The dog's hair falls out - what should I do? Possible causes and methods of molting treatment not seasonal


The problem of hair loss in a favorite pet worries many dog ​​breeders. If this happens several times a year, there is no cause for concern, as this is regular seasonal molting. But it happens that the ailment provokes other causes that require special treatment and timely treatment.

Shedding in season is a natural normal process

First of all, when a pet falls out, the cause should be identified. Natural molting, which is important and necessary for the dog, should be excluded. This process occurs twice a year: in the spring and autumn. Why is molting necessary? The answer is simple to change the coat. When spring comes, the animal no longer needs warm coat. Therefore, it is replaced by summer hair, which is shorter. In the fall, this warming process is repeated again. Such a protective cover as wool protects the dog from cold, rain, the rays of the sun and other phenomena.

Brighter moult is manifested in long-haired breeds. It is also important to remember that during this process the dog’s state of health does not change during the season. If the dog has hair loss due to an illness, a number of signs of a clinical nature appear: lethargy, weakness, poor appetite.

Some owners, in order to make molting faster, add vitamin A to the pet's diet. Dogs need to be combed regularly and carefully, so you can save the apartment from a lot of hair. This is especially important for breeds with long hair. If you do not cut and comb them in time, tangled tangles will begin to form. When wool loss occurs during another non-seasonal period, action must be taken. Especially when the pet is very itchy, the cause must be identified and the necessary therapy carried out.

Dog has hair loss - hormonal imbalance

Moulting out of season can be caused by disturbances in the hormonal background of the pet. Wool in this case will fall abundantly and symmetrically.

The following hormonal disorders:

• an excess of the hormone cortisol. Alopecia may be accompanied by the appearance of infectious diseases;

• estrogen in large quantities. This hormone provokes the swelling of the foreskin in males and hair loss in the perineum in females;

• estrogen deficiency is more often observed in females who have been sterilized. In this case, the hair becomes thinner and hairline growth slows down;

• impaired production of growth hormone. This failure often bothers males and occurs during puberty;

• lack of thyroid hormones - hypothyroidism. The dog’s behavior becomes lethargic, the hair becomes thinner, baldness begins with the appearance of bald spots.

Such hormonal disorders should be identified by a veterinarian who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Non-hormonal causes of baldness

If the pet has no problems with the hormonal background, it means that the dog has hair loss for other reasons. There are a lot of them, and each can provoke profuse hair loss.

The most common causes include:

- allergy. This reason is very common. And there may be an allergic reaction to anything. Namely: feed, parasite and flea remedies, household chemicals, medicines, shampoo, various synthetic products and more. Hair begins to fall out in shreds, the animal torments the dog, the dog can scratch itself and lick these areas. Natural products in the diet do not often lead to allergies than dry food;

- lack of vitamins. If the diet is not drawn up correctly, problems begin. The food that your favorite pet receives should be the most important trace elements. If necessary, industrial vitamins and minerals can be added to food;

- weakened immunity. If the animal has undergone any operations, diseases or injuries, this will affect the immune system. To strengthen the body in food you need to include healthy vitamins;

- presence of fleas and parasites in the body. The animal can catch this muck when in contact with other pets or while walking. If the dog is very itchy, becomes restless, hair begins to fall out and tormented by dandruff, fleas may have started. Special means will help get rid of parasites, which can be purchased at a veterinary center or pet store. Alopecia also provokes an itch mite. If hair loss occurs in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth and eyelids, an analysis will be required. This will help to prescribe an effective therapy to get rid of this unpleasant parasite;

- ringworm. This infection is caused by a fungus. On the body there are areas with bald hair, which are covered with a crust. The dog itches, and the skin peels. An urgent need to run to the veterinarian to begin treatment. This will help to avoid infection of the family;

- stressful situations. Stress is not only harmful to people. Among dogs, smaller breeds are more stressed. For example, a chihuahua. They can be frightened by noise, sudden movements and games.

Treatment and prevention

If the dog's hair falls out, the first thing to do is determine the cause. First you need to cure the underlying disease, and baldness will gradually pass by itself. The hair of the animal should be properly treated. It is not recommended to use shampoos for humans. Otherwise, an allergy may occur with the ensuing consequences. It is also not advisable to use hot water for washing. It is important to comb, clean and cut the dog in time. And the foam after bathing should be thoroughly washed off, water should not get into the ears. The diet should include the most useful vitamins. For the prevention of various diseases, you need to be vaccinated in a timely manner. If the cause of baldness is hormonal, appropriate medications will be prescribed. It will be necessary to donate blood to hormones if there are no infections and parasites.

If any disturbing symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a veterinarian. The doctor will examine the dog, evaluate its condition, conduct laboratory tests and develop an appropriate treatment regimen. The main thing is not to panic. Because modern diagnostic methods and timely help will help your beloved pet regain lost hair and health.
