All about the benefits of walnuts for women. Amazing composition of nuts and features of various methods of their use


In the world there are more than a hundred edible species of nuts, but walnuts - for centuries belong to the most popular. Since they are tasty and very nutritious, and for women at all, it is accessible to derive truly unique benefits from them.

How are the composition and benefits of walnuts for women

Majestic walnut trees can bear fruit for more than four hundred years, in the ancient world they were valued no less than sacred plants, but not in connection with myths, but because walnuts were one of the most valuable and affordable food.

These nuts, along with dates and jerky, were stocked by merchants who set foot on the difficult Great Silk Road.

On the territory of Russia, nuts were imported supposedly in the 9th century by Greek travelers. Which served as the basis for one of their names, and they are also known as Voloshsky and Tsar nuts.

The kernels of nuts have a characteristic rich buttery taste and are used in cooking in all possible ways for nuts, they prepare dishes on which, figuratively speaking, the world fame of some cuisines is held. These are the Arabic puff sweet baklava and the Greek Satsivi sauce. Walnuts are great in cake layers and on a cheese plate, in meatballs and pilaf.

Eating nuts (and not only walnuts) is recommended in the morning, because the body needs more than one hour to properly digest them.

Those nuts that are sold in shells retain the maximum beneficial properties, and those that are peeled should be packaged in airtight packaging, and not released by weight.

About 100 g of nuts per day is considered the recommended consumption rate, but during pregnancy it is better to halve this measure and add something else to the walnut - in the period of increased needs for the female body, it is very important to get nutrients from as many different sources as possible.

The energy value of walnuts is 654 kcal per 100 g, and the ratio of BZHU can be represented as:

• proteins 16 g;

• fats 61 g;

• carbohydrates 8 g.

In terms of digestibility and nutrition, nut protein is close to amino acids from veal and poultry, plus, if you use nuts and meat together, the latter product will be digested an order of magnitude better, due to the property of walnuts to activate the production of digestive enzymes and protein metabolism.

Walnuts contain many vitamins:

• E allows skin lesions to heal without a trace (which is especially important for women who are concerned about acne), and when exposed to the sun, provides a beautiful, even tan;

• B5 reduces eye redness resulting from over-exertion or allergies, helps to tolerate toxicosis;

• B1 strengthens tooth enamel and improves adaptation of muscles to loads (which fitness fans can appreciate);

• And they help cleanse the skin from the layer of dead cells, participates in the synthesis of elastin (providing elastic skin elasticity), smooths wrinkles;

• B6 improves well-being during pregnancy and treats dandruff;

• B2 prevents excess production of male hormones in the female body and ensures the prevention of dermatitis.

Walnuts must necessarily be on the menu for the prevention of seasonal vitamin deficiencies, which often frustrate women with the consequences of withering skin and weakening hair, plus, of course, a deficiency of vitamins disrupts the functioning of internal organs.

Melatonin, which is present in walnuts, regulates a person’s sleep and helps to better adapt to changing time zones, so they can be recommended to travelers.

Coenzyme Coenzyme Q10 is one of the main elements responsible for energy production in the body, helps to dissolve atherosclerotic plaques and prevents premature wear of internal organs.

The fats in these nuts are represented mainly by unsaturated fatty acids, including the famous Omega-3, which are indispensable for:

• cardiovascular health;

• slowing down the natural process of collagen breakdown in the body and stimulating its synthesis;

• prevention of breast cancer.

Walnuts can be considered one of the best plant sources of easily digestible potassium, as well as phosphorus, sulfur, selenium, sodium, zinc, copper, iron, fluorine and manganese.

What else is the benefits of walnuts for women

It is recommended to include walnuts in the diet for women who need to restore strength after serious illness, surgery and childbirth.

Nutritionists insist on their mandatory use if necessary, a useful weight gain, to get rid of anorexia.

Regular treats with them contribute to the prevention of diseases of the female genitourinary system, the occurrence and development of mastopathy.

In the winter and in the off-season, walnuts strengthen the immune system and, in case of hypothermia, protect against the common cold with a runny nose, as well as against negative effects specific to the female body (for example, ovarian inflammation).

