Which stone is better to choose for protection from evil eye and damage. When, why and how to "clean" the talismans


Since ancient times, people believed in the magical power of stones. They were used for fortune telling, made of them runes, idols and charms. Previously, stones endowed with magical protection against damage and the evil eye were in every family. They were handed down from generation to generation, they were greatly appreciated and were not given into the hands of anyone but family members. Still such stones could be received as a gift as a sign of great location.

Is it true that stones can protect a person from evil intentions, the evil eye, or even damage? What stones are suitable for these purposes? How to choose a stone? We understand in detail in our article.

Natural stones - protection against evil eye and damage

Nowadays, the presence of jewelry with precious or semiprecious stones is a common rarity. Some wear the simplest jewelry: framed stones on a leather strap, mineral rings, brooches and hairpins. After all, it is no accident that people once started wearing stones on themselves and making jewelry out of them. I wanted not only to decorate myself, but also to protect.

It is known that stones have their own energy, are built in and adjusted to the energy of the person who owns and wears them.

Also, stones perceive information, store it in themselves, have memory.

Natural stones are a powerful magical protection against evil eyes and damage, even unintentional bad wishes, of any negativity. Such a stone-amulet is a passive source of protection, it is enough just to keep it with you or carry it.

How to choose a stone for magic protection

The first thing that is important to know is that an ordinary person who is not a magician, astrologer, esoteric will have to abandon precious stones for protection. Their energy is very powerful, it is not so easy to cope with. In addition, the presence of precious stones sometimes causes the envy of others, which is additional negative energy. And we don’t need it.

Semi-precious stones and gems are ideal. If you use and wear them according to the rules, the protection will be quite high.

Choosing a stone, you should feel that it is yours, feel some warmth, trust. Take the stone you like in your hand, hold it a little, listen to yourself. If you have a pleasant feeling of the stone, you want to keep it, consider it - this is your protector. Mentally ask him for help and protection from the evil eye, damage and negativity. We can say that you get acquainted with stones, start a friendship with him, exchange energy.

Important: never rush when choosing a stone-amulet.

There are several rules for choosing stones for magical protection.

You need to know the following:

  • There are female minerals, semi-precious and precious stones, and male. Female - matte, cold shades, male - bright, warm and shiny.
  • The astrological factor plays a big role. It’s best to choose a stone suitable for your zodiac sign.
  • Try to choose a stone that is closest to you in numerology, as close as possible to the date of birth.
  • Before you pick up a stone-amulet, find out its properties and character.
  • If you feel pleasant and positive emotions while wearing a stone, this is your protector. In case of discomfort and the desire to remove or remove the stone, it is better to do so, it does not suit you. Have to choose another.
  • Various cracks and inclusions only enhance magical protection. However, if the stone is cracked or cracked during wear - its magical power has ordered a long life, you need to choose a new stone.

Protector stones what are they?

Each stone has its own characteristics that must be considered when choosing a talisman. The knowledge of each stone came to us from ancient times, it has been tested by many generations. So, let's look in detail.


It is one of the most powerful minerals for magical protection. Its main goal is to combat targeted malicious intent and corruption. They perfectly absorb evil energy, intended for long wear. However, sooner or later it will crack or crack, because they absorb everything bad that was intended for its owner. When this happens, it must immediately be removed and buried in the ground.


It is also a very strong stone-defender, almost inferior in strength to agate. He is worn to protect himself from dark forces and magic. Gagat is a real fighter with negative energy. If you wear it around your neck, you will be completely protected from the evil eye. At the same time, those who practice dark magic or cause damage do not wear it - the jet weakens them.

Cat's eye

This mineral has long been known for its protective properties. It perfectly protects against a dark ritual, evil eye, or even a curse. And the cat's eye brings luck to the spouses. If you carry the mineral together, it will protect you from any negative influence, or rather your family, relationship. No one can bring discord, send a negative, envying, if they wanted evil, it will not come true.


It is a light mineral that protects its owner from negative influences and the space around it. The moonstone protects against malicious intent, the evil eye, or from unintentional evil sending, for example, envy.


