What prevents to become happy representatives of different zodiac signs


The question "what is happiness?" the sages of all times and peoples puzzled. This concept has changed significantly throughout the history of mankind, and today it still combines unique versatility with non-recognition. And what’s interesting is that it turns out to be much easier to answer the question "what prevents happiness?". And for each of the signs of the zodiac, the list will be different. And with this knowledge, perhaps, to happiness - at hand.



He floats in the course of life confidently and freely, it seems to him - everything is fine. But if you dig a little deeper, a pile of unrealized opportunities will open. This sign can be compared with a diamond - good, but with the proper cut - will become a diamond. Aries is strong, ardent, creative ... He can find his happiness through self-development. Fortunately, today there is a choice among various methods and for a variety of life priorities.



Little in our world can exist without change. But Taurus regrets that he does not belong to this minority. He is worried about the new and even more so - the unusual, the unknown. Even if, say, a new position promises a "fat" increase in the bill, Taurus is ready to abandon this - just not to change the lifestyle. There is one food for years, one route, do not change the haircut and hair color from graduation ... But if one day the mind leaves the “comfort zone” with its mind or the insistence of loved ones - a different, better world of endless possibilities will open for it.



The representative of this sign is brightly focused on family, friendship, communication in society. And unfortunately, he absorbs their settings like a sponge, what is expected of him, requirements ...

The result - his own "I" is hiding, as if the chick decided to return to the shell of the egg.

Only twins who know how to be self-sufficient, a little selfish person are truly happy. Moreover, at the same time, they will no longer allow anyone to manipulate themselves on a general wave of humility.



The sign is distinguished by a good memory and likening it to a casket, keeps memories of the past ...

Cancer believes that the best moments are unique, and much more equals the patterns of the past ... and without reaching an identity, decides that happiness is unattainable. His problem is that he does not know how to let go of the past and keep it "behind the glass", just like a memory. For the harmony of the present and the discovery of the future, Cancer just needs to appreciate these two times a little more.


a lion

His life is full of brilliant plans, he has no equal in ambitiousness and healthy egocentrism. That's just Leo sometimes blindly in love with the "crane in the sky", ignoring the modest "tits." The dream of visiting the best restaurants in Naples and wearing Prada somehow prevents him from enjoying, say, homemade cabbage rolls and rejoicing at the opportunity to buy a modest but natural river pearl bracelet. If only Leo understood that a sense of a good life "here and now" does not harm dreams, no matter how feasible they are, he would be a couple carats happier.



Versatile talents play a bad joke with a sign - he can try to be a family man, a careerist, a creative person, try to learn three hobbies and more ... The reality is that only with the realization of one, at most two directions, Virgo can find happiness. In short, instead of a dozen rabbits, one fat boar is sometimes more profitable. Plus, having determined the priorities, it is possible to cling to them as little as satellites to planets. For example, a woman who decided to become a housewife, Virgo, can develop the gift of a connoisseur of Italian cuisine and an economist for the family budget.



This sign is ready to be happy. Right here. And right now. There is only one “but” ... Spoiled weather, an unpaid loan, a working Monday and just - the mood is not very ... In a word, Libra is waiting for the Ideal with a capital letter. Unlike Leo, who simply cannot often reach him, Libra is ready to wait and “start living anew” with the hope that nothing will upset their plans. But since negative details are common in the life of most people, like ultraviolet in the sunlight ... For everyday happiness, the scales just need to focus less on them.



They can be called one of the most cautious signs of the zodiac. But as the sages of antiquity used to say: "in a small dose of medicine, in a large dose of poison." Fear that the result will not pay off investments (time, effort, money), that it will not work out according to probability statistics, that simply - it is not worth it ... All this forces Scorpio to be content with a minimum and does not allow to roam around even in dreams. His magical "elixir" on the path to happiness is spontaneity and moderate risk.


Surprisingly, this sign of the zodiac often exists in favorable circumstances and can be happy ... But he is hindering him. The fact is that Sagittarius’s self-criticism is developed to the limit. "I'm not good enough for that." The key to taking everything from Fate and building a better world on your own is the sign of love in this sign. To myself and simply by the fact of my presence on planet Earth. For happiness, Sagittarius needs to get rid of complexes, including subconscious ones, and increase self-esteem.



He thinks large-scale and smartly achieves his. But if the present is still "bitter", the problem is probably the lack of elaboration of details. For example, the girl Capricorn dreams of working closer to home with a large salary. But he misses that this company needs strict costumes and social life. And she hates this style and introvert. Therefore, making wishes, Capricorn should think through all the details, and then realize them ...



One of the most benevolent signs of the Zodiac is ready to make the happiness of relatives, friends and ... waiting for someone to take care of himself. This does not come from the infantility of the sign, but from its need for love. Which Aquarius, first of all, must learn to give himself. It is no coincidence that even in airplanes there are instructions that first you need to put on an oxygen mask on yourself, and then on the child. The happiness of Aquarius can begin with the wish of "good morning!" to yourself, forgiveness of your shortcomings and compilation of a wish list for a week, month, year ... By the way, it is useful to hand it over to relatives - let them show love for Aquarius in return.



When something happens in Pisces’s life that can be described with the words “here, happiness has come!” They enthusiastically accept this and take care ... Even when it loses value.

This sign must be accepted that the precious today will not necessarily be the same in a year ... Say, if you feel like the richest person a rare variety of callas allowed you to feel, and then you want to drop everything and leave the lighthouse keeper in Fiji - this is a normal change of values ​​and just a change dreams. Perhaps it is feasible.

In a word, the happiness of Pisces is changeable, like a breeze in the sea.


Watch the video: K-Pop Idols as their Zodiac Signs (July 2024).