If a woman has a difficult period, walnuts will be useful as a mild antispasmodic and a means of preventing large blood loss.

Also, the beneficial effects of walnuts extend to the following:

• lowering blood sugar;

• prevention of osteoporosis (especially for women after 40 years) - nuts do not allow calcium to be washed out of bones;

• normalization of blood pressure.

A snack with walnuts to strengthen the strength of the body and the activity of the brain will be more beneficial if you eat them in a minimal mix with other products, and nutritionists call one of the best combinations a mixture of them and dried fruits with honey.

And if nuts are needed as an antidepressant to improve mood and remove PMS, then it is very advisable to add a couple of chocolate cubes and hot green tea to them.

Key points regarding the benefits for women of sprouted, green and pressed walnuts in oil

Germination of seeds, grains, is not only a modern fashion trend in healthy nutrition, but also a really excellent choice if you want to enrich your diet with biologically active substances of rare qualities.

To prepare walnuts in this way is simple, for this you need:

• pour them, as is in the shells, a large amount of cold water;

• put the dishes with nuts for 10-14 days in a suitable place where it will not interfere;

• change water once a day and mix nuts in it.

The fact that the product is ready will become clear from the sprouts that break through the shells, after which the nuts can be eaten with pleasure, optimally - without being subjected to heat treatment. In these "awakening" fruits, all nutrients are in a partially partially split, maximally bioavailable state.

Of these, women can extract the maximum benefit for normalizing the hormonal background and preparing the reproductive system for the safe conception and bearing of the child.

Green walnuts are a very special product - only at this time there is a unique opportunity to enjoy them without peeling (it is very soft - you can pierce with a toothpick). The specific rich taste is the reason that they are usually consumed in the form of jam.

Compared with ripe nuts, the fruits in milk ripeness are characterized by a high content of vitamin C (much more than in citrus fruits and this remarkably strengthens the immune system and prevents vascular fragility), and in terms of quantity and quality of iodine (ensures the health of the thyroid gland) they are not inferior to seafood.

And they also make jam, for example, from gooseberries or apricots, with ripe nuts, and in this case their useful properties are naturally common for ripe walnuts.

Walnut oil is obtained from its nucleoli by cold pressing and it, in addition to the excellent taste recommended for salads, desserts and meat, grilled vegetables, also has a concentrated content of all the benefits of walnuts.

Even its energy value is an order of magnitude higher - all 898 kcal per 100 ml.

In dietetics, walnut oil is recommended for the following purposes:

• treatment of varicose veins;

• normalization of the outflow of bile;

• improving the transmission of nerve impulses in the body and especially in the brain;

• protection of cells from radiation, both artificial and natural (with the rays of the sun) origin.

Nursing mothers will allow peanut butter to increase the amount and fat content of milk produced.

Women actively use this oil externally - in home beauty recipes for the face and body, hair and nails.

What you need to know about the dangers of walnuts for women

Not only walnuts, but also all kinds of nuts, in principle, are traditionally referred to as highly allergenic products, which means that even if individual intolerance is not observed on them, you should not get carried away with this product.

Especially considering that, according to some scientists, the female body is particularly sensitive to excess intake of fatty acids.

Thus, the harm of walnuts for women, with excessive love for this delicacy, can temporarily manifest itself in the following:

• headache;

• inflammation of the tonsils;

• the appearance of a rash on the skin, accompanied by itching.

Also, nuts can provoke a vivid manifestation of chronic skin diseases.

Due to the high calorie content, for women, the harm of walnuts can be expressed as a set of excess weight.

And also it is worth remembering that nuts are not so easily digested, so if you have problems with the pancreas (pancreatitis), exacerbation of gastritis and intestinal disorders, it is better to refuse them.

An exception may be only oil from them, but even then - only after consultation with a doctor. But at the same time, it is undesirable to include oil in the diet with low acidity of the stomach.

Milk ripeness walnuts (green) are strictly contraindicated for those women who are diagnosed with an excess of iodine in the body or increased blood clotting.


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