The consequences of free education for the child and methods for their prevention. Is it possible to raise a child without prohibitions and control?


Free education is aimed at developing the independence of the child, but it does not contribute to the formation of personality. In most cases, this method of education is practiced by parents who do not care with whom their child spends time and what he does. Free education can be found both in dysfunctional and in financially secure families in which there is no spiritual connection with the child. Sometimes this method is practiced by intelligent families where parents are very educated people who are confident that only through education without prohibitions can a free and happy person be raised.

The consequences of free parenting for a child

In the family for the child, the main regulator of freedom of action is the parent, who, by virtue of his beliefs, allows everything. In society, the control over the child is carried out by strangers - teachers, police. There are also social norms and laws that must not be violated, even if the parents do not mind. Cognitive dissonance occurs in the child’s head, because he is used to acting on his own, and now faces many prohibitions and restrictions.

The child becomes moody and anxious. He is lost in the ocean of life, because he does not see landmarks, does not distinguish good from bad. The situation of uncertainty gives rise to internal anxiety and self-doubt. This condition is further aggravated by the fact that the child ran into him being unprepared - it was possible yesterday, but not today. The child does not understand why this happens and does not know what to do in this situation.

How to prevent the consequences of free education?

First of all, you should learn to say “no” to the child, introducing the restrictions necessary for life and personality. If the child has already reached adolescence, you need to start small. You can introduce easy household rules that must be followed, to perform any ritual. For example, every Saturday to wash dishes for the whole family, clean the room in the evening. It is necessary to start with a few restrictions, but ensure control over their implementation. If necessary, support the child.

Correction of this type of upbringing obeys simple action algorithms - parents need to understand that it is not always necessary to take the position of the child where his interests clash with the interests of the school, other children or society. The consequences may be more expensive than neglect.


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