What mushrooms dream of: we interpret Vanga, Freud, Miller, Nostradamus, Hasse according to the dream book, according to the Exoteric dream book


Why mushrooms dream - according to Miller’s dream book

Seeing or picking mushrooms - a dream speaks of an unreasonable rush to achieve wealth, this in turn will lead to the collapse of all plans or, even worse, a lawsuit. As the saying goes, “you will go farther,” do not you think that it is worth listening to a wise statement?

Eating them is a sign of unrequited or shameful love. There are grebes - a dream indicates that you need to think about health, physical and moral relaxation.

Why mushrooms dream - according to Vanga’s dream book

Glade, covered with hats of snow-white mushrooms, portends an imminent gift, a pleasant surprise. If you find worms sorting through mushrooms, wait for betrayal, and grebes indicate the unfaithfulness of friends. A donated mushroom is a sign of false accusation; dried ones are diseases. Huge mushrooms that explode - there is a danger of a nuclear catastrophe.

Why mushrooms dream - according to Freud's dream book

Mushrooms are a symbol of the male genital organ. To collect them means to lead a rich sex life, and at the same time it is unreasonable to sort out partners. Peeling mushrooms is a sign of cleanliness and an orderly way of life; to process them (cut, cook, fry, salt, etc.) is a sign of hidden diseases of the reproductive system. If there are a huge number of worms in the mushrooms, you will soon have children or grandchildren; to hold in hands - a tendency to self-satisfaction; throw - show unusual fantasies during sexual intercourse.

Why mushrooms dream - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

This image in a dream causes suspicion and caution, because it is not without reason that fly agarics are used in fairy tales to make magical potions that poison and damage people.

Borovik is a symbol of the forest guardian spirit, so a meeting in a dream with this mushroom portends luck. Being in a mushroom glade is a bad sign that promises to mislead you. Worms - an omen of disasters and disease, eat - to false suspicions. Huge mushrooms mean wisdom.

What mushrooms dream of - according to Loff's dream book

Seeing mushrooms with brown or red hats - experiencing a "fiery" feeling, a great passionate waking passion. Collect noble (edible) - to a pleasant surprise, grebes - the harbingers of trouble, barriers. Mushroom dishes predict luck, abundance - you will not need anything; eating grebes is evidence of a false friend, and soon you will recognize his intentions. Also, such a dream can broadcast about the betrayal of family people.

Why mushrooms dream - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Dreams in which you see mushrooms suggest that old people gave you wise advice, but because of self-will and stubbornness you do not want to listen to him, but in vain! If you listen, avoid trouble. Poisonous to see - a symbol of approaching joy; eat them - to longevity. Wormy toadstools are a sign that you are sowing evil around, and it will not pass for nothing. A full basket of mushrooms promises wealth in the family.

Why mushrooms dream - according to Hasse's dream book

Collect mushrooms - get rewards for your work or help. For young people, such a dream can prophesy a successful union, and for married people - overcoming obstacles, resolving conflicts and improving family relationships.

What mushrooms dream of - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

Mushrooms symbolize an obsession with delusions, inform of an approaching series of extraordinary events.

Why mushrooms dream - according to Longo's dream book

Your efforts and efforts will be rewarded if in a dream you pick mushrooms in the forest. White ones indicate that any of your undertakings will succeed, and that in the future, things will bring considerable income. Seeing fly agarics means finding yourself in a delicate situation, but your mind and ingenuity come to the rescue - you will surely manage, but if you eat fly agarics, the circumstances will most likely crush you and you cannot get out of them. You may have to seek help from friends and family. And for a girl, such a dream portends an unhappy marriage.

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that picking mushrooms is a dream when you want a change in life, but don’t know where to start moving forward. Mushrooms also dream of as a symbol of the fact that soon your friends will become allies for you in an important matter.

What do mushrooms dream of if you can’t figure it out in any way, are they edible or poisonous? Perhaps you should think about diversifying your life with more pleasant situations, as you are more immersed in problems, in your inner disharmony. Try to discover something useful and new.

The mushrooms that you collect in the basket - dream of an important matter in which you succeed. We can talk about a new business that will give you huge profits. We can talk about new opportunities to build your life from scratch.

Now it is important for you to gather your thoughts and not to miss such an opportune moment. The dream in which you see fly agarics promises you minor troubles that you will quickly overcome if you rely only on your own strengths. If you don’t ask for help, who should not be, one who has already betrayed you once, who will betray you again.


faith 07.12.2016
Good dream book. And you know that dreams are in the “hand” only from Thursday to Friday. Let you only have good dreams.


Watch the video: Dreams of jumping over mushrooms (July 2024).