Chicken noodle soup - the best recipes. How to properly and cook soup chicken noodles.


Such a first dish, like noodle soup with chicken, just needs to be included in your diet at least 1-2 times a week, because the dish is healthy and easily digestible. Chicken soup with noodles, one of those dishes that is not prohibited and even recommended to be included in the diet of a 10-month-old baby, since it does not include products allergens.

Chicken noodle soup - the best recipes:

Recipe 1: Chicken noodle soup in strong broth

The composition of this first dish does not include potatoes, it was replaced by no less nourishing noodles. The highlight of the soup is a lot of meat and broth, which must be strong, that is, saturated.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken carcass - 1-1,300 kilograms;

- homemade noodles or spider web pasta - 150 grams;

- carrots - 2 pieces;

- leek - 1 piece;

- parsley root - 1 piece;

- celery - 2 sprigs;

- parsley and dill - small bunches;

- bay leaf - 2 pieces;

- water - 3.5-4 liters;

- pepper (peas), salt.

Cooking method:

To cook a strong chicken egg with noodles, it takes 2 hours: the preparatory stage is 20 minutes, the heat treatment is 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Phased plan cooking, meat soup with noodles in a strong broth.

Preparatory stage:

- Chicken is cut into large chunks.

- Carrots, parsley root, celery, leek cut into large pieces.

- Greens finely minced.

- Vegetables and meat are laid in a deep pan. Ingredients are filled with cold water (3.5-4 liters).

Heat treatment:

- The container with the ingredients is brought to a bubbling, over high heat. Then the foam is removed, the fire is reduced, and the cooking of the broth continues for at least 1 hour and 40 minutes. Ready broth is filtered and freed from boiled vegetables.

- The taste of yulki is regulated by pepper, bay leaf and salt. Noodles are placed in a boiling broth. As soon as the noodles are ready (10-13 minutes), boneless chicken meat and chopped greens are returned to the egg.

Boiled meat without bones and cartilage, cut into small pieces. As soon as the meat warms up, noodle soup can be served. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: Grandma's Recipe Chicken Noodle Soup

In modern women, the whole day is scheduled by the minute: home, work, sport, meeting with friends, and sometimes there is not enough time and effort to prepare a full meal and dinner. Today you seldom meet a hostess who cooks home-made noodle soup, as our grandmothers did. Thanks to this recipe, we will try to revive the first noodle dish according to grandma's recipe.

Ingredients Required:

- Breast of chickens on the bone - 1 piece;

- carrots - 1 piece;

- dill - a small bunch;

- vegetable fat - 4 tablespoons;

- water - 3 liters;

- salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Ingredients for noodles:

- flour - 1 cup;

- egg - 1 piece;

- Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

It will take 1 hour and 30 minutes to cook homemade noodle soup: cooking noodles - 35 minutes, cooking broth - 50 minutes, cooking browning - 5 minutes.

Phased cooking plan, homemade noodle meat soup

Cooking noodles:

- In a faceted glass to drive an egg, 0.5 tsp of salt and a few spoons of water. The egg mixture is stirred and poured into a bowl of flour. Cool dough, wrapped in food film, where it fits.

- After 30 minutes, the ball of dough is divided into four parts. Each part is rolled into a very thin layer.

- On a hot frying pan (without fat), flat cakes are dried for 30 seconds on each side.

- Dried cakes, with a sharp knife, are cut into thin straws.

Broth preparation:

- Chicken breast is poured with 3 liters of cold water and brought to a boiling over maximum heat. When the meat boils, the foam is removed, the fire is reduced and cooking of the broth lasts 40 minutes. The finished soup is filtered, the meat is removed and cut into pieces.

Cooking passages for noodle soup:

Carrots rub on a grater with a small nozzle and passe over low heat for 5 minutes. Carrots do not need to fry, it should give the color of vegetable oil.

Cooking chicken noodle soup - the last stage:

The broth is brought to a bubbling, carrots are laid, the soup is brought to a bubbling, then the noodles and meat are added. As soon as the soup boils, laurel and chopped greens are put in the pan. Soup infused for 15-20 minutes.

The finished dish is served in deep, clay bowls. Enjoy your meal.

Recipe 3: Opaque Chicken Noodle Soup

As a rule, most soups have transparent yushku, but this dish is an exception, since the consistency of the soup is much thicker, and the broth is opaque. The original taste of the first dish is achieved thanks to roasted chicken meat, milk and flour.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken breast - 500 grams;

- chicken broth - 6 glasses;

- potatoes - 200 grams;

- onions (large) - 1 piece;

- carrot (large) - 1 piece;

- olive oil for frying vegetables and meat;

- celery - 1 stalk;

- garlic - 2 cloves;

- dried oregano - ½ tsp;

- Thyme - ½ tsp;

- flour - ¼ glass;

- milk - 1 cup;

- noodles - 2 glasses;

- salt pepper.

Cooking method:

To prepare an opaque soup with noodles and chicken, it takes 1 hour and 10 minutes: the preparatory stage is 15 minutes, the heat treatment is 50 minutes.

Phased cooking plan, opaque soup with noodles and chicken

Preparatory stage:

- Onions, potatoes, carrots, celery is cut into cubes of medium size.

- Garlic is crushed.

- Chicken breast is cut into portions.

Heat treatment:

- Chicken meat is fried until cooked.

- In a saucepan with a thick bottom, carrots, garlic, celery and onions are languishing in olive oil. After 5 minutes, vegetables sprinkle with thyme, oregano, salt and flour. After another minute, the potatoes and broth are laid. The soup is cooked over moderate heat until cooked potatoes. After 25-30 minutes noodles, milk and fried meat are put into the pan. Noodles have become soft - it means the soup is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken Noodle Soup - recommendations from chefs

Noodle soup is much tastier if the main ingredient is noodles made by you, and not bought at the supermarket. Cooks have discovered the secret of how to make noodles tastier and more attractive:

- the flour product will be tastier if water is replaced with milk;

- If children refuse to eat the first dish with ordinary noodles, paint it in multi-colored colors. The process is simple - carrot or beet juice is added to the egg before adding the flour;

- noodles can be with a different taste, if additives are added to the dough, for example, dried herbs, fresh herbs, garlic.


Watch the video: Ultra-Satisfying Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe (July 2024).