Zrazy with meat - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook zrazy with meat.


Maybe someone will not believe, but zrazy is an ancient Slavic dish. True, for some time this dish has lost its popularity, but today this dish actively oppresses the usual burgers to everyone and again occupies worthy places at festive feasts. In the old days, zrazy was a chicken filet, slightly broken and rolled up. Today, zrazy are being improved; in cooking, you can use not only meat chops, but also minced meat. Another feature of modern dishes - a variety of fillings. If in ancient times people refueled meat with various spices, emphasis was placed on taste and aroma, modern chefs enriched the taste of the dish by adding additional ingredients.

Zrazy with meat, mushroom stuffing, fish zrazy, even meatless zrazy with vegetables - all of these different types of zraz have a place to be and are in great demand among cookers. And this is not surprising, preparation takes not so much time and ingredients, but there is an opportunity each time to prepare zrazy with an unusual taste, different from the previous one.

Zrazy with meat. Product Preparation

What are zrazy? We can say that this is the same cutlet, but with the filling. For cooking zrazy with meat, you can use either minced meat or meat fillet. Mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs, fried vegetables, fresh greens, etc. can serve as a filling. In general, if you opened the fridge and found minced meat and several eggs, then boldly cook meat zrazy and please your loved ones with an unusual, but very satisfying dish.

Recipes zraz with meat

Recipe 1. Zrazy with meat and cheese

At observance of technologies of preparation even the beginning cook will not have difficulties with preparation of this unique and unique dish. The filling is cheese, necessarily solid varieties, and hard boiled eggs.

Ingredients Required:

• 500 g - minced meat;

• 1 tbsp. l - semolina;

• 1 bunch - green onions;

• 2 pcs. - egg;

• 2 tooth. - garlic;

• 20 g - butter.

Ingredients for the filling:

• 100 g - cheese;

• 3 pcs. - hard boiled eggs.

Cooking method:

The stuffing should be completely defrosted. By the way, it can be chicken, pork, pork and beef mince - on preference. In a shallow bowl, beat the eggs, then send here semolina, spices for minced meat and salt, continue to actively work with a whisk. Next, we sweeten the egg texture into mince, mix everything well. It remains to push garlic garlic, and green onions, finely chopped. Vegetables are sent to the stuffing and with both hands carefully beat off the stuffing. You can proceed to the filling. To do this, cheese and boiled eggs are rubbed on a coarse grater. Cooking zrazy. With a small amount of minced meat we make flat cakes, in the middle we add a little filling and butter, we make a flat cake from minced meat. Cooked zrazy can be a little roll in flour, and those who like crisps can roll the minced meat in breadcrumbs. Zrazy until cooked fried in hot oil.

Recipe 2. Zrazy with meat and vegetables in the oven

Who likes to cook not only hearty, but also healthy dishes, we recommend to pay attention to this recipe. Any vegetables can serve as a filling, and those who love meat with a sweetish taste can take a pumpkin as a filling.

Ingredients Required:

• 500 g - beef;

• 300 g - pork;

• 1 PC. - bow;

• 2 pcs. - eggs.

Ingredients for the preparation of the filling:

• 2 pcs. - bow;

• 3 pcs. - eggs;

• 1 PC. - zucchini;

• 1 PC. - carrot;

• 50 g - cheese;

• greenery.

Cooking method:

Beef with pork, we need for cooking meat. Home-made minced meat is incomparable, especially with ready-made minced meat purchased in stores. Together with the meat in the meat grinder, scroll and peeled onions. We break eggs into mince, you can lightly add black pepper, salt is necessary. The stuffing must be carefully repulsed, this will allow the sprays to not decay during the cooking process. Cooking stuffing. Peel vegetables - onions, carrots and zucchini. Next, lightly pass them in hot oil. In the vegetables we send pre-grated cheese and hard boiled eggs. Mixing stuffing. Getting to design zraz. Lay out a little filling in the middle of the tortilla and make a tortilla of the desired size and shape. Flapjack laid out in a row on a greased baking sheet. Zrazy in the oven retain their juiciness and they taste more tender and fragrant. It is necessary to bake a dish no more than 40 minutes.

Recipe 3. Zrazy with meat in Italian

As mentioned above, zrazy can be prepared not only from minced meat, but also from meat fillets. For aesthetes, we recommend cooking zrazy in Italian with mushrooms. Treat yourself to new tastes!

Ingredients Required:

• 300 g - champignons;

• 2 pcs. - bow;

• 2 pcs. - carrot;

• 300 g - beef fillet;

• 2 pcs. - Bay leaf;

• 200 ml - red wine;

• 100 g - juniper berries;

• black pepper, salt, spices.

Cooking method:

Cooking vegetable mix. To do this, finely chop the mushrooms, chop the onions, you can take a little fresh greens and finely chop, carrot rubbed on a grater. All listed ingredients are mixed. It remains to prepare the meat. To do this, cut beef cut into thin plates. We beat them down with a hammer, you can tuck in black pepper. For each piece of meat fillet lay out a little vegetable filling and wrap the beef in a roll. It is possible to fix meat with toothpicks, and it is better to tie it with a thread.

It remains to prepare the sauce. To do this, put zrazy in the pan, all this is poured with red wine, added juniper berries, black pepper and bay leaves. You can prepare the dish in the oven, and you can stew on the stove over high heat. After 30 minutes Zrazy ready.

Recipe 4. Zrazy with meat and mushroom filling

If the above recipes can be prepared for solemn occasions, then the dish described below is perfect for an everyday day. It's enough to buy chicken legs and some fresh mushrooms.

Ingredients Required:

• 2 pcs. - chicken legs;

• 2 pcs. - bow;

• 300 g - mushrooms;

• 50 - cheese.

Cooking method:

So, it is required to separate the meat from the bone. Put the chicken meat in the boards and slightly discourage, fill the meat with spices. Put the stuffing in the middle. Fresh mushrooms are fried in a pan with chopped onion. In the middle of the meat lay out a few spoons of filling and wrap the chicken legs in a roll. Spread zrazy on a baking sheet, rub cheese on top. Roulettes are baked for about 40 minutes. It is better to give time for them to cool down, and then the roll is sliced ​​into circles. The dish can be served with a side dish, and you can as a snack.

Zrazy with meat - the secrets and tips from the best chefs

As you can see, zrazy give complete freedom to the imagination. There are no clear ingredients and conditions that you should definitely follow when cooking. It will be minced meat or meat fillet - you decide, the situation is also with the filling - vegetables, eggs, cheese or something else.


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