What will it be for you on April 19: a unique horoscope of druids and a "danger index" for all zodiac signs


In the world of the ancient Celts, April was considered the main month of spring, as well as October - the main autumn. Composing horoscopes, the druids focused not only on the earthly world, with its main symbols - trees, but also correlated what awaits people belonging to these signs with the position of celestial bodies. Thus, the horoscope of the Druids has more than one point of contact with the modern western horoscope and therefore differs in amazing accuracy and depth of advice given.

But it will also not be superfluous to supplement it with a “hazard index”. According to its individual meaning, given at the end of the article, you can find out how favorable the April environment can be for you.

Apple tree: If you want to start something from scratch, postpone it to any other day, and spend this one in the usual style. But something new is still waiting for you - you will learn the truth about an event of the past that will cease to bother you. And be careful on the roads - there is a risk that splashes from vehicles through the puddles will stain you.


Fir: Today you can really get yours by cunning and arrogance, but think about whether this is acceptable to you. Someone will need your help, but will have to refuse - despite the fact that they believe in you, the result will be crooked. But humor today is your hobby, so if a loved one is sad - save him.


Elm: The moon grows and at the same time you get entangled in love - today it will seem to you that relationships fetter your freedom and perhaps this is really so - think about it. Someone will try to hurt you - do not pay attention and thereby return the negative to the offender.


Cypress: You will portray ebullient working activity from the last forces, but here you will find desires and forces. You will benefit from ice cream - eat on the street in honor of the past cold weather. And listen to more music - silence like a magnet will attract pessimistic thoughts to you.


Poplar: Today you shine with the qualities of a leader who can help with command, but not with practical matters. If you do not agree to this, leave those in need without any participation at all. It will turn out successfully and tasty to plan the menu a few days in advance and take care of the abundance of dairy - the most useful spring product for you.


Cedar: The promise to you will not happen today, but there is still a risk of unsuccessfully spending large savings. However, you can understand whether you want a serious relationship in the spring or gravitate to loneliness. In the second case, be prepared to condemn others - because they were determined to pick you a couple.


Pine: Without noticing it yourself, you risk showing your best and worst character traits today. A difficult "cocktail" for colleagues and loved ones, so do not be very sociable. Spend energy on solving business issues - grasp and insight will help to win even in a hopeless situation.


Willow: Be open to the world today so that it gives you new friends, opportunities and vivid impressions. And someone else will tell you a secret through friendship. Not scary or serious, but if you loose your tongue, there will be no forgiveness. If you want to collect compliments and impress in a new spring way - this is the best day, you will be irresistible.


Linden: You are advised to focus on caring for the pet, and for its absence - on that part of the comfort in the house that living plants and correctly selected lamps can bring. Do not go on trips today - it is unacceptable to stay on the road for a long time.


Oak: You build theories, hint and weigh the pros and cons. In a word, this is an extremely uncertain day. Which might bore you, but this will not happen due to some pleasant troubles associated with the case, which was planned, but postponed from the fall.


Hazel: Today you are not friends with time - you are late, it is not enough ... Therefore, do not do anything where it is important. If you take a nap for lunch, the second half of the day will be more successful. Trust your intuition - decisions made with her that day can lead you on a new, broad and brilliant path.


Rowan: If there are culinary days in the world, then this is one of them. Meals and foods will accompany you even in a dream, but this, in fact, does not mean anything. You will enjoy the spring, enjoy communicating with loved ones, make plans, and with pleasure note in the evening that it was a regular, but terribly good day.


Maple: A pinch of magic this afternoon is that your momentary desire will come true. And the rest do not be lazy - today labor is multiplied by twelve for the month of May. If you plan a trip to the hairdresser or for clothes, be prepared for the fact that no one will approve your choice today, so do not take the company.


Nut: A feeling of unbearable boredom, although things are clogged with deeds, like a hamster’s cheeks with grain - this is not scary. Worse, if you today believe that you are unhappy - then you run the risk of captivating this condition in the following days. It will help to relax something manual and imaginative, like origami.


Jasmine: Your old forgotten skills will find unexpected application today and it is possible that this will become part of your professional activity. But try not to create daily plans in the morning - it will be better held in improvisation and spontaneity.


Chestnut: The day will suddenly be free, but idleness will tire you. Instead, do something small, but enjoyable - comb out the cat, make pancakes with blueberries, get an unopened jar of bath salt ... Your best time will come in the evening when an old acquaintance is announced, a conversation with which will fill you with fresh strength.


Ash: You will probably argue heatedly about the dissimilarity of opinions in something frivolous, like the age of the Milky Way. Space, by the way - is your element today. Find out a love horoscope for spring - so that there are no surprises and look at the lunar calendar - the time of the haircut really matters.


Hornbeam: You will need help with the deed, but more valuable as a result will be just advice. Spicy herbs, added to a hearty dish or pastries, will help strengthen the positive energy in your body. If you want to learn something from a loved one - ask, today he will not be able to lie to you.


Figs: One of the rare days when the forces of nature themselves support is to quit bad habits. Choosing anything threatens to turn into a torment because of too wide an assortment of options ... so choose something old, well-known.


Birch tree: Make yourself like a deer on a lake of thin ice that day - you can meet the next day happy if you don’t chat today without thinking and committing rash acts. But as if to console you with difficulties, spring sends you luck in relationships - your relatives will surround you with care, only show them what is not easy for you today.


Olive: Tackle today only for what leads to what seems pleasant - other things will not be the most successful. But do not expect much luck - you will receive exactly as much as you put the effort. And also, any thing of saturated blue color will become a real talisman for pleasant communication and money for this day.


Beech: What bothered you today will lose its relevance, so you can relax and be a little sad from the wasted effort. But it’s better to immediately arrange a little holiday for yourself and think about what to do next in order to live richer and brighter - the decisions that come to mind will be extremely successful.


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"Danger Index" for the signs of the horoscope of the Druids on Thursday April 19, 2019


1-2 points: Perhaps if you fled to Saturn, there would be no risk ... But since you are on Earth - be extremely careful. The dangers of this day have declared a hunt for you.

3 points: Today a lot depends on you - you can risk for a serious purpose and pay a close acquaintance with troubles. Or you can keep a neutral line of conduct and then the day will almost certainly pass safely.

4-5 points: Not every magical charm gives such security as you have today. You can use your imagination and ambitions to your heart's content, breathe freely and feel completely safe.


Your mark: Apple tree: 3.6 Fir: 3.9 Elm: 4.5 Cypress: 2.0 Poplar: 3.2 Cedar: 4.8 Pine: 4.6 Willow: 4.7 Linden: 3.1 Oak: 3.7 Hazel: 5.0 Rowan: 2.9 Maple: 2.6 Walnut: 3.3 Jasmine: 4.0 Chestnut: 3.0 Ash: 4.5 Hornbeam: 4.3 Figs: 3.2 Birch: 3.8 Olive: 4.7 Beech: 3.8


Total: A busy day for all the horoscope symbols, in which it is impossible to miss the feeling of spring. Many of the “trees” will be faced with a choice and learn about something from a new perspective. It can be called quite prosperous with the exception of rare trifles, which, however, also have their own meaning, which is simply difficult to understand in the first impression.


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