Moisturizing masks at home with pharmaceutical preparations. How heparin ointment, capsicum and aspirin restore freshness to the skin


Moisturizing masks for the face - a necessary stage in home cosmetology. They help protect and smooth the surface of the skin, help maintain a young, well-groomed appearance. Everyone knows the traditional ingredients for making masks: vegetables and fruits, dairy products, spices, phyto-harvests. We suggest trying masks with the most effective pharmacy drugs.

Basic components for moisturizing masks

As the main components, you can use glycerin or cosmetic oil (almond, peach, coconut, chamomile, sea buckthorn, rosehip, from wheat germ and others).

Glycerol (glycerol) - refers to the category of trihydric alcohols and is a viscous transparent liquid. This synthetic substance is known for its ability to retain moisture for a long time and is great for moisturizing dry, aging skin.

It mixes well with other components, it is used for temporary use, for example, a week after a week, or 10 days a month. The concentration of glycerol in the composition of cosmetics should not exceed 10-15%.

Vegetable oil - All pharmacy oils of natural origin have a corresponding label and detailed instructions for use. The oil can be used in its pure form almost daily, mix various names, you can add essential oils, vitamins (retinol, tocopherol) or any components for skin care.

Face masks must be used in compliance with the following rules:

• it is better to make a small amount for one time, so that all products are fresh, if it turns out more, apply the residue on the chest and décolleté, on other parts of the body;

• when using new components, conduct a test test, apply a little on the back of your hand and look at the reaction, if there is no redness and irritation, then it can be used without restrictions;

• after applying and rinsing off the mask, it is advisable not to use makeup and masking agents for half an hour.

Moisturizing mask with aspirin

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) as part of a moisturizing mask has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory effect. It normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous ducts, cleanses and tightens pores, reduces rashes and redness.

To prepare, you will need:

cosmetic oil (in pure form or with the addition of glycerin) - 1 tbsp. l

aspirin - 4 tablets.

Crush tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and mix with oil, you can add one capsule of vitamins A or E, or use the drug "Aevit". Apply to the face with gentle massage movements and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Panthenol Moisturizing Masks

Panthenol (depanthenol), bepantene is sold as an ointment or spray, any panthenol-containing lotions can be used for permanent skin care. Typically, panthenol products are used to soften and heal the skin after aggressive exposure to the environment, for example, after excessive sunbathing.

They help moisturize and protect the epidermis from damage, while the process of epithelization (healing) is accelerated. Stimulate the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, normalize cellular metabolism and strengthen collagen fibers.

The benefits of panthenol are due to the presence of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid and its salts, including calcium pantothenate), which has a beneficial effect on metabolism, activates blood and lymph vessels, and improves skin structure.

For 7 days, the effect of panthenol is most effective, then its use does not bring a noticeable result, therefore it is better to use it for a weekly rejuvenating course. Usually, products with panthenol content from 3% to 9% are sold, of course, it is better to use a more concentrated composition for applying the mask.

For cooking, you need to mix the base oil and panthenol ointment in a ratio of 1: 1 and apply on the face and neck. Masks with panthenol are convenient in that they can not be washed off and left on the skin until completely absorbed.

Moisturizing Maki with Curiosin

Curiosin (zinc hyaluronate) is a gel for eliminating skin defects, which has an antiseptic and healing effect. Normalizes sebaceous secretions from the skin ducts, stops the spread of pathogenic microbes. The active substance increases the activity of granulocytes and macrophages, which prevent infection by harmful microorganisms.

Zinc hyaluronate compensates for the lack of hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for the reproduction of collagen and elastane fibers in the skin. Promotes the production of a natural cellular base necessary for epidermal renewal.

Hyaluronic acid enhances the development of fibroblasts, which are involved in the synthesis of connective tissue and accelerate the regeneration process. This is caused by an increased flow of arterial blood into the capillaries and the intake of necessary substances.

To moisturize and improve the skin, use masks from cosmetic oil and kuriosin, which can also not be washed off. The course lasts 7-10 days, the composition is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day.

Moisturizing masks with heparin ointment

Heparin ointment (sodium heparin) - prevents the formation of blood clots, has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Heparin reduces inflammation, benzyl nicotinate (benzyl ester of nicotinic acid) dilates the surface vessels, provides blood flow and essential substances.

In addition, heparin is an effective remedy for bruises and vascular spots that occur when microdamage to capillaries. It has an anticoagulant, absorbable effect, reduces the formation of subcutaneous blood clots and strengthens the capillary network.

As you know, the skin feeds from the inside through the capillary and lymph vessels, and stagnation, narrowing of the lumen in the capillaries weaken the skin and its barrier, protective functions. Heparin ointment activates the intercellular metabolism, tones the walls of blood vessels and muscle fibers.

As a cosmetic product, it helps to smooth the surface of the skin, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation. It is used to prepare face masks with various oils and creams in a ratio of 1: 1, does not require rinsing. The course of application lasts from 7 to 14 days.

Moisturizing masks with a warming effect

For blood supply and nutrition of all skin layers, capillary and lymph vessels are very important, the circulation of oxygen and nutrients depends on this.

Tools such as apizartron, viprosal, capsicum help warm the surface of the skin and activate subcutaneous processes. Stimulate local immunity and prevent the spread of skin inflammation.

• Apizartron - contains bee venom, has an antibacterial effect (strengthens lysosomal membranes), inhibits the growth of gram-positive microorganisms.

Allyl isothiocyanate (purified mustard seed extract) deeply warms the skin and stimulates local blood flow, strengthens subcutaneous muscle fibers.

Methyl salicylate blocks the production of prostaglandins and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

• Viprosal - contains venom of common viper, turpentine gum, salicylic acid and camphor. It has an antiseptic and warming effect, irritates skin receptors and stimulates the nutrition of subcutaneous tissue. Promotes vasodilation, improves trophism of soft tissues.

Turpentine and salicylic acid exhibit an antiseptic effect, help cleanse and renew the skin.

• Capsicam - contains benzyl nicotinate, dimethyl sulfoxide, nonivamide, camphor, turpentine oil. It has antibacterial and vasodilating effects, stimulates local blood flow.

All preparations with a warming effect are mixed with cream or with oil 1: 1 and left on the skin for no more than 5-6 minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm water and, if desired, moisturizers or nutrients are used.


Watch the video: How To Make A Cream - Herbalism Basics 6 (June 2024).