33 proven life hacks for home cleaning


Thick books were dedicated to the art of maintaining cleanliness and order in the house as far back as the Middle Ages. And although today many technical gadgets and tools have been invented to the convenience of a person to facilitate these tasks, house cleaning still continues to occupy the lion's share of free time for many, which could be spent with benefit and pleasure for something else.

Therefore, tricks, tricks, or in other words - life hacks, become especially relevant.

Moving from the simple - to the elementary!

To remove stubborn stains from the surface of the plate (not excluding glass ceramics), you can use olive oil (not sunflower!). It is only necessary to apply the oil to the spots, and it is better even in the form of pieces of gauze moistened with it. And somewhere in half an hour everything will turn out to be removed with a sponge or a plastic scraper. And then, for the final cleansing, the turn will come and store detergent.

To clean the electric grill from the succulent pieces of meat, vegetables, fat and in general - anything, is a little more difficult. Just turn it on at good power, open and throw it on one side paper towel wet from water. Do not cover the grill so as not to invent fried towels! Just wait until steam comes off the product and turn off the equipment. Now everything will be much easier to remove from both surfaces of the grill.

If incidents often occur inside the microwave that make you feel like a caver, then citrus fruits will help youe. Just put in a microwave oven a bowl of water for 40 seconds where the chopped lemon floats - under the influence of the evaporation of its acids, all the impurities will be easily erased in one go.

For many, the shelves of the refrigerator are stained and washing them often is a negative adventure. But to maintain cleanliness, only wrap each tightly with cling film - when it is dirty, it will only need to be torn carelessly and replaced with a fresh one.

Also, instead of a film, you can lay shelves chopped baking paper - replacing it is also easy.

The refrigerator, by the way, often remains a source of unpleasant odor in the kitchen, even if it has been thoroughly washed. In this case, you just need to put in it for a couple of hours a plate in which is poured - soda or ground coffee. These substances perfectly absorb odors.

With the diverse use of a grinder for spices or a coffee grinder, where not only coffee beans are grinded, aromas eventually form an unbearable "bouquet" that interferes with the further use of devices. To eliminate odors, just crush a couple of times in them stale white bread or a handful of white rice.

If your pet, cat or dog has an upset stomach and thoroughly stains a short-pile carpet, sofa or chair, hurry up dilute a handful of soda with water to a thick slurry and generously cover it with a dirty stain. Then it remains only to wait 6-8 hours and you can easily vacuum everything.

A dirty stain from leather furniture helps to remove, surprisingly, milk and egg shake. You only need to beat about 100 ml of milk and 1 raw egg, soak a cloth in this and start contamination with it.

Removing dirt from furniture with the help of storefront products, sometimes you may encounter the lack of the desired effect for one trivial reason - due to incorrect movements. When cleaning a stain, a cloth with the product should not be directed to the center of the stain, but rather from it to the borders of the contaminated area.

When a scratch or abrasion appears on a leather armchair or sofa, it can be easily masked by applying a drop of cotton to a damaged area with a cotton swab shoe polish suitable color. Naturally, this is only appropriate when you are not in constant contact with this piece of furniture.

Not too large scratches on wooden furniture can be masked unripe walnut. They just need to rub them properly - and they will become less noticeable.

The second option is tea brew. Just make a bag of black tea - the stronger the liquid, the more suitable it will be for darker wood. Then, rub the damaged area with a cotton pad soaked in tea.

Unless it's curtains and a tablecloth, refuse ironing textiles. Californian scientists advise unloading such an area as cleaning the bed with replacing linen with fresh ones. According to their research, ironed linens absorb sweat much worse and are generally not so well perceived by the skin, it can even provoke irritation.

Lime in the openings of the shower head - a known and harmful misfortune that can be eliminated simple vinegar (the same with which canned cucumbers). Pour it in a plastic bag so that part of the nozzle with holes is immersed, fasten the bag with an elastic band around the nozzle and leave it for 1.5 hours. Then you just have to throw away the bag of vinegar and remove the lime with a stiff brush.