This stone is well suited to women and people who are often in sight with a large crowd of people. Chrysocolla will protect against negativity, evil eye, bad wishes. It can be worn as an amulet for many years, it will protect you from hard looks. Also, this mineral protects against nightmares and fears in a dream.


Another name is baby stone. It protects children from specially induced negativity, dark magic, evil intent. Malachite loves children very much, it is a powerful magic tool specifically for their protection. Malachite reliably protects the children's biofield, drives away diseases that, by the way, are often caused precisely by weaknesses in the child’s energy.

Eye of the Tiger

Magic practitioners often use this stone to detect dark energy flows. The tiger's eye is a good indicator of the presence of damage, the evil eye. If the mineral has darkened, it has become heavier, this indicates a negative impact on the person. In this case, we are not talking about protecting the owner, but rather about an alarm notification.

Black agate

He should pay special attention. It is a strong protective mineral. It must be combined with silver in the form of jewelry. If you sprinkle it with holy water or read a prayer over it, its properties are activated. Black agate protects from dark forces, any dark intention or magical actions.

Zodiac signs and guardian stones

We have already said that each zodiac sign has its own stone-amulet, or even several. It is best to choose a protector that suits you according to astrological parameters.

Aries - diamond and ruby.

Taurus - malachite and moonstone.

Gemini is agate and topaz.

Cancer - cat's eye, jet, moonstone.

Leo - tiger eye, amber, onyx.

Virgo - jasper, agate, malachite. You can not wear turquoise.

Scales - diamond, malachite, amethyst.

Scorpio - cat's eye, amethyst.

Sagittarius - amethyst, tiger eye, agate, turquoise.

Capricorn - green malachite, onyx, agate, tiger eye.

Aquarius - amethyst, agate, pomegranate.

Pisces - amethyst, jet.

How to wear amulets

There are several important nuances on how to wear stones so that they protect and protect you. It would seem, why you can’t just put on a jewelry with a stone and be confident in your protection.

How to wear amulets:

  • wear as jewelry with a minimal cut;
  • the closer the amulet is to the heart, the better;
  • Do not wear a few objects similar in energy;
  • amulets for children are hidden, for example, in a pocket, under clothes or kept at home in personal belongings;
  • stones, conspired for financial fortune, are carried on fingers and wrists.

Interesting: it’s not necessary to demolish the mascot every day. You can wear it when you feel restless, weak, tired, or you need protection.

Stone cleansing after purchase

Not everyone knows about this, but the lack of knowledge does not exempt from responsibility. After buying any jewelry with precious or semi-precious stones, minerals, it must be cleaned.

Stones absorb all the surrounding information, we have already talked about this. Stones have a memory. Therefore, the guardian protector, and even a simple decoration, is better to clean, invest a new goal - to protect the owner from any negative energy, help in all matters.

There are several ways to cleanse stones after purchase:

  • Hold the stone under running water for half an hour. For these purposes, a natural source or ordinary open crane in your home is suitable. Then we put the mineral for three hours under the sun or moon rays - this is how you will carry out energy exercises.
  • Do not wear jewelry with a stone two weeks after cleansing. Just put it in your personal things so that they absorb your energy through them. Some practitioners believe that it will be better to protect you.
  • Every 3 months it is possible to carry out cold cleaning - this is how we free the stone not only for the first time, but also on an ongoing basis from the accumulated negative. Place in the freezer for three days, then allow to thaw and pour out the water. After the stone or decoration is washed with running water, as indicated in the first paragraph.
  • A very effective way is clarification with salt. We put the decoration with the stone in a glass or ceramic container, fill it with salt and leave for a day. Then rinse with running water.
  • Fire also cleans amulets and charms. We light a candle, make several circular motions with a stone around a burning candle, then draw it through the flame. So we clear the stone-protector from the negative, activate its properties.

If you choose the right stone for yourself, it will become a good protector against evil intentions and witchcraft. The advantage is that you can choose and purchase a stone yourself in the form of jewelry or separately. Clean and charge at home, as described above, and feel free to wear your amulet.


Watch the video: How To Cure Evil Eye. Vastu Tips for Evil Eye by Life Guru Dr. Puneet Chawla (July 2024).