Folk remedies for candidiasis as a possible treatment option. "Useful and harmful recipes": expert advice


A fungus of the genus Candida causes such an unpleasant disease as thrush (candidiasis or candidiasis). Fungi peacefully "live" inside a person, but when local immunity is weakened, their colonies appear on the external epidermis or internal epithelial tissues. There are many widely advertised drugs that for the most part relieve only the symptoms of the disease.

Let's try to turn to herbalists and get rid of the fungus, resorting to traditional medicine.

Soda as one of the popular folk remedies for candidiasis

The action of soda is based on the creation of an alkaline environment, which is detrimental to the colony of candida: the growth and reproduction of the fungus stops. Different procedures are usually used, choosing the appropriate option.

Recipe number 1. Use 1 tsp. soda per liter of water and douching with a prepared, slightly warm solution. The procedure is performed twice a day and helps to get rid of cheesy discharge and eliminate itching. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

Recipe number 2. Sedentary baths are prepared from a solution of soda (1 tbsp. Per liter of water) with the addition of 1 tsp. iodine. The solution is thoroughly mixed and used in a warm form. The sedentary procedure lasts 20 minutes, and the treatment lasts 5 days.

Recipe number 3. Boil a liter of solution with 2 tbsp. l salt for 2-3 minutes, cool, enter 2 tbsp. l soda and 10-12 drops of iodine. Douching is performed twice a day. The mixture for fungi is very unpleasant, since the composition kills the harmful microflora and cleanses the mucous membrane of the colonies of "aliens".

Soda is one of the folk remedies for candidiasis, which really "works", destroying fungi and restoring the normal environment on epithelial tissues. But the treatment should be brought to an end, it cannot be stopped if there are signs of relief, otherwise the fungus will begin to multiply again.

On a note: The dosage must be observed exactly, since the soda solution is able to dry the vagina, which causes unpleasant sensations. Soda douching is not recommended for women in early pregnancy.

Honey - Salvation from Candida Fungi

Honey is an excellent antiseptic that does not injure the mucous membranes, acts gently and effectively. Honey douching is simple and effective, but the treatment is long and lasts at least 2 weeks.

Honey is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting composition is used to treat affected skin or mucous membranes. The procedure is carried out twice a day after hygienic washing. The honey solution relieves itching, burning, discomfort.

With vaginal thrush, cotton swabs dipped in liquid honey help. They are administered for 30 minutes. and during this time they create an environment in which the fungal microflora is not able to multiply. An additional “blow” is the antiseptic effect, causing the death of most of the colonies.

Alternative remedy for candidiasis - celandine

One of the treatment methods when medications are poorly tolerated or a woman is “in an interesting position” is to use celandine. Moreover, apply it inside in the form of decoctions or treat the affected surface. And if the external application has the right to exist, then the internal causes some doubts, since the celandine is poisonous.

Recipe number 1. Use 1 tbsp. l fresh grass or 2 tbsp. l dried raw materials. The composition is poured with liters of boiling water and left on fire for 3 minutes. Insist an hour and use for douching 2 times a day. A new portion of the solution is prepared daily. Fungi die due to the toxic alkaloids contained in the composition.

Recipe number 2. Preparing a decoction of herbs for oral administration. The composition of the mixture includes 2 tbsp. l dry grass of elecampane, birch buds, coltsfoot, celandine, burdock roots. The mixture is added 3 tbsp. l tansy and 4 tbsp. l shepherd’s bag (if necessary, the ratio can be reduced). Take 2 tbsp. l collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist on a water bath for 30 minutes. Reception is limited to ½ cup three times a day. Duration - 2 weeks, after which a break should be made.

Due to the antifungal effect, the grass slows down the development of candida colonies on the mucous membranes of the internal organs. But the composition of the celandine contains a poisonous alkaloid, so you need to carefully monitor your condition.

On a note: Ingestion of herbal preparations will not bring the desired result, if it is not combined with stronger "chemical" external agents. Only with complex treatment can the desired result be achieved.

Chamomile - a fighter with harmful fungi

The beloved wildflower is used not only for fortune telling. Chamomile is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Her solution copes with itching, pain, inflammation. There are two uses for the plant.

Recipe number 1. Pour 2 tbsp per liter of boiling water. l herbs, the solution is cooled to a warm state and poured into a syringe. The procedure is carried out on the eve of sleep, that the chamomile infusion acted throughout the night. This is only possible if the body is in a horizontal position.

Recipe number 2. A chamomile bath with water is prepared: a gauze bag with 100 g of crushed grass is dipped in hot water and allowed to infuse for at least 10 minutes. Water should be comfortable for the body. Such baths can be taken indefinitely, as they are harmless. Each session takes at least 20 minutes. This is one of the folk remedies for candidiasis, but not the most effective.

On a note: Some herbalists advise drinking carrot juice in the morning or chewing raspberry or blackberry leaves. There will be no harm from such products, but they will not save from thrush. It is difficult to predict the activity of these agents against fungi.

Tar and household soap as a source of help

Before using soap for hygiene procedures, you need to make sure its natural composition. It should be a quality product, not a useless fake. The composition of tar soap includes birch tar, which is a natural antiseptic. Thanks to its action:

• inflammation is relieved;

• neutralizes the reproduction of microflora;

• removes unpleasant sensations;

• restores the epithelium.

As a means of intimate hygiene, it is used twice a week. Soap is also used for preventive purposes, when thrush appears with a certain frequency.

Laundry soap is an old, good remedy with an antiseptic effect. To treat problem areas, it is enough to prepare a soap solution and use it for its intended purpose, and after an hour rinse with warm water.

These varieties of soap as a folk remedy for candidiasis have been used for a long time. They are conveniently used for prophylaxis in order to avoid the reappearance of thrush.

Essential potassium permanganate as one of the life-saving appliances

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate, popular among the people, is always in the medicine cabinet, as it helps "from everything." And thrush is no exception. A solution for douching or processing of intimate areas is prepared pale pink (0.1%). When mixing the crystals, make sure that they are completely dissolved so that microburns do not occur in individual areas.

During douching, you need to take a horizontal position so that the solution is inside for about 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day and sessions are continued for a week. Potassium permanganate restores the acid-base balance, which destroys the fungal colonies.

Doubtful folk remedies for candidiasis

If you drink a cup of chamomile tea or chew a leaf of the most useful herb, then there will be no harm from this, but such a frivolous approach does not guarantee getting rid of thrush. Known recipes that can be not only useless, but also cause some harm:

1. Kefir, which is recommended to just drink and make tampons out of it. They are used three times a day. Candida fungi love an acidic environment, and kefir provides them with additional opportunities for growth and reproduction. In addition, such frequent exposure of the mucosa to acid may cause irritation.

2. Garlic, having a powerful effect against infections. You can not argue with this, but the introduction of a solution of garlic inside can increase irritation. Itching and burning will bring pain or discomfort.

3. 20% borax solution with glycerincapable of only inhibiting the growth of colonies, but not destroying the fungi completely. In addition, it helps only in the early stages of the development of the disease and kills the beneficial microflora.

It must be remembered that regardless of the means that you and your doctor have chosen to combat thrush, it is necessary to increase immunity. Candida fungi remain to live in the body and manifest themselves again and again if the protective barrier works at the limit of its strength and capabilities.


Watch the video: Yeast Infection: When To Visit Your Doctor (June 2024).