What attracts men to women the most?


Despite the generally accepted judgment, love and attraction are not like a novel, but rather a psychological journal. Everyone will agree that different traits attract different people. Fortunately, several studies have been conducted in which it was found that the opposite sex is attractive in likely partners. And it turns out that everything is so entangled in the brains of men that they do not realize what they are looking for - until they find it.

Cultural standards of beauty are constantly changing, but the perception of what is attractive is rooted in biology, not in the media. That's what science says that works behind the scenes when Cupid's arrow hits the heart.

Eye contact

Is there nothing nicer than looking at a blue-eyed girl? So says most men. However, brown-eyed women do not despair.
Forget that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, as they are the door to hold the attention of a lover. In fact, when someone attracts you, the pupils enlarge and a gleam appears in the eyes. Consequently, men are attracted by a radiant gaze at the level of instinct.
Conclusion. Never miss an opportunity to focus on pleasant things.


Full and soft lips are the most seductive physical trait of a woman. When you think, do Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johansson "suffer" from a lack of male attention? It has been established that pink and red lipstick holds the gaze of the opposite sex for a long time. This is a classic and it works.


It is not surprising that a victorious and sincere smile is attractive. But women, it must be wide to expose the edges of the teeth.
It’s foolish to remind you about proper cleaning and visiting a dentist. White, even teeth are one of the subconscious signals of good health and ability to bear children. Evolution has deftly embedded this in our DNA to help survive. Thank you, evolution - now pay for the dentist!


Men appreciated a delicate, gentle voice as more seductive, but only up to a point. When he got too tall, attractiveness rapidly declined. We came to the conclusion that women's speech should be slightly muffled. A velvety voice and gentle speech implies humility and makes confrontation unlikely.


The men surveyed admitted that hair is the first thing they notice in a girl! This is interesting, because 71% of women think that potential boyfriends do not even notice their curls. Men, on a subconscious level, see them as an indicator of health. Healthy women have shiny and well-groomed hair. This evolutionary advantage continues today.
Most people repel the look of hair in which there are too many products (varnish, mousse, oil) or painted in unnatural colors.


Men prefer a larger ratio of hips to waist. In addition, a person’s gait is unique, and swaying hips, when walking, fascinate men. Gait can be seen at a distance and used as a means of attraction.

When the conversation approaches the legs, it is all about length. Men prefer long-legged women, which explains the popularity of high heels.

This indicates not only excellent health, but also good nutrition in childhood. It has been established that over several centuries the growth of people has increased by a couple of tens of centimeters and scientists attribute this fact to an improvement in the nutrition of the population.

Attractiveness is not just about looks, so don’t think that you won the genetic lottery. In a harmonious way there are many non-physical aspects that will make you more attractive. Read on to find out how to attract your soul mate.

Put on red

The study of colors included two photos of one woman. In the first shot she was in blue, and in the second - in red. The girl in scarlet is recognized as more seductive and mouth-watering. The other had no chance, from the word at all.

In addition, men indicated that they would be more willing to meet with a woman dressed in a scarlet dress and even spend more money on her. Red color is meant as a competitive advantage among others and, therefore, makes the object more desirable for possession.

Language of the body

One simple thing men find surprisingly attractive. Each can do this - turn in the right direction, lower his head so much that his gaze rises slightly upward. The action emphasizes the difference in growth and established concepts of masculinity and femininity.

If you are in a restaurant, turn a little to the guy you are interested in. By tilting your head and directing your legs toward a person, you unconsciously express involvement.

Redness indicates embarrassment and obviously attracts the attention of the opposite sex. If you leave, but plan to talk further, do not forget to blush a little before you leave.

Confidence is the key

Confident people send stronger vibes of interest. Even if you are not the most temperamental person, satisfaction with who you are will create a better impression than a girl with low self-esteem. Transmit more signals, just do not do it with a sense of despair, and get attention in return.


According to current research, men are drawn to smart women. Knowledge, liveliness of communication and reason are desirable qualities. Stop deceiving yourself that men prefer fools. Give credit to your brain openly and with pride!


Sincerity and readiness for a new experience is another hallmark of attraction. The question is how curious you are about the world and what is your willingness to try: educational courses, new cultures, visit interesting places or other cuisines and restaurants. Men are very fond of teaching. The realization that it was he who became the discoverer and guide to something else inspires. Your willingness to experience something new with a man will leave behind absolutely all the physical advantages of competitors.

One of the benefits of openness and curiosity is that it makes you more responsive and helps establish connections with your surroundings. Interest in the lives of other people leads to mutual passion. They will want to know more about you, and this will strengthen the bond.


The survey found that the men surveyed did not rate funny women as more desirable. Instead, they more readily recognized their susceptibility to their own sense of humor. In other words, men need someone to laugh at their jokes. Funny girls are chosen for friendships and short-term relationships.

Many women are definitely willing to find a romantic partner. We often receive indirect messages that we need to change ourselves in order to become worthy of the attention and love of the best men. Transformations will make you happy. In addition, you will get additional benefits over other women.


Watch the video: 8 Physical Traits In Women That Men Are Most Attracted To (July 2024).