The most obedient children by zodiac sign


Obedient children are not fiction, they exist! But obedience is different - it can be innate or appears out of fear of being punished. And sometimes a little man just does not have time to process the information as quickly as his parents want.

Children to whom nature gave a light character

Many character traits are laid at birth, and the influence of planets plays a significant role in this.


Angelic appearance, vulnerability, shy smile can lead anyone astray. From childhood, these cute creatures begin to manipulate their parents and their environment.

If the mother says to tidy up the room, the child will not argue, but will be so slow that others will do the work.

Without creating conflict situations, with the help of a sweet smile, the child will subordinate everyone around him to his will.


Modest, calm, friendly children, Virgos never go against their parents. You can’t wait for tantrums and whims from them, the toys will always be stacked, and the lessons done.

It remains for parents to watch with pleasure how the child diligently fulfills the assignment, conscientiously treats any duty.

The support of loved ones is very important for such a child - if the child is comfortable in the family, he feels more confident.


Incredibly obedient and stubborn children. They are naturally endowed with a weak character, it is easier for them to obey than to cause even a semblance of conflict.

The gentleness of character constantly forces them to yield, retreat and put someone else's opinion in the first place.

Due to their quiet nature, kids love quiet games and a friendly environment. They will never refuse to help their parents, they will do whatever they ask.

Parents, do not forget to praise your baby, and he will blossom before your eyes.

The task of parents is to teach such a child to value himself, not to be afraid to make his choice, to refuse "pseudo-friends" who enjoy the softness of his character.


Capricorn is inherent responsibility and accuracy. They are extremely executive.

You can be sure - they will execute any order, albeit slowly, but neatly and in good faith.

Parents do not have conflicts with such a child, he is interested in cognitive games, he prefers to walk on the street with his parents, and at home he will find a quiet lesson for himself.

Patience and a little effort

Are you sure that the child understands you correctly? Sometimes a change in parenting tactics will pleasantly surprise you.


Loving and affectionate children, very caring. Stubbornness, which sometimes manifests itself, is easy to extinguish with a soft smile and friendly conversation. They are very responsive to maternal care, but they are wayward. Sometimes a baby experiences emotional outbursts, and he wants to go against his parents, but this condition quickly disappears if you pay attention to the child.

Taurus is easy to control by persuasion, affection and reasoned request.

They are independent, rejoice around the world, see positive features in everything.


Tearful, sensitive Cancers respond to the patient involvement of their parents. They are easy to manage, given their emotional state.

They are dependent on the opinions of others, but with an incredible sense of dignity. Cancers will obey only with respect for themselves.

Cancer children are distinguished by sincere love for their mother, but this does not prevent them from disobeying her and doing everything in their own way. Only friendly participation, patient conversations and the use of innocuous "tricks" can make the child obedient.


They would be glad to be obedient, but at the same time clutch at so many things that they forget about their promises. They do not argue with parents, share secrets with them, but they will definitely embellish their story with imagined fantasies.

They love increased attention and will try their best to attract him. The twin will behave well as long as they are interested.

Aggression and obstinacy in a child increases as soon as interest in him weakens. About obedience is no longer out of the question, the child will hysterically suppress everyone around him.

Parents should consider this character trait and be prepared. In the case of Gemini, the proverb says: "they knock out a wedge with a wedge."

Returning obedience to a child can be a good slap - only when you feel the strength, the baby will obey. But we must remember - the temperament can not be redone, only mutilate the psyche.

A lion

Imperious, bright and strong personalities. Do not infringe on your person. With disrespect to himself, he will respond with persistent alienation.

They are ambitious and proud, and on these character traits you can play - to achieve his obedience. If a child is stimulated with praise and admiration, he will turn mountains.

Who will defeat whom?

The character of the baby is already laid, but much depends on his environment and upbringing. Parents must take this into account and look for methods of how to deal with an uncontrollable child.


The rebellious nature of the Aquarius child can manifest itself in different ways. He can go against everyone, or he can achieve his goal with a "peaceful" pressure. He does not recognize pressure on himself.

Independent and free - will only do what is interesting to him.

He takes a non-standard approach in actions, but under compulsion loses interest in everything. It becomes apathetic, irritable, refuses to obey


Energy and mobility determine the nature of scorpion children. These are strong natures, inquisitive and very emotional.

Such children are extremely naughty. Steep temperament is manifested in them from early childhood.

They are secretive, independent, unpredictable, do not tolerate their own and others' weakness.

Always striving for leadership, Scorpios do not obey anyone, any tense situation causes them aggression. It is useless to put pressure on such a child, only by finding weak points in his character can obedience be achieved.

Such a child will not only not obey, he will also take revenge if he notices an unfair attitude to himself.


Children are so difficult to manage that they should not even impose their will on them. Such a child requires maximum patience, he will never do what he does not want.

In turn, he by any means, hysterical, will get from his parents what he needs.

He can’t stand the command tone, he responds to rudeness with rudeness, does not like being opposed to his will. Only a calm tone and soft conversation can not cause him irritation.


Real fidgets, can not stand the silence, constantly busy with something. To get such a baby to do painstaking work that requires attention is useless.

You can’t put pressure on Sagittarius; from an early age he feels like an “adult” and does not obey orders.

The child will obey the parents if he is treated as an adult, without suppressing his character.

Parents should remember that by oppressing the feelings of the child - oppressing his intellect.

All children are so different and individual that the same zodiac sign in each child can manifest itself in different ways and parents should not rely on generally accepted methods of education.

ATTENTION! Horoscope should not be a decisive factor in education.


Watch the video: Capricorn Best Match for Love - Top 5 Signs (July 2024).