How to deal with a mistress (rival), knowing her zodiac sign


Love, though a beautiful, strong feeling, but sometimes it brings suffering and pain. It often happens that the relationship between a man and a woman fails, the feelings cool and two people whose hearts beat just recently in unison become strangers to each other. The reason for this is often male adultery. If some women turn a blind eye to adultery and continue to live as if nothing had happened, then others struggle with all their might for their happiness and loved one. What to do if a partner has a lover? How can I get rid of it? Let's look into astrology to answer these sensitive questions.

If the mistress turned out to be an Aries woman

If a man dear to his heart brought a Aries woman into his mistress, he will have to work hard to get rid of her. After all, Aries are extremely resourceful and cunning.

Lover- Aries, as a rule, arranges very reliable and thoughtful networks so that a man, having got into them, can no longer get out.

Aries woman does not scare threats. She will boldly look into the eyes of her lawful wife, if necessary, and transfer to her all of her virtues, which the stranger spared. Therefore, it is important to be patient and not act in a hurry. It is worth learning as much as possible about the husband’s mistress and exploring her shortcomings. A man should see in comparison that his wife is much better than the one with whom he is cheating on her. No tantrums, scandals, only a silent study of the enemy and a visual, but not intrusive comparison, a blow to the enemy’s weaknesses.

How to deal with Taurus’s mistress

Mistress - Taurus is a softer, more vulnerable and gentle creature than Aries. If the Taurus decided to become part of such an adventure, then she is in love. She is not interested in short connections. She will certainly want to finally recapture her man from his wife and take her place. If a man poses for a woman-calf, being not free, it means that he lacks tenderness, affection, care, gentleness in relations with his wife, and everyday life puts pressure on his psyche.

A woman is recommended to distract from worldly concerns, solve everyday affairs and give her husband as much affection, attention and love as he has not seen in his entire life.

Taurus’s conscience can and should be pressed. Let her feel that the wife gave her husband what the lover could not and cannot give: home, family, children, cosiness, comfort, support. It is important to try to spend as much time as possible with your husband, travel with him to the countryside, constantly remind you of the good that the spouses have.

How to defeat a twin lover

You can fight with a mistress, who is a representative of this sign, by means of rapprochement with her relatives. It is worth learning more about the woman’s family. Does she herself have a spouse, parents, etc. It is worth becoming close with someone from those whom the twin trusts or whom he considers to be a loved one.

This should be done for the reason that the twin women are extremely dependent on the opinions of those whom they love and appreciate and listen to their words.

They never make a decision without consulting their loved ones and receiving their encouragement.

How to Defeat Cancer Mistress

A suffering spouse can be advised in public conflicts. It is not necessary to arrange humiliating scenes of jealousy and stone the mean woman. Instead, it’s better, for example, to go to work for cancer and speak publicly with her, recalling her low status as a lover. There should be witnesses. Cancer should be humiliated and offended by strangers.

Methods to eliminate the Lion's mistress

To eliminate Leo, it is necessary to show her that the woman is deeply indifferent to her unfaithful husband, that she has not lost anything important and valuable, on the contrary, she is glad that she became free and got rid of her partner. Complete indifference and moral calm hurt the lion.

After all, a female lion will play with a new victim only as long as she feels that her games have a strong effect.

If the deceived woman does not suffer, then her lover will soon take a step back and even be disappointed.

If a lover is a virgin

The only way to fight Virgo is to minimize a man’s contact with a strange woman. To do this, most likely, will be quite difficult. It is impossible to control your beloved husband 24 hours a day. But you need to try, for example, to move to another city or to leave for a while.

There must be a distance between the mistress-Virgo and the unfaithful man, since only time and distance can cool the ardor of the virgin and calm her down.

Weak spot Libra

The weak point of the scale is self-esteem.

Therefore, it is recommended that the deceived wife make sure that the dignity of her lover is hurt.

For example, it will be useful to look for personal correspondence in the husband’s phone, as well as the files that they send to each other and save all this secretly, without tantrums and scandals.

Intimate photos and correspondence can be downloaded on the Internet for a wide range of users.

If the lover of a husband is a woman - Scorpio

Scorpio is a powerful enemy. It’s hard to fight him.

The best way to deal with Scorpio is to do it yourself.

A deceived wife should pay attention to her appearance: to become more attractive, sexy, self-confident, impudent, relaxed. In order for Scorpio to be eliminated, he must make sure that he has no chance.

How to eliminate a mistress - Sagittarius

Sagittarius - freedom-loving creatures. They are not interested in family life, they more like free relationships.

Mistress - Sagittarius needs to show that now all responsibility for the husband and his family rests on the shoulders of the mistress.

If the deceived woman has children, then she can be made so that they communicate with the insidious woman. It is worth connecting the husband’s relatives if the wife has a good relationship with them. A lover should feel that too much is being demanded of her, that someone is claiming her freedom and personal space.

Capricorn Control Methods

Capricorns are prudent and smart. Most often, they agree to the role of a lover, pursuing certain goals (rich lover, material security, career growth). Feelings are of little interest to them.

To eliminate Capricorn, a woman should minimize or even limit her husband’s material means, control his expenses, and make sure that her lover does not receive material values ​​and benefits from him.

Aquarius as a Mistress

Aquarius wants to be a full-fledged mistress, the only mistress of the chosen man, and she strives for this.

To eliminate Aquarius, it is worth convincing her that a man, although he is cheating, will never abandon his family, that for him, his mistress is another toy, a fad, nothing more.

It is important to show her your status as a legal spouse and its significance.

How to defeat the mistress-fish

For Pisces, as well as for Cancer, public opinion and self-esteem are extremely important. The fish craves the approval of people, their respect and is afraid of losing credibility.

The fish should be publicly dishonored so that their friends and relatives know about the status of a lover, which she is content with.

Every woman wants to be happy and is fighting for her happiness. But sometimes it’s better to let go of the traitor and start a new life. After all, the one who betrayed once will do it again.


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