Caesarean section: indications, consequences. Are caesarean sections really undesirable?


Every pregnant woman hopes to endure without complications and safely give birth to a healthy baby. But, unfortunately, situations often happen when a woman cannot resolve herself from the burden in a natural way, and then doctors have to remove the baby from the womb using a cesarean section.

What is Cesarean section

Caesarean section is a surgical operation, the purpose of which is to remove the child from the abdominal cavity of his mother. Since ancient times, in this way people saved many women who could not be born in the usual way, and their children.

There is even a legend that the great Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar ("Caesar") was removed from the bosom of his mother who died during childbirth in this way, from which the name of this operation comes from.

Today, cesarean section is one of the most common in medical practice, and with its help many beautiful and healthy babies were born. But, nevertheless, this is a full-fledged surgical intervention in the human body, so it should be used only if there are medical conditions.

Indications for Caesarean section

Like any other operation, a cesarean section is performed only if there are medical indications that are absolute and relative. Absolute indications are situations when normal physiological birth is impossible, and surgery is the only way out for a baby to be born. From the side of the mother, the absolute indications can be: an absolutely narrow pelvis, mechanical obstacles that interfere with the natural birth (fibroids, tumors, deformed pelvic bones), the threat of uterine rupture in the presence of scars on it. Absolute indications on the part of the fetus include placenta previa and its detachment.

Relative indications for cesarean section do not exclude the possibility of physical childbirth, but they imply for the mother and child greater safety of the planned operation than natural delivery. On the part of the mother, it can be: diseases that during childbirth can threaten the health and life of a woman (cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes mellitus and others); pregnancy complications, such as gestosis and its more severe forms - preeclampsia and eclampsia; persistently weak labor; clinically narrow pelvis. On the part of the fetus, the relative indications are: transverse position or pelvic presentation, large fetus (weighing more than 4 kg), hypoxia.

In addition, there is also the concept of combined indications, when several relatively safe complications of pregnancy and childbirth in their entirety can lead to a real threat to the life of a woman or child, for example, an extended pregnancy combined with a large fetus.

How do cesarean sections

The operation to remove the child is carried out only on an outpatient basis in compliance with all standards of sanitation and hygiene under local or general anesthesia. During cesarean section, the doctor makes two incisions - one on the abdominal wall, the second - directly on the uterus. The cuts can be either vertical or horizontal, but recently a transverse incision has been used more often just above the pubic line (“bikini incision”), the scar from which is not so evident after healing. After the amniotic fluid is aspirated, the doctor removes the child, who is immediately transferred to the nurse for appropriate manipulations - cleansing his respiratory tract of mucus, general examination and the provision of necessary medical care. At this time, the woman removes the placenta, inspect the internal cavity of the uterus and begin suturing the incisions, which lasts, on average, 35-40 minutes. If the operation was performed under local anesthesia, then they will immediately show your baby, and with joint birth your husband will also be able to share your joy! After a cesarean section, you and your child will be under the supervision of medical staff for several more days, so that in case of any complications the necessary measures will be taken immediately.

Recovery after Caesarean section

After the operation is completed, the newly minted mother is still in a special postpartum ward for another day, where she regains consciousness after anesthesia under the constant supervision of a nurse and anesthetist.

If there are no complications, then on the second day the woman in labor is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she begins to get up a little, walk and feed the baby.

A postoperative suture is treated daily with antiseptic solutions, and a scar on the skin is formed approximately on the seventh day after surgery. If everything is normal, then the mother and the child are discharged from the hospital on the 7-10th day after the operation.

Further, your body will gradually recover already at home, try only to follow the usual postoperative recommendations - do not lift weights weighing more than 3-4 kg and avoid physical exertion in the first month or two.

Intimate relationships can be resumed after a complete cleansing of the uterus, which, like after a normal birth, ends in about 6-8 weeks.

Is there a suture after Caesarean section?

One of the most common questions that disturb pregnant women who are recommended to have a cesarean section is the question of the postoperative suture: what it will be like, where it will be, and whether it will be visible on the skin.

This is not surprising, because every woman wants to always remain beautiful, and if you need surgery, then the appearance of a scar, of course, can not be avoided. But do not rush to despair - modern doctors practice a very small cosmetic incision just above the pubic hair line, so that after healing your scar will not even be visible from under the underwear.

In fairness, I must say that if your skin is prone to the formation of keloid scars, then the seam can heal longer and have an ugly appearance, but such cases do not happen so often. Another problem may be the overhang of the skin over an inaccurately stitched scar, the so-called "apron".

