Sergey: name, character, fate


The name Sergey is included in the category of the most common male names in Russia. Unlike other names, its popularity has not declined over time. Centuries passed, eras, worldviews and values ​​changed, but the name Sergei always remained in demand, and was in demand among people of different generations and classes.

So what is the reason for the popularity of the name Sergei?

Sergey: the origin and history of the name

The history of the name dates back to the civilization of the ancient Romans, who borrowed it from the Etruscan people who lived on their territory before the emergence of the Roman state. Translated from Latin, Sergius - "highly esteemed", "revered", "respected".

But there is another version of the origin and history of the name of Sergey. According to her, Sergey is a form of the outdated name Sergius adapted for modern times, which in Latin means "servidei" - God's servant.

In the nameserver of Christians, the name Sergey is identical to Sergius the Roman, who lived during the reign of Emperor Maximian at the end of the 3rd century. According to legend, this saint was a warrior who openly professed the Christian faith, for which he was put to martyrdom. Another righteous man named Sergei, like his predecessor, who suffered for the faith, is the Monk Martyr Sergius of Sinai. The canonization of Orthodox saints with this name became the reason for its popularization in the church environment.

The nature and fate of Sergei

Childhood for Sergey is an opportunity to explore the world and prove himself from the best and different sides. His goodwill, responsiveness and inexhaustible energy have people and make him the soul of the company. From an early age, Sergei is confident in his abilities and capabilities, for him there are no insoluble difficulties and problems. And this is not surprising, because a child named Sergey can do absolutely everything! Sport, theater, art and creativity are just a small part of his hobbies and talents.

"A talented person is talented in everything." It is under such mottos that Sergei’s childhood and his subsequent life pass.

Growing up, Sergey is determined with the sphere of his interests, although he is not averse sometimes to try himself in other roles. He is a master of words and has a good gift of persuasion. Generating ideas, he is the first to go to their implementation and is not afraid to look ridiculous in the eyes of his environment. It does not depend on the opinions of others and always has its own, even if it goes against the public.

The owner of the name Sergey is a very sensual and vulnerable person. His subtle soul does not tolerate falsehood and envy, and, despite the strength and courage emanating from him, it is very easy to injure him. It will be very difficult for a person in whom Sergey is disappointed to regain lost trust and friendship.

Sergey likes to joke and knows how. But not always in a state of irony to relate to the humor regarding his person, which sometimes causes conflicts and the emergence of acute situations. And although by nature Sergey the diplomat prefers to resolve disputes not with his fists, but with conversation, if necessary, he will rush into a fight with a representative of any complexion without fear and may even leave the offender without teeth.

He prefers not to share his experiences with anyone and to comprehend everything independently. It does not impose itself or complain, steadily endures blows of fate, no matter how painful they may be. Brave, decisive, always defends the weak and destitute. A big lover of animals. He treats children with affection and kindness, and they reciprocate with him.

Work for Sergey is the most important part of life and a chance to be realized as a person and to prove himself. He is a real careerist, ready to go over his head and achieve his goals by any means. In some cases, money is not an end in itself for him. The recognition of colleagues and praise are important to him. Sergey does not hide his vanity and by any means tries to achieve confirmation of his superiority over others.

Sergey is very kind and tender to his family and friends. The authority of parents, even in adolescence, is undeniable for him. It will be difficult for him to abandon maternal and paternal custody, but freedom and thirst for conquering new heights will make him show independence and leave his parental home.

In terms of temperament, Sergei most refers to the choleric type. These are people with a rebellious and unyielding character and great willpower. Their emotions prevail over the mind, and the heart above the head. They can handle any conflict and manage the actions of other people. Influencing people, they take advantage of their weaknesses and revel in a sense of their own significance in someone else's life. Do not tolerate betrayal and betrayal. And they will never return to where they left of their own free will or another's whim.

Despite the negative traits of his character, Sergey is a devoted and loyal friend. Honor for him is not an old tale of knights, but a deception - this is a humiliation of oneself. And he would rather tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be, than he will lie and play the hypocrite.

