Influenza: what to do so that everyone living with the sick does not get sick. How many days is a person infected with the flu?


Influenza is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract that causes the flu virus. Autumn and winter are the seasons of the years with the highest prevalence of influenza infections.

WHO estimates that about 1 million people die from acute viral respiratory diseases each year. There is good news: flu can be prevented by vaccination, proper hygiene and behavior.

Will the vaccine help prevent the onset of the flu?

The best way to protect yourself from the flu is to get vaccinated. The ideal period for preventive influenza vaccination is in the fall - October or November. The flu vaccine begins to act in 10-14 days.

WHO recommends that the following groups be regularly vaccinated against influenza:

  • patients who live in nursing homes;
  • elderly people (over 60 years old);
  • pregnant women (usually from the second trimester);
  • people with chronic conditions;
  • socially active people;
  • people who are especially at risk for infection (e.g. medical personnel).

However, the vaccine is not 100% able to prevent the occurrence of influenza. If an infection does occur despite a flu vaccine, the course of the disease is usually much milder. Since influenza viruses are constantly evolving (mutating), vaccination should be carried out on an annual basis.

What hygiene measures will save you from infectious diseases in winter?

High-risk patients should not neglect hygiene when it comes to preventing the spread of influenza. Simple tips will help you avoid unpleasant symptoms of the disease:

  • Regular hand washing for 20-30 seconds with soap.
  • Reduces the amount of touching your mouth, forehead, or cheeks.
  • Avoiding shaking hands to the maximum extent during the flu season. Even with a slight touch, flu viruses can spread from one person to another.

Viral diseases are also transmitted by airborne droplets. In ordinary conversation, coughing or sneezing, viruses enter the air with tiny drops of saliva.

To protect yourself from the disease, it makes sense to go out into the fresh air once an hour for about 5 minutes.

Air ventilation reduces the number of germs in the air and, thus, helps protect against flu.

It is not recommended to stay in places with a large number of people: in department stores or public transport. It is important to keep a small distance when in contact with sick people. In order not to appear rude, it is recommended to briefly explain the behavior.

Is regular airway hydration an effective way to prevent flu?

Dry mucous membranes are more susceptible to viruses, so regular hydration prevents infections.

Drinking enough water (about 2 liters per day) is recommended, as it moisturizes the mucous membranes. It is also useful in the winter to regularly ventilate or place cups of water on the heater.

Dryness in the airways is often the result of heated air.

A healthy lifestyle can have a positive effect on influenza prevention.

Exercise, smoking abstinence, and a balanced diet are factors that reduce the risk of contracting an infection.

How not to infect loved ones with the flu?

If the flu appears, it is important not to infect other people.

Even after the symptoms are reduced, the risk of contracting infections persists for about 4-7 days.

The following methods will help protect loved ones from an infectious disease:

  • stay at home until full recovery;
  • cough and sneeze on the elbow or on the floor;
  • avoid shaking hands and other close contact with the body (e.g. hugs) during the flu;
  • use paper towels and ideally dispose of them immediately after use.

If true flu (caused by influenza viruses) is suspected, it is recommended that you consult a doctor. With concomitant immunodeficiency or pregnancy, it is imperative to visit a doctor. If the flu symptoms are not inferior in 2-3 days, you should call an ambulance. High body temperature threatens a person’s life and indicates possible complications.


Watch the video: Flu Attack! How A Virus Invades Your Body. Krulwich Wonders. NPR (July 2024).