The choice of day, month and year for the wedding: signs and reality


Rare couples are puzzled by determining the best wedding date. Usually, young people first think about the place of marriage, dresses and a festive menu. Meanwhile, the choice of date for such a significant festival is no less important. Depends on it, no less, but the whole future life of lovers.

Choice of the year

More often, the newlyweds, preparing for the wedding, choose the month and day of the upcoming celebration and do not pay any attention to what year it will happen in general.

In principle, this is understandable - if the engagement has already taken place, then it is more logical to mark the wedding as soon as possible, without postponing it for a year, or even for several years without any special reason. Meanwhile, there are times when it’s better to postpone the wedding.

For example, if it falls on a leap year.
A leap year is a year whose duration is one day longer than a normal year and equals 366 days (one day is added to the shortest month - February). The previous leap year was 2016, and the next will be 2020.
But why is a year that is only one day longer than the others so bad?

A leap year, lengthening the winter by one day and delaying the time of revitalization of nature, seemed to upset the balance and stability of the world, and make people vulnerable. So a leap year has earned itself the glory of a terrible, demonic time when the most terrible things can happen - crop failures, epidemics, wars. Therefore, in a leap year (especially February 29 - the very added day), they tried not to start new business, not to plan anything important, not to leave far from home, not to make any serious life changes. And what is a wedding, if not the most important thing and the most serious life change?

A leap year should not be an obstacle to your wedding, and if you are religious, remember that the Church does not support popular beliefs.

Which month to choose?

Having decided on the year, the bride and groom approach the most important question in choosing a wedding date - in which month to get married?

In the old days, they did not play weddings in May.

It was believed that those who got married in the last month of spring (and in other spring months too) would not be happy in marriage: they would have quarrels, misunderstandings, betrayals and illnesses. Where did such a strange sign come from?
It was invented by an observant and enterprising ordinary people who perfectly understood that May (and spring in general) is an active time of agricultural work, and any festivities will interfere with the future harvest.

From this follows the sign of the most favorable month for the wedding - September.

When else to celebrate, if not after the harvest, when each family is well prepared for the winter?
But we live in other times, and these prohibitions are no longer relevant for us. And today the omen about marriage in May has completely changed its meaning: now holding a wedding this month is considered a successful undertaking that will bring happiness and wealth to the future family. At the same time, the wedding in September in modern beliefs has retained its significance: the life of lovers who got married in the first month of autumn will be quiet, joyful and calm. What about the other months?
January used to be considered an unfortunate time for weddings: according to popular beliefs, married in the middle of winter can be widowed early. But today this sign, obviously related to the fears of our ancestors about the severe cold that had previously provoked massive illnesses and hunger, also lost its relevance.
Nowadays, the omen about the wedding in January has received a different meaning: it is believed that married people this month will enjoy unlimited family happiness. But those planning a wedding in January should not forget that this month there are already quite a few important holidays: New Year, Christmas, Epiphany.
February in former times it was considered quite a good time for a wedding (still, because at this time the frosts gradually go away, and nature begins to come to life). Moreover, if on the day of the February wedding it was very cold and a snowstorm, then, according to popular belief, this meant that the newlyweds would live in prosperity and wealth. And today, a wedding in February is a good solution for future spouses.
Another favorable February period for the wedding may be Pancake Week, which is a passing holiday and is usually celebrated at the junction of February and March.
Spring months March and Aprilas mentioned above, have long been considered unfavorable for weddings and this was due to the beginning of agricultural work. And although today it doesn’t matter anymore, in our time getting married in these months is also not advisable. This is due to the fact that it is precisely at this time that Easter falls - the most important Orthodox holiday, which is preceded by the strictest Lent, lasting as long as 48 days.
Summer and in earlier times was considered quite a good time for weddings: married in June, according to popular beliefs, passionate feelings will carry through life, and those who played a wedding in Julywill be a strong support to each other and together will share all the joys and sorrows.
Married in August prophesied a complete understanding in family life. And today, this month is considered a good time for a wedding. However, not all of August is favorable for this, but only its first half: the period from August 14 to 27 is the time of the Assumption Lent, when it is not recommended to marry.
September, as we already know, is the best time for weddings. Married at this time awaits all the best that can only be in family life. In our time, this month has not lost the status of the velvet wedding season: today, most newlyweds strive to schedule a celebration in September.
But October It has long been considered not the most suitable month for celebration. It was believed that the wedding in the second month of autumn promises the newlyweds a difficult life, full of trials and troubles. It is not clear why such a sign appeared. Maybe it was connected with the variability of the weather at this time: in October it really happens that it is summer-like warm, then winter-cold.
But in Novemberwhen the weather conditions became more stable, it was allowed to celebrate the wedding - it was believed that it was to wealth. Modern wedding beliefs also favor this month.
December in former times, it was also considered a good month for a wedding, but after the adoption of Christianity, a long Christmas fast began to fall during this time, because the festivities at this time began to be postponed to other months. Today this post also falls on December (it lasts from November 28 to January 6), but, although it is not considered as strict as the Great or the Assumption, many people observe it.

Day picker

Having decided on the month, you can begin to choose the day of celebration.

Among the days of the week, the bride and groom do not have to especially choose: for convenience, weddings are usually appointed on a day off or on the day before the weekend. Most often, a celebration is appointed on Saturdaybut from an astrological point of view this day is not the best for any festivities.

On this day, which is patronized by the planet Saturn, it is recommended to relax, do household chores and spiritual practices. But making important decisions, starting new business and spending time in noisy companies on this day is undesirable.
But friday and sunday They are considered the best days for celebrating a wedding: in astrology, Venus rules Friday, the planet of harmony and peace, the patroness of lovers, and Sunday is controlled by the Sun itself, which is associated with joy, fun and fertility.

Some practical grooms and brides decide to have a wedding on a weekday, but remember: a marriage on Monday may soon be broken about the indifference of one of the spouses; lovers who got married on Tuesday are waiting for frequent quarrels and misunderstandings; a marriage made on Wednesday will be built not so much on love as on calculation, and Thursday will bring the family an eternal struggle for leadership in relations.
Do not forget about the lunar cycles.

It is recommended to marry on the growing moon, and the period of the waning moon and the full moon are completely unsuitable for this.

If all of these tips have pretty confused you, and now you can’t set the wedding date to the desired number, don’t worry. This problem is easy to solve: you can sign and get married on one day, and arrange a holiday on another. After all, in the end, it is only important when you officially become a family, and not when you arrange a feast for relatives and friends. Today, many newlyweds resort to such a little trick: this is convenient and allows you to observe all the necessary traditions.


Watch the video: Scientists Prove: Your Birth Month Defines Your Health and Personality (July 2024).