A sense of destruction of personality next to a man. Consider the signs that a man is destroying you


Love relationships should be of some benefit, but not always the way we want to. Many women, after some time spent in alliance with a man, notice that their quality of life has decreased, their self-esteem has fallen, their friends have disappeared, but they cannot find the reason.

Often the problem lies in the companion of life. But by what signs can you understand that a man destroys you?

Signs that a man is destroying you

When problems begin in life, the fair sex sort through the head of the many reasons why various spheres of life fail. Few women pay attention to a loved one as a source of personal and social problems. However, this should be done. Of course, you should not immediately blame your partner for the failures. It is quite simple to identify a destroyer in a man by the following signs:

• Insults

The fact that insults are not normal is understandable without explanation. The same goes for ridicule. More cowardly men, who for some reason cannot directly insult you, crawl out of their way to ridicule your actions and humiliate them as a joke. This behavior of a man only means that the partner does not respect you. Constant insults lower a woman’s self-esteem, leading to depression or frustration.

• A sense of fear next to him

In a healthy relationship, a woman who is next to a man experiences a feeling of comfort, peace, and security. However, if the partner destroys you, then you will be afraid of him.

• Unconditional submission

Men who negatively affect the identity of their women often require slavish humility: the fulfillment of any of his “orders”, the attitude towards him as a higher being, the satisfaction of any of his desires. Once in this slavish red tape, a woman, in fear of reprisal, loses her uniqueness.

• Physical violence

Physical abuse, unfortunately, is a common occurrence in the union of a man and a woman. It is urgent to seek a way out of such relations, but the reality is unpredictable and it so happens that more and more women are drawn into such relations. “Beats - then loves” is a famous phrase, which, of course, is not true, but women insecure themselves are comforted by the prayers and apologies of their tyrant man after the terrible manifestation of physical violence.

• Inadequate jealousy

Jealousy is common to all people. However, pathological jealousy is a terrible phenomenon. When a man is jealous of friends, colleagues, neighbors and even distant relatives - this is not normal. You must immediately get rid of these relationships, otherwise over the years you completely isolate yourself from society in order to avoid physical and psychological punishment for communicating with the opposite sex.

• Manipulation

Manipulation is the talent of male tyrants. It will be played on your feelings. Apologize after beating, threatening to leave in order to get you to abandon your own position. Such a relationship will not lead to anything good. Over the years, you simply become a puppet. Under pain of losing this man, you will no longer choose what you agree to, and what you don’t and meekly enter into this red tape of his manipulations.


If your man punishes you for disobedience, then he definitely destroys you. Punishments range from insults, ridicule, humiliation, deprivation to physical violence and cruelty. If a loved one hits you for a walk with girlfriends, or locks you up, or perhaps allows himself insults, deprives you of some pleasures, then get rid of these relationships. This not normal.

• Responsibility for his failures

A common occurrence. A man constantly blames you for his failures and failures. Moreover, the accusations can be both petty and covering his whole life. For example, he accuses you of being late for work due to the fact that you did not find your socks or you occupied the bathroom for a long time. They can also make you a source of global failure. For example, if he had not met you, he would have already received a high position, material benefits and other comforts.

• Ban on privacy

If a man is imposing, or, worse, directly forbids you to see and keep in touch with relatives, colleagues, friends, then the relationship can be considered unhealthy. The union of a man and a woman should assume the presence of personal space, both psychological and physical. A person loses his identity without communicating with relatives or friends.

• Alcoholism and drug addiction

Alcoholism and drug addiction are a common problem in our country. And you do not need to rant for a long time on the topic of how this destroys your relationship. You can talk about alcoholism and drug addiction in the family for a long time, and this requires a separate article, but if you see that your man has embarked on a slippery slope, and your attempts are futile, then it is better to put an end to such relationships.

• Comparison

Humiliation of a woman’s personality through comparison with her mother, ex-lover, sister and others is a hallmark of a partner who clearly destroys you. A self-sufficient and self-confident man will not choose a girl who is somehow worse than his surroundings as a life partner. Such men often simply recoup on women for their failures.

• Depreciation of success

Another sign of a destructive relationship is the depreciation of your successes and achievements. Such men believe that your work resembles relaxing on the beach, your efforts made to achieve the goal are babble. Victories and successes are discounted or ignored.

• He is always right

Such a man believes that his opinion is the truth and does not even try to consider other points of view.

Thus, we can conclude that there really are men who destroy the identity of women. Revealing a tyrant is very simple, according to the above signs. However, to reveal is not to improve your life yet. Such relationships must be discarded.


Watch the video: The Emotionally Destructive Marriage Webinar (June 2024).