How to remove the chin at home: cosmetics, exercises and lifestyle changes


A taut, beautiful oval face without a second chin helps to maintain a young age and well-groomed appearance for a long time. Over the years, wrinkles appear on the face, the skin sags, it is possible to radically cope with this problem surgically. But if you regularly follow certain rules and perform the necessary procedures, then you can get rid of the second chin at home.

Causes of the second chin

Such a problem worries more than half of women over the age of 30 years, so you should definitely add those that reduce the second chin to daily facial treatments. This is almost impossible to avoid for such reasons:

• genetic - the lower jaw is relatively smaller and at an oblique angle passes into the jaw;

• medical - a tendency to overweight and obesity, endocrine problems, improper metabolism, lack of collagen and elastin fibers;

• age - over the years, and the chin, and chest, and stomach “sag”, muscle tone weakens, the spine bends, the whole body “slides” down under the influence of gravity;

• behavioral - lack of physical activity, improper position during sleep.

If the second chin is already clearly visible and it stands out very much in profile, then myostimulation and various salon procedures, liposuction, and a surgical lift will help restore the previous shape. And if he was only outlined, you can deal with home remedies in order to maintain a beautifully defined neck.

Ways and means against the second chin

Usually, the same creams are used to care for the neck and decollete area as for face care. However, in this case, means "heavier" are required, which contribute to the activation and heating of the subcutaneous layer, where the lymphatic and blood supply occurs. This improves intercellular metabolism, accelerates the breakdown of lipid cells, and reduces swelling.

Masks for the chin, which tighten the skin and smooth wrinkles, apply 3-4 times a week (possibly complex use with the face) or an intensive course of 5-7 days, then take a week break.

4 tbsp. l warmed milk

0.5 tbsp. l dry yeast

Mix the components until completely dissolved, apply on the neck (and face), leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

4 tbsp. l heated kefir or whey

0.5 tbsp. l gelatin

Mix, leave to swell for about half an hour, apply to face, wash off after 10-15 minutes.

1 tbsp. l cream or cosmetic oil

0.5 s l warming ointment (apizartron, viprosal, capsicum, etc.)

Mix the ingredients, apply for 5-6 minutes and rinse with soap, at a low concentration, you can leave on the skin until completely absorbed.

The use of cosmetic products is often accompanied by massage, which helps to warm and stretch the skin, contributes to better penetration of nutrients. Massage technique:

• apply a nourishing agent to the chin and neck, evenly distribute and perform soft, smooth movements;

• palms need to stroke the neck in the direction from the collarbone to the chin, this helps smooth out superficial wrinkles;

• stroking in a circular motion from the middle of the chin towards the earlobes;

• with the head thrown back, smooth the neck from the center line towards the back;

• pinching movements are used when warming agents are rubbed for increased blood flow;

• patting the back of the hand on the chin - tones, helps absorb the care products.

Face and neck exercises

Facebuilding is the most effective way to deal with a second chin at home. This is gymnastics for the face, which helps to tighten muscles and skin, remove body fat and restore former female charm.

These classes do not require special training or special devices, they can be performed at any time and in any conditions. The main thing is to observe a sufficient load and conduct it regularly 3-4 times a week, and preferably daily, for example, when you wash the dishes, sit at the computer, go to bed, but don’t sleep yet.

The most effective exercises in order to tighten the second chin are performed 10-12 times:

• rotation of the head and tilts in different directions - helps to remove stagnant phenomenon in the cervical spine, increases the flow of oxygen to the brain;

• “kiss” - fold your lips like for a kiss and pull your chin forward to engage the muscles of the neck;

• “alphabet” or “numbers” - hold the tip of a pencil or pen with your lips and write letters or numbers in the air in order, when you confidently master this exercise, you can do without the use of stationery;

• "inflated ball" - with your mouth closed, inflate your cheeks as much as possible so that your neck muscles tighten, gently slap your palms on your cheeks to sharply release air;

• with your mouth closed, strain your lower lip in such a way as if you are very unhappy, while you should feel the ligaments in your neck tighten;

• fold your palm on the palm of your hand under the chin and tilt your head with an effort, trying to push your palms together, fold your palms on the back of your head and tilt your head back with the same effort;

• try moving your ears and, in general, the entire scalp, if it doesn’t work, start moving the skin on your forehead as if you were very surprised, gradually move the skin on the back of the head and near the auricles.

The results of regular massage procedures and exercises will be noticeable after a month, the oval of the face will tighten, the fat layer and muscle sagging will decrease, the skin will become smooth and velvety.

The schedule of work and rest

In order to prevent the early formation of the second chin, certain recommendations should be followed.

• Do general workouts and gymnastics to maintain and strengthen all muscle groups, for example, a simple “plank” exercise helps to strain both the muscles of the body and the muscles of the neck.

• Try to follow the rules of dietetics and a healthy diet, with increased body weight it is very difficult to reduce the fat layer in a separate area, while losing weight, moreover you need to perform exercises to eliminate sagging skin.

• The situation during work, especially if you have to spend a long time with your head bowed (when working with documents at your desk and in similar cases) - do a warm-up every 30-40 minutes or perform the indicated exercises.

If possible, engage while standing at a high table to hold your spine evenly and walk around sometimes, now this is an actual trend in the organization of the workspace - tables with adjustable height for sitting and standing work.

Use a stand for reading documents to keep your head in a more even position, it is also useful for visual perception.

• During sleep, use a thin flat pillow or orthopedic shape, high lush pillows give the body an unnatural position, and the blood supply to the brain worsens.

Another wellness trend is to sleep on the bed at an angle to the head (with a raised foot), this is necessary to prevent varicose veins, to eliminate swelling and sagging skin.


Watch the video: 8 Effective Exercises to Slim Down Your Face (June 2024).