new beginnings, but need support and help. You may have a long way to go to your cherished goal. But, if you have already begun your procession, you cannot be stopped. If you are afraid of the tiger and cannot come to the animal in any way, even if it is in a cage, such a dream promises you many problems and disagreements with colleagues precisely because of your indecision, the desire to stay in the shade.


Watch the video: What does tigers dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).