In this situation, exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles can significantly help you, so do not neglect sports activities. In most cases, scars after cesarean section heal quickly and well, remaining almost invisible to the skin.

New pregnancy and childbirth after Caesarean section

After a cesarean section, a woman’s body is fully restored in about 2-3 years, so it’s better to wait a little longer with your brother or sister. But, if it so happened that soon after the operation you became pregnant again, then do not panic - you are quite capable of bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby! Naturally, in this case, your doctor will have to more closely monitor your condition, and you will need to appear more often in the antenatal clinic.

The main danger here is the still fresh postoperative scar on the uterus, the state of which will need to be closely monitored using ultrasound equipment. It may be necessary to go to the hospital to maintain a pregnancy, then be sure to listen to the recommendations of your doctor and do not be afraid to ask relatives to help you with your older child.

As for the birth itself, after a cesarean section, as a rule, it is recommended that you go to a second planned operation, although there are many examples of successful delivery in a natural way. Here you and your doctor must evaluate the ratio of many individual factors and make an informed decision that is optimal for you and your child.

Caesarean section reviews

Each woman has her own point of view on cesarean section surgery. Some believe that in this way they can avoid painful contractions and "simplify" the birth for themselves, so even without special indications they ask for surgery. Others, on the contrary, certainly want to give birth on their own, neglecting even medical recommendations.

How many people, so many opinions, so the reviews about this operation are also very different. But, despite some differences, they all agree on one thing - the main thing is that this method allows you to successfully complete a complex birth, which could end up very sad.

Many women complain of a difficult postoperative period, as well as the appearance of a scar on the body. As for the type of anesthesia, opinions differ here. Some vyingly advise epidural anesthesia, which allows the woman to be conscious during the operation and immediately see the newborn baby. And other, more impressionable ladies prefer to lie quietly "off", not observing what is happening in the operating room.

In any case, if you plan to go to a cesarean section, you should not try on the little things on yourself the stories of your friends who have already gone through this. All the same, you will perceive everything in your own way, through the prism of your own emotions, so better set yourself up in a positive way - because soon you will meet with the dearest little man!

Pros and cons of cesarean section

The main advantage of the Caesarean section, of course, is the birth of a healthy child and saving the life of the mother in cases where this cannot happen in a natural way. So if there are medical indications for the operation, there can be no question of weighing any other disadvantages.

Another important advantage of cesarean section is that crotch ruptures are excluded after it, there are no sprains, prolapse of the pelvic organs and other problems characteristic of complicated natural childbirth. And, of course, the absence of birth pain, which many fear, is very important for women.

But at the same time, there are quite a lot of negative consequences of cesarean section: this is a heavy departure from anesthesia, and a long recovery period, and psychological discomfort caused by hormonal surges, and the same notorious abdominal scar.

In addition, as with any other operation, there is a risk of infection and there is a need to take antibiotics.

In any case, do not forget that in the absence of serious prerequisites, you should not consider this operation as an easy and painless alternative to conventional births, because the natural physiological process, which they are, is ALWAYS better than surgery. Have a nice delivery!

Caesarean section - best video (in English):


Svetlana 11/17/2016
When necessary, then of course you need to do a cesarean section. But very often, "specialists obstetrician-gynecologists" in different ways lead the expectant mother to the fact of the need for a cesarean section for the purpose of profit, I was convinced of this personally. So think! Here is the address for the general development of "Caesarean section - or 5 reasons why you should give birth naturally" //

vi4ik 08/08/2016
I gained 15 kg during pregnancy. After cesarean, you can’t go to the gym, so I had to look for other methods of losing weight. I threw 10 kg in 3 months, another 5 kg remained. I lost weight like here: //

Alyonushka 08/05/2016
the whole body will be scarred after several operations,)))))))))))))))) each operation is done on the previous seam, the scar will be 1 even after 3 operations, and even that will not be visible after 3 years!

Alika 03/31/2016
My mom was given a cesarean during the second birth. She was already not young, she endured all this normally, only the scar was like that ... And it was the effect of the apron that is described in the article. In general - nothing attractive. Although she, of course, regrets nothing.

Light-semitsvetik 03/31/2016
Yes, I heard that, firstly, you will not get pregnant for three years, and secondly, you will again have to go to surgery and have a cesarean section. The prospect of saying - not really. And if you give birth to three children like that ?! The whole belly is scarred.


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