Is it true that ice cream can be eaten with angina? The harm and benefits of ice cream for sore throats


Angina or acute tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils with the possible involvement of the palatopharyngeal ring and soft palate in the process. The disease is extremely serious, requires urgent treatment, possibly in a hospital. With untimely therapy, it increases the risks to life and health. Perhaps the development of an abscess (abscess), a provocation of heart disease. What has a beloved cold dessert to angina?

A typical position, rooted in the minds of people of all ages - with sore throats you can’t eat ice cream. This seemingly absolute truth is passed on through generations. The axiomaticity is not called into question by patients, and even less so by doctors. But is it really so? Is it possible to eat ice cream with angina? The question is more complicated than it seems.

National research societies and medical communities do not in any way investigate such an absurd question. Therefore, the "only true" opinion has taken root in the entire post-Soviet space.

Foreign researchers disprove these considerations. So, there are many publications shedding light on the question.

For example, the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, in 2013, published a publication recommending treatment for sore throat. Among the tips was the use of ice cream. But not any.

How to be? You need to figure it out in order.

The benefits of ice cream with angina

Researchers allow and even recommend consuming soft creamy ice cream with sore throat, in reasonable quantities. What benefits can be expected from such an unusual method of treatment:

  • Decreased intensity of sore throat. Thanks to the dual action. On the one hand, vasoconstriction is observed. Due to this, edema decreases, the volume of inflamed tissues decreases slightly. On the other hand, ice cream reduces the sensitivity of the mucous membrane by lowering the local temperature. The same effect can be achieved using ice cubes.
  • Moisturizing the mucous membrane. An additional cause of discomfort in the throat is the drying out of the mucosa. Dryness provokes perspiration, burning. Microcracks also form. Ice cream moisturizes the throat. This is a non-specific effect. If you regularly drink water, you can achieve the same result.
  • Elimination of pathogenic microorganisms at the local level. Due to the same moistening of the pharynx, the mucous membrane is cleansed.

Thus, it is possible not only to reduce the intensity of pain, discomfort, but also partially fight the cause of acute tonsillitis, tonsillitis. With bacteria. But not everything is so simple.

Harmful ice cream for sore throat

Harm is observed in several cases: the patient eats ice cream with additives, fillers, there is not a sore throat, but something else. Among the possible negative consequences:

  • Increased throat discomfort. Especially if a person has an ice cream with pieces of chocolate, dried fruit, waffles. Studies say ice cream without additives. Otherwise, the pain will become stronger. The intensity of the cough will increase. In general, the condition will become worse.
  • The development of edema. Against the background of some other diseases, such as scarlet fever, ice cream does not give a positive effect. But the reverse action will not take long. Therefore, before engaging in such extravagant treatment methods, you need to consult an otolaryngologist and undergo at least a basic diagnosis.

What kind of ice cream can I eat?

There are no specific recommendations in this regard. But if you follow common sense, you can give some tips regarding the choice of ice cream and the rules for its use:

  • It is recommended to use natural ice cream without additives. That is, there should not be pieces of waffles, chocolate, nuts. Solid foods will irritate the throat, pain, discomfort, cough will become stronger. Also, do not use ice cream overly sweet. For example, with caramel, condensed milk. For the same reasons.
  • Do not eat ice cream in a state of severe freezing. Need to give it a little melt. So that it becomes soft and does not irritate the throat.
  • The permissible maximum amount of ice cream per day should not exceed 100-200 grams.

You also need to keep in mind. Long exposure to cold causes a decrease in local immunity. Because you can’t always eat ice cream to relieve pain. This is not a panacea. Neglect of the recommendation will lead to the directly opposite effect, it can be dangerous.

The foregoing applies not only to sore throats. It is recommended to eat ice cream not only with acute tonsillitis, but also with a sore throat of a different origin. In moderation. For example, after removal of the tonsils. However, there are strict limitations.

In what cases is it strictly forbidden to eat ice cream?

Ice cream, like any other ice cream, is not always good. It is strictly forbidden to use ice cream with scarlet fever, diphtheria, and other diseases that are accompanied by sore throats.

One can distinguish one from another only under the supervision of a treating specialist, an otolaryngologist. Otherwise, intense edema will develop. Or the disease will begin to progress rapidly due to a decrease in local immunity. This is extremely dangerous.

In addition, ice cream for angina is not recommended for people who do not tolerate dairy products. An ice cream allergy will produce the same result. Intense edema will develop. Possible asphyxia and death from an acute allergic reaction.

Sore throat will only contribute to a similar scenario. Since the body is in a state of hypersensitivity, the likelihood of an immune response is higher than in peacetime.

It is important to monitor the well-being after consuming the ice cream.

Is it possible to eat ice cream with angina? Yes, but with reservations. If you approach the question correctly, ice cream will not do much harm, moreover, it will partially help to ease discomfort.


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