To serve tequila at a party, you need lime and salt, and to remove plaque from a bathtub or sink, salt and grapefruit. But there is not a drop in idleness in the second - you have to sprinkle salt on the surface of the bathroom, and then walk along it with a slice of half the fruit.

And for effective cleaning of tile you can use citric acid solution - 15 g per 250 ml of water and the tile will shine like new.

The same substance will help to clean a soiled washing machine - for which it is necessary to start a full cycle in it, pouring about 50 g of citric acid.

The mirror in the bathroom will stay clean longer and will fog up much less if wiped napkin with a drop of shaving cream.

The second option is wiping the mirror with a gelatin solution - 1 teaspoon in half a glass of hot water.

And a full-fledged cleaning in the bathroom cannot be considered complete without washing, replacing two of its elements with a clean one, such as a shower curtain and a rug on the floor of the shower / bathtub.

The fact is that according to scientists, it is on them in the bathroom that a record number of bacteria accumulate, many of which are dangerous to humans.

To remove grease stains from non-woven or vinyl wallpapers, only enough dilute a little starch with water into a thick slurry and apply the mass on a disgusting stain. Then count down 24 hours and carefully remove dried starch with a rag, which, incidentally, does not need to be wet.

If fat stained paper wallpaper - may help stationery eraserwho need to gently rub the stain. And the main thing is not to disturb the wallpaper itself.

EraserBy the way, it is able to remove greasy stains from metal and plastic surfaces, for example, from door handles.

To avoid ugly stains on the mirrors, an excellent tool alone is not enough. The secret to truly clean, like the surface of a mountain lake, their surface, lies rubbing mirrors with a crumpled newspaper. And you don’t need to apply a lot of money - a couple of drops is enough, the rest will be done by the unique texture of newsprint.

Microfiber rags are able to polish just washed glass. The main thing to start polish window panes when they are still slightly damp - so no divorces, no villi will remain completely.

And in principle, it is worth noting that there will be much fewer stains on any surface (or maybe there will not be any at all) if, when rubbed, leading your hands not horrible and not in circular motions, but direct the rag (sponge) in vertical or horizontal movements.

For the seasons, spring, autumn and winter, so as not to suffer from the always soiled floor in the hallway (and this is natural when shoes put on it from the street are put on it), make a special stand. Take turn over the big cover from the shoe box, cover it with polyethylene and fill it with a good layer of small pebbles. Now you can put shoes on this.

If the floor even seems to be very dirty, it can last a long time with water and a mop. To facilitate the task, use a vacuum cleaner - dry cleaning prior to floor cleaning Not only will facilitate and accelerate the task, but also will achieve a better result.

If you’re used to walking barefoot and want to fearlessly feel impeccable cleanliness on your feet, changing the water at the end of the floor wash, add a few drops of essential oil to the bucket. For example, tangerine, roses. Many plants have disinfectant properties. But if animals go around the house, this option will not work, since dogs, cats (as well as many other creatures) often have an allergic reaction to most essential oils.

After dust and dirt have been removed from everywhere, unless there is severe frost on the street, open the windows for 15-20 minutes. Fresh air, firstly, is useful, and secondly, it will help you to feel much better the result of the cleaning done.

To make cleaning faster and not have to scam around the rooms with a troublesome squirrel, make a habit put all accessories for it (bottles of products, sponges, brushes, etc.) into a large plastic container which is convenient to carry with you.

And finally, cleaning even the largest (and often heavily polluted) home will be much easier if break it into sectors of "different colors".

Those who need cleaning most often, let them be “red”.

Those where you need to clean moderately - "yellow".

Those where it rarely gets dirty (or just everything is reliably hidden from view ...) are "green".

Remove the red ones a little bit every day, giving it literally 5-10 minutes, and then in the week you won’t have to devote a fat piece of time to one job.

Pay attention to yellow 1 time in 4-7 days.

Green - every 2-3 weeks.


Watch the video: 20 WAYS TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSE IN JUST A FEW MINUTES (July 2024).