How does vaping affect the body: with daily soaring or using vape from time to time


Vaping is the process of smoking using an electronic cigarette. Thanks to the numerous flavors, a person can select fluids daily in accordance with the mood. If desired, formulations with the addition of nicotine, aromatic oils are used.

Despite the manufacturers' attempt to convince people of the safety of soaring, there are more and more facts confirming the opposite.

What is in the liquid for vape

Many lovers of electronic cigarettes claim that they specifically switched to vaping because of the need to maintain health. They actively use nicotine-free formulations, considering it the main cause of oncology, hypertension and other complications. But when smoking, different substances are secreted, some of which settle on the mucosa of the lungs and bronchi:

  • artificial flavors;
  • polypropylene;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol.

The main danger is the lack of certificates and sanitary standards for the production of liquids for filling vape.

In fact, no one controls the level of additives, their quality or the purity of oils for flavoring. Therefore, even an expensive composition does not give a 100% guarantee of safety.

Harm or benefit of vaping with rare soaring

If you use electronic cigarettes occasionally, on other days, supporting a healthy lifestyle, the harmful effects will be reduced to a minimum.

This is confirmed by recent observations of foreign experts:

  • Steam secretions do not provoke spasms of arteries and small capillaries, do not lead to circulatory disorders in the skin.
  • The Italian cardiologist Forsalinos published works proving the lack of influence on the level of oxygen in the blood, damage to the heart valve.
  • Aromatic additives have been proven to reduce cravings for regular smoking, helping to get rid of addiction.
  • According to the observation of 1300 volunteers from the University of Oklahoma who had not previously smoked nicotine cigarettes, only 0.1% after vaping felt a desire to switch to a more dangerous habit.
  • Thanks to the advent of the electronic cigarette, the lawsuit for the development of early death of stroke or other chronic diseases associated with the products of burning nicotine is reduced.

When analyzing the anti-nicotine drugs and substitutes market for 2017, it was vape that was recognized as the most effective way to quit smoking.

Is vape harmful for smokers

A less rosy picture appears if you carefully consider the state of health of an avid lover soar. Particularly serious malfunctions of the internal organs are diagnosed when using fluid with the addition of nicotine:

  • When soaring more than 3 times a day, a psychological dependence on habit develops.
  • Despite the minimum content of the hazardous component, there remains a risk of the formation of benign and malignant tumors of the larynx, trachea, and lungs.
  • During use of the vape, the airways are infused with steam, which negatively affects the condition of the mucous membranes. Therefore, in avid sweaters gingivitis, periodontal disease, fungal mycoses of the oral cavity can be more often observed.

Electronic cigarettes significantly reduce the burden on the cardiovascular system. But formulations with the addition of nicotine when soaring more than 3 times a day cause:

  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmias;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary heart disease.

In the avid lovers of this method of smoking, the lungs suffer from the constant exposure to nicotine vapor, coughing, a change in voice, and other unpleasant symptoms are observed.

Features of Popcorn Disease

Recently, doctors are increasingly raising the issue of the relationship between vaping and severe pathology of the respiratory system - popcorn disease.

In Western countries, surveys were conducted of the working conditions of workers at confectionery factories producing popcorn. Many were found to have lesions of the bronchopulmonary tract, bronchiolitis, chronic bronchitis.

Such a dangerous effect is provided by flavors, which are added in large quantities to confectionery. When heated, they turned into steam, inhaled by workers during the shift. The most toxic compound is 2-pentanedione, which provokes uncontrolled growth of connective tissue in the lungs. This results in severe viral lesions, a decrease in volume during inspiration, and the development of an allergic reaction.

Most consumers use vaping liquids with added flavors. In a study of 51 compounds produced in 2017, 47 percent of them found different percentages of this dangerous compound. The highest content during testing showed aromas of vanilla, caramel, chocolate and other sweet products. Therefore, without evidence of the absolute safety of this remedy, it is better to limit its use to a minimum.

Vaping Hazards

Recent developments and tests from the World Health Organization increasingly confirm the dangers of using vape. According to the Russian Center for Preventive Medicine, people who are near a smoker while inhaling aromatic substances are also at risk. The most undeniable arguments against the new addiction of youth:

  • In the manufacture of low-cost liquid formulations, unscrupulous manufacturers add formaldehyde. Turning into steam, it settles on the mucous membranes, forms an invisible film. It dries tissues, provokes irritation, peeling, discomfort.
  • When hovering at high temperature, the process of toxin release is accelerated, and their amount in the blood increases several times.
  • Steam with flavorings along with saliva freely enters the stomach, causes digestion problems, provokes exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, ulcers.

When analyzing the composition of the emitted vapor, vape wins noticeably against the background of a nicotine cigarette more dangerous to health. But doctors warn that a full-fledged study of vaping is just beginning, so you should not unequivocally state that there is no harm to the body, do not forget about the sense of proportion.


Watch the video: A Lung Doctor Takes On E-Cigarettes (July 2024).