To whom do doctors recommend skating regularly, and to whom is categorically forbidden?


Skating is not only fun, but also a healthy sport. Regular physical activity reduces blood pressure, improves heart function and relieves mental stress. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of playing sports to prevent the "diseases of civilization." However, for certain diseases, skating is strictly prohibited.

The benefits of ice skating

Moderate physical activity has a positive effect on blood pressure, mental well-being and body weight. A prerequisite is 130 heartbeats per minute with a load duration of 20 minutes. People who are on ice 3 times a week for 20 minutes are 5 times less likely to suffer from "diseases of civilization" - obesity, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Therapeutic effects:

  • improved coordination and a sense of balance;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthening the immune system
  • weight loss;
  • strengthening the muscles of the legs, back and hips
  • stabilization of the body posture;
  • mood improvement.

Ice skating stimulates fat burning at a moderate heart rate. Physical activity is recommended for patients with cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. Smooth movements protect the back and joints from degenerative processes. When skating, the load on the upper body — the lumbar spine — increases. Therefore, the risk of developing osteochondrosis and arthrosis-dystrophic diseases is reduced.

Body areas that ice skating trains:

  • buttock muscles
  • inner and outer legs;
  • hamstrings;
  • muscles of the body.

Ice skating improves spatial orientation and coordination. The sense of balance, flexibility and reaction speed are especially trained.

Regular aerobic exercises reduce the concentration of low density lipoproteins (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol) and increase vascular elasticity.

In the long run, the risk of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and atherosclerosis is reduced.

The preventive effect is also on the heart muscle. The ability of cells to withstand the negative effects of oxygen starvation increases.

Who is strictly forbidden to skate?

Skating is prohibited for legally incompetent, elderly people and patients with osteoporosis. The risk of injury with osteoporosis increases 5-7 times, which is associated with reduced bone strength.

Acute infectious diseases are an absolute contraindication.

Sharp turns and a short-term increase in body temperature contribute to the spread of infection, therefore, the risk of complications increases.

What clothes do you need for safe skating?

  • Skates: Be sure to try on in the store, because too large or small size becomes a cause of pain. Skates are often of various widths.
  • Protective clothing: Thick gloves are necessary to prevent injuries, so they are mandatory on most rinks. Tip: Knee pads and elbow pads or helmet provide added security.
  • clothing: Multiple layers are better than a thick sweater to prevent hypothermia.

Bruises, broken arms or forearms, and bruises on the knees are a frequent result of neglect of clothing and safety precautions.

Learning the right technique helps prevent possible injuries.

High speed skating is recommended.

Ice safety measures

With all the positive effects on the soul and body, one should not forget about the risks when skating. Falling on ice can be very painful. Bruises and fractures happen, but they can be largely prevented by following some safety measures:

  • Cuts on fingers best prevent thick lined gloves.
  • Hand protectors used on roller skates protect the wrists.
  • Wearing a safety helmet should be taken for granted, especially for children and inexperienced people.

All you need for ice skating is the desire to move, warm clothes and a pair of suitable skates. The latter can also be rented on skating rinks. Rental price: from 120 to 400 rubles.


Watch the video: 20. Aggression IV (July 2024).