Why is hibiscus called the "flower of death" and "husbands"? Caring for a Chinese rose at home: for those who do not believe in signs


Hibiscus or Chinese rose is a common plant among gardeners and florists. There are many varieties of hibiscus, all of them are unpretentious in content and bloom beautifully. However, popularly this beautiful plant is sometimes called the "flower of death." Is it true? What are the negative and positive properties of a Chinese rose?

Is hibiscus worth growing and how to care for it at home? Let's see what is a myth and the truth, how to grow a Chinese rose.

Plant description

Hibiscus belongs to the plants of the family Malvaceae. Represents a shrub or sapling. There are approximately 300 varieties of Chinese roses, they differ in size, color and shape of the leaves.

Hibiscus, grown at home, usually reaches a height of 60-80 cm. In this case, the plant can live up to 30 years, sometimes a bush or tree can grow up to 2 meters. This requires special conditions, in a small room pot such a Chinese rose is unlikely to grow.

The plant blooms all year round, and the flowers are particularly bright and beautiful - this attracts many.

Why is hibiscus called the "flower of death"

This name is mainly based on superstition that the Chinese rose is a source of negative energy.

Some people call hibiscus a "hemorrhagic" - psychics say that it absorbs the strength and health of people, takes away vitality, offer to get rid of the Chinese rose and never keep it at home.

ATTENTION! Some believe that, on the contrary, the plant takes all the negativity from the person.

Psychics often use hibiscus in their rituals, even in spoilage. Although, most likely, this is due to the bright color. There are varieties that have blood-red flowers - of course they will have an impact on particularly impressionable and easily suggestible people.

There is another belief - if hibiscus suddenly bloomed at the wrong time, expect health problems. For example, a Chinese rose always bloomed in the spring and flowers suddenly appeared in the winter season, superstitious people are advised to go to the doctor.

Positive signs about hibiscus

There are also positive signs associated with hibiscus. If a girl wants to get married, she must keep this plant in her room.

It is believed that the owner of a Chinese rose becomes very attractive to men - the plant attracts male energy.

However, there is a sign that such a relationship will not be long, the flower is sometimes called the "husband".

In China, it is believed that the flowering of hibiscus leads to an imminent wedding. In India, this flower is presented to the bride, decorate their hair - it personifies the innocence of a girl. In Brazil, the plant is presented to the newlyweds, so that children appear sooner.

It is also believed that hibiscus helps in creativity, knowledge and has a beneficial effect in restoring health after an illness.

Maybe that's why the Chinese rose can often be seen in hospitals and schools.

Believe it or not in such signs, you decide. All these superstitions, in fact, have no confirmation. If you are not a superstitious person, do not have prejudices, try to grow this mysterious and mystical flower at home.

How to care for hibiscus at home: general principles

With proper care, the Chinese rose will live with you for a very long time. There are a lot of plant varieties, you can choose any one to your taste. Sometimes they grow a small tree in an outdoor pot. Believe me, it will delight your eyes and attract the attention of your guests.

There are basic rules for growing hibiscus:

  • a suitable pot;
  • the correct composition of the earth;
  • a lighted place without direct sunlight;
  • regular watering and top dressing;
  • delicate cropping;
  • protection against diseases and pests.

In fact, all of the above is standard care for most plants. If you have experience, growing a Chinese rose will not cause you any trouble. It will not be difficult for beginner gardeners to achieve a beautiful appearance and plant health.

Hibiscus care from the moment of purchase: choosing a pot, location and soil, transplanting, pruning

So, you bought a Chinese rose and you brought it home happy. Let's figure out how to look after her now.

  1. Immediately keep in mind that we do not take the pot "for growth", this is simply not necessary. It is important that there are drainage holes in the tank, a drainage layer is created.
  2. What kind of land does hibiscus need? The composition is quite simple: 2 parts of clay sod, 1 part of humus and the same amount of leafy soil, sand, charcoal and vermiculite - a little bit as an additive.
  3. While the Chinese rose is young, it needs to be transplanted into a slightly larger pot every year.

Important: young hibiscus is transplanted exclusively in the spring.

When hibiscus reaches adulthood, it is transplanted more often as the root system and the bush itself grow and develop. Then the top layer just changes when the plant reaches its maximum.

If during the transplant you saw that there are roots of a dark color - just carefully cut them with sharp scissors.

  1. Lighting plays a key role in the proper care of the plant. Hibiscus must be born all year round, otherwise it will not bloom at all. In this case, if the summer sun is scorching, rearrange the pot with the plant in a slightly shaded place.
  2. The optimum temperature is 18-25 ℃. If the room is hotter, you need to water more and spray the plant. In winter, the temperature can be lower, but not less than 12 ℃ - in the summer there will be excessively violent flowering.
  3. Watering is carried out with pre-settled water without chlorine. Water should not be cold, hard or rusty - the leaves will turn yellow. Pour soft water at room temperature. Most often, it is improper watering that provokes hibiscus diseases. Do not overdry, otherwise the plant will drop all the flowers and most of the leaves. If you water too much, the roots will rot.
  4. During flowering, do not forget to feed the Chinese rose. In the spring, to provide a green mass, give the hibiscus a little nitrogen. Phosphorus helps flowering. So that the bush grows well, they give him potassium. It is recommended to purchase ready-made fertilizers for flowering plants.
  5. To make the hibiscus bush beautiful, spend delicate pruning of shoots. Firstly, you form a pretty bush, and secondly, flowering takes place only on young branches. After pruning, new young shoots appear on which beautiful flowers appear.

Introductory video:

If you comply with all conditions and properly care for hibiscus, it will delight you with its appearance for many years.

You can propagate a Chinese rose to make a small home garden.

Hibiscus is a very beautiful flower, suitable for any interior. During flowering, he will certainly cheer you up.


Watch the video: Difference Between Roselle And Cranberry Hibiscus (July 2024).