Research: this acne medicine can protect against schizophrenia


American researchers have recently proven that certain brain development processes are over-amplified in people with schizophrenia. The research team also found that the antibiotic Minocycline, widely used to treat acne, protects against mental disorders.

What results did the researchers get?

Researchers at the Genomic Medicine Center at the Massachusetts Hospital recently found new evidence for the causes of schizophrenia.

According to the study, the brain is rebuilt during adolescence.

During synaptic pruning, some nerve connections are strengthened, while others are broken. According to the research team, this process occurs in abundance in patients with schizophrenia. The results of the study were published in the famous journal NatureNeuroscience.

What happens in adolescent brains?

During puberty, massive transformation processes occur in the brain. In childhood, a large number of "weak" nerve connections are created. However, in adolescence, they are sorted by the “use or lose” principle.

Unused brain connections are weakened, and often used ones are strengthened.

Therefore, the brain can work more efficiently even under stress. This process is called synaptic pruning. Congenital immune cells, the so-called microglia, control the process of brain restructuring.

What happens in the brain of schizophrenics?

Researchers led by Roy Perlis found that clipping of synapses in the brain of schizophrenics occurs faster and more extensively. Scientists conclude that the excessively rapid disappearance of synapses is one of the main causes of the development of mental illness.

Preclinical studies have already shown that the antibiotic minocycline is effective in neurodegenerative diseases. Researchers used model experiments to study how minocycline affects the brain cells of schizophrenic patients.

Higher doses almost completely normalized excessive "synaptic circumcision." In patients, the number of synapses decreased significantly more slowly. Positive behavior dynamics were also observed: patients were less likely to experience pathological symptoms.

The mechanism of action is still unknown.

Minocycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the tetracycline group, which is used to suppress the multiplication of various bacteria.

The drug has a good effect on inflammatory acne. Why this antibiotic also helps with schizophrenia and how it affects the organization of synapses is still unclear

“No matter how encouraging these first results are, they are just the first step,” the study leader said. However, there is reason to hope that this approach will allow the development of the first therapy to prevent schizophrenia.

Minocycline not only helps with schizophrenia

Minocycline is used to treat respiratory infections, pneumonia, and skin diseases. The drug helps with severe forms of acne, conjunctivitis and borreliosis.

There is limited data on the use of the drug for rheumatoid arthritis, a dangerous inflammatory disease.

A 2018 study examines the possible anti-inflammatory effects of minocycline. According to studies, patients with multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's and even stroke respond positively to this antibiotic therapy.

However, the experiment on the use of minocycline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disappointed the researchers. Scientists have shown that a medicine for this disease can have a destructive, stimulating effect.

In an animal experiment, the use of minocycline significantly reduced pain sensitivity. It is believed that the nerve-protecting action is independent of the anti-inflammatory properties of the antibiotic.

The protective role of the antibiotic should be due to 5-lipoxygenase, an inflammatory enzyme associated with brain aging. The drug has also been used as the last line of treatment for AIDS-related cerebral toxoplasmosis.


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