What signs of the zodiac are constantly running out of time


From the point of view of scientists, time is a concept and phenomenon even more difficult to comprehend than space. However, much is clear without quantum physics. For example, everyone knows how it, time, is capable of treacherously shrinking and stretching, depending on whether a person is busy with something pleasant and entertaining or boring and tiring. But there are still individuals who eventually have a very special relationship. They constantly lack him ... And in an amazing way, all these people belong to certain signs of the zodiac.


He seeks to live saturated, interesting, original. But in the day, unfortunately, only twenty-four hours (plus there are luxurious leap years with an extra day). A busy schedule makes Aries sometimes sacrifice free time that could be spent on a careless vacation or sleep ... But the time for business is still sorely lacking. It is possible, by the way, that at such a pace of life, even taking into account the fact that he allows the sign to fulfill his dreams and provide for his family, he is sometimes overtaken by an emotional breakdown. And surprisingly, the secret that is available to the sign is very simple. He only needs to let go of time once. Allow yourself to stay ahead of its measured segments for some reason, and somewhere to extend it over and over again. As for the relationship between Aries and others, they usually understand his ambitious nature, but when they try to interact with him, they also risk running out of time.



Putting everything aside for the last moment, transferring it “for another five minutes” and the like, is quite in the style of Gemini. True, there are special periods in the life of a sign, when the time for it is like an affectionate kitten, that is, completely friendly. Then the Gemini scares others with punctuality, and their schedule is planned with the rigidity that the scientists of the Large Hadron Collider would envy. But scientists do not know what such variability of the sign depends on - this is the mystery of the stars. And it is also worth noting that in an attempt to catch up, the Twins try to mix everything together, which leads to even greater confusion and, consequently, to a loss of time. The only thing that can benefit the sign is the support of those who are not indifferent, ready with their help ... to free up some time for the Twins.


a lion

He was used to keeping the master in control. He has big plans for the time, which is often evidenced by diaries in stylish covers and brand watches. Only now, time has a different opinion on this. It escapes Leo with the grace of a doe, which naturally infuriates him. The fact that again did not have time is to blame others, an accident, and in particular - several craters on Mars. True, sometimes Leo nevertheless takes control of hours and minutes and then manages to turn mountains in the shortest possible time. And the main rule for his environment - never rush him - it is likely that out of pure obstinacy he will put everything off for later. And it is worth mentioning the fact that this sign will never begin to compensate for the lack of time for some things by truncating the duration of your sleep or hobby - it does not allow anything to spoil your life.

And perhaps it is precisely due to such a priority of values, even bothering something that is really exhausting at the pace, Leo is extremely rarely truly overworked.



Theoretically, this sign would have done a lot, only where some spend an hour, it’s all six. Accuracy, caution and the pursuit of excellence are useful qualities. But Libra sometimes has a passing rationality, when a temporary sacrifice is made to quality.

Strictly speaking, Libra generally considers time to be extremely inappropriate for our world. Where is it in a hurry all the time and why should it obey so strictly? In the house of this sign, by the way, watches are a rarity. But perhaps it is his uncompromising ability to succeed. Where, after a while, another person will have to redo everything or update, Libra will not know what to do with himself. But it is also fair to note areas for which the sign will always find time (theoretically, even in a black hole, where there is probably no time at all). This is their own health, care for pets, as well as the expression of signs of romantic attention for the second half.



Everything is very simple - he prefers not to notice it, with the exception of absolutely necessary elements (for example, minutes for boiling soft-boiled eggs). He simply goes about his business, rejoices and is sad and is ready to pay attention, perhaps, only to the hourglass - for its aesthetic component. So, for Scorpio, by the way, it’s completely normal to be late (and you can’t be offended by it) or come to the organization before the end of lunch (and this annoys him terribly). And this sign does not intend to do anything with a lack of time. In the end, he argues, this world is not perfect at all.

Therefore, we can definitely say - Scorpion inevitably brings chaos in the relationship of its immediate environment with time. For example, he says that it takes him about twenty minutes to help him, and in reality it will take two hours (the sign simply didn’t count).


Everything is often simple with this sign - many Sagittarius live by the biorhythms of “owls,” which means that the everyday life of our world, often created for “larks,” confuses them. In addition, they do not always correctly prioritize. That is, the first thing is to generously devote time to the easiest and “tastiest” things, doing all the unpleasant things in a hurry even when it is already impossible to put off. And Sagittarius is a creative nature, developed diversified and slightly impulsive. To get carried away with something with the passion of their first love is a common thing for them. And of course, there’s not enough time for everything else.

But it is important to note that theoretically, Sagittarius can take everything under control. Make a daily planner and alarm clock. Become more serious. But in reality, having undergone tough self-control, it is this sign that risks risking breaking its "I" like a crystal figurine.


Watch the video: What The Zodiac Says About Your Love Life (June 2024).