Chicken layer cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook puff pie with chicken.


Pies, this is probably the branch of cooking that everyone, without exception, pays attention to. Each housewife perfectly understands which dishes her family prefers most, and tries to cook according to her needs, of course, regularly updating the assortment of her menu. But when it comes to cakes - then here, perhaps, no one will sniff with his nose, and any kind of cake goes to "cheers". Especially if it was prepared by your gentle and kind hands. Pies are well known to all of us from early childhood, and they never get bored or bored.

Summer is just around the corner and fresh greens, fragrant dill and parsley begin to grow in the dacha garden beds, the first mushrooms, berries start to appear in the forest, our favorite cherries blush on the trees ... In short, everything that mother nature gives us, we actively use our kitchens. And by the way, as a filling for pies or other delicious desserts.

Yummy puff pastry pies stuffed with chicken - this is our task for today. We will add the long-awaited gifts of nature to the filling and as a result we will get a vitamin, aromatic and incredibly tasty cake. Well, let's get started. Spring is outside the window, the body requires vitamins, so we load our "live ammunition" and forward to the kitchen.

Recipe 1: Chicken Puff Pie

Ingredients Required:

- puff pastry;

- chicken fillet - 1 pc .;

- champignons - 300 g;

- feathers of green onions;

- eggs - 3-4 pcs .;

- pepper and salt;

- vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

We immediately remove puff pastry from the freezer so that it thaws a little while we prepare the stuffing for it.

We wash the fillet, dry it and cut it into small cubes (however, the size of the pieces of meat to an amateur). Exactly the same pieces are cut into washed, peeled and dried champignons. Boiled hard-boiled chicken eggs diced as on the salad Olivier. Crush the feathers of fresh green onions.

Pour vegetable meat into a frying pan and send pieces of our meat into it. Fry over low heat for about 8-9 minutes.

In a separate bowl, mix the mushrooms, green onions and eggs. Add meat to it, season with spices.

Our puff pastry already at this time became elastic - this is exactly what we need. We take baking paper, lay it on the desktop. Put a layer of dough on it and roll it into a rectangular shape. In the middle of the reservoir along, lay out the stuffing. Along the edges of the dough on both sides we make cuts 2-3 cm wide. Now we gently wrap them overlap and as a result we get a beautiful and original pigtail. Using a brush, brush the top of our puff roll with whipped egg yolk, and send it to bake in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Well that's all. Carefully when you choose the finished cake from the oven, so as not to fall from the flavors that it will evaporate. A cup of fragrant and tasty tea is a feast for cheers! I wish you success!

Recipe 2: Chicken Puff Pie with Potatoes

Ingredients Required:

- unleavened puff pastry - 450 g;

- chicken legs - 2 pcs .;

- potatoes - 3 pcs .;

- chicken egg - 1 pc .;

- onions - 1 pc .;

- butter - 60 g;

- a mixture of peppers, salt and vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

First, separate the meat from the seed and cut it into small pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and fry the prepared meat in it. Peel the potatoes and cut them into strips. Put it on a kitchen towel so that it absorbs the extra moisture of the potato. Then put the potatoes in a separate bowl, season with a mixture of pepper and salt and add the chopped onion. Fry the potatoes in butter until golden brown.

Prepared yeast-free puff pastry divided into two uneven pieces (one should be more than the other, taking into account the sides of the cake). First roll out most of the dough and gently lay it on a greased baking sheet. We form beautifully bumpers and evenly distribute the prepared stuffing on it. Cut the butter that you have left into cubes or slices and sprinkle on top of the stuffing - it will add juiciness to our pie. Now we roll out the second piece of dough and cover our product with it. Carefully pinch the edges of the future cake, you can even form a beautiful dough of dough at your discretion.

Turn on the oven and set the temperature in it to 180 C. While it warms up, beat the egg and brush your cake with a brush. The yolk will give the cake a beautiful golden uniform crust. Send your cake to bake for 40 minutes in the oven.

When baking time runs out, select the cake from the oven and cover it with a clean dishcloth. Let him stand for 20 minutes in this form, and only after that call your family for a cup of fragrant tea. Serve a fragrant cake for tea and admire the smiles contented and delighted by them. Good luck and of course, bon appetit !!!

Recipe 3: Chicken Puff Pie (Italian)

Very tasty cake, which the Italians affectionately call "creatofite."

Ingredients Required:

- packaging ready puff pastry;

- chicken breast - 2 pcs .;

- green onions - 4 pcs .;

- Curry - 1 tsp;

- uncooked potatoes - 1 pc .;

- Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons l .;

- egg - 1 pc. and yolk for lubrication;

- cheese - 200 g;

- salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Roll out the puff pastry into a rectangular shape and cut them into arbitrary squares or rectangles. We line the dough on the bottom of the pan, pre-oiled. Now prepare the filling. Fry the meat with onions in olive oil. Add a teaspoon of curry and mix. Remove from heat and transfer to bowl to cool faster. Now add to the meat tomato paste, raw egg chopped dill and basil. Peel the potatoes and rub them on a coarse grater. Add to the filling, season with pepper and salt and mix. Put the stuffing on the dough in a baking sheet, and on top of the filling we will spread the cheese sliced ​​into thin slices.

Cover the cake with the remaining squares of puff pastry and grease them with beaten yolk. Heat the oven to 180 ° C and bake the cake for about 30-40 minutes. All pie is ready. See how you got the original one. Taste it - it's delicious!

Chicken puff pie - secrets and tips from the best chefs

- For baking puff pastry, you can use homemade puff pastry by adding chopped greens while mixing. So you get an even more original look of the cake.

- Always add fresh greens to the chicken stuffing.


Watch the video: The Most Fool-Proof Roast Chicken You'll Ever Make Tasty (July 2024).