It is very difficult to meet a more romantic nature than Sergei. The owner of this name falls in love with lightning speed and also cools quickly. Without hesitation, he confesses to the ladies his feelings, devotes poetry and songs to them, gives flowers and gifts. And then breaks the hearts. Leaving the relationship Sergey is always beautiful. Women should remember him as the best man in their life with whom they were lucky to be. But sometimes excessive zeal to leave a mark in the soul and the heart of the object of your sympathy grows into a farce. And then the unprepared lovers, tired of excessive attention to their person, the first offer to remain friends, injuring the vulnerable youthful nature. But the time comes when Sergey meets true first love, and life changes dramatically.

Sergey is capable of experiencing strong feelings, but he is in no hurry to marry. Loneliness is his element. It is very difficult for him to abandon the usual way of life and let another person into his territory, especially a woman. His chosen one should be wise and patient, make concessions and support her man in everything. And then in it the previously unknown depths of sensuality and sexuality will open.

In family life, Sergei demands respect, but does not suppress the identity of his wife. He enjoys spending time with her, caring and presenting gifts. Attentive to her surroundings, always polite and courteous with parents and relatives. Men with the name Sergey are suited by calm, balanced women who will not strive for leadership, but will quietly wait for him at home with a plate of fresh soup and an iron. Along with this, she should be an interesting, deep personality, with the presence of intelligence and the ability to support any conversation. This is the key to a strong and happy marriage with the owners of the name Sergei.

The birth of a child becomes for Sergei the moment of a complete rethinking of the values ​​formed during life. His baby is the light in the window, the most beloved and dear person in this world. This love and affection is especially pronounced if the child was born to parents at a later age. Sergey surrounds the newborn with care and love from the first days of his life. He is ready to be next to the baby every second and protect his sleep from the crib. And sometimes a spouse can fade into the background, and this can hurt her in the heart. But time puts everything in its place, and if Sergey’s life partner shows understanding and patience, the family will become the axis around which her man’s life will revolve.

Do not forget that the character and fate of Sergei depend on other factors besides his name. The date of birth, planet, and zodiac sign are very important in understanding his personality.

Sergey: the positive and negative meaning of the name

Analyzing the meaning of the name Sergey, it is important to highlight the qualities inherent in this person. Personality benefits are as follows:

• kindness and responsiveness, the desire for altruism;

• honesty and inability to mislead and deceive;

• creativity;

• inexhaustible source of energy and sociability;

• ability to overcome difficulties and not run away from problems;

• leadership qualities, organization and ability to lead people;

• perseverance and industriousness, enormous capacity for work;

• own opinion;

• willingness to be responsible for their actions;

• respect for parents and older people;

• love for children.

Personality Disadvantages:

• excessive emotionality;

• vanity and exaltation of his person on a pedestal;

• inappropriate straightforwardness, which can offend a person;

• short temper and irritability;

• egocentrism and desire to manipulate;

• excessive talkativeness.

What does the name mean in the story?

If the choice of parents fell in the name of Sergey, they must know who carried this name before and what it means for the story.

The most famous Sergey of all time:

• Sergius of Radonezh (1314 - 1392) - a miracle worker and patron of all Russia.

• Sergey Botkin (1832-1889) - an outstanding doctor and professor.

• Sergey Yesenin (1895-1925) - poet and poet, who renewed public interest in new peasant poetry;

• Sergei Prokofiev (1891 - 1953) - People's Artist of the RSFSR, one of the outstanding composers of the past century.

• Sergey Vernov (1910 - 1982) - a scientist who devoted his life to physics and the study of cosmic phenomena;

• Sergey Eisenstein (1898 - 1948) - Honored Artist, Director, whose talent Charlie Chaplin himself admired.

Among the famous Sergeyevs of our time, one can distinguish Sergey Shoigu, Sergey Bondarchuk, Sergey Lavrov, Sergey Nikonenko, Sergey Zhigunov, Sergey Lazarev, Sergey Ursulyak and others.


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