Test: choose your favorite type of shoe and find out how men perceive you


Did you know that your tastes and preferences can tell a lot about you, even if you are not aware of it. Especially when it comes to preferences in shoes and clothes. It is with the help of your wardrobe items that you express your mood or character traits. By the way, your shoes can not only set the tone for your entire outfit, but also give a ton of tips about your owner to representatives of the opposite sex! You probably smile skeptically now and don’t believe? Then try to pass this test.

  1. High heels

A woman in such bold enough shoes seems independent, self-sufficient and inaccessible to men. Most likely, they do not even dare to approach you, considering these shoes to be your dangerous weapon. However, you are sure that a worthy man will surely find the right path to your heart and will not be afraid of your external coldness, because inside you are a very gentle, gentle and receptive person.

  1. Open high-heeled sandals

Men believe that you are a balanced, cheerful and good-natured woman who often smiles and is always open for communication. Such shoes are a clear sign of your femininity and sophistication with a touch of carelessness and carelessness. The main thing is that you should not be perceived as too flexible and trouble-free, therefore, set clear boundaries and do not let anyone cross them.

  1. Open toe shoes

In the eyes of men you are the embodiment of elegance itself. Moreover, it seems to them that you are a very brave, active and enterprising woman, prone to adventures. It will not be easy for any man with you, but he certainly will not have to be bored, since you will bring many new sensations and adventures into his life. With all the seeming recklessness and windiness, you will never give up on your principles and will always be elegant and feminine.

  1. Pointed Toe Shoes

A woman in such elegant shoes looks like a complex person with exaggerated requirements for her partner. It is as if you are sending men a signal that you will not compromise and will constantly bend your line. You know exactly what you need from life, and move confidently towards your goals. You probably have a lot of fans, but you are skeptical of them, since not all of them can justify your expectations.

  1. Platform shoes

Your main requirement for shoes is its convenience. A woman who prefers platform shoes wants maximum comfort, and not a mass of admiring glances and compliments addressed to her. You, most likely, do not want to make a splash and become the center of attention from the stronger sex. Looking at you, men are well aware that wide gestures will not surprise you at all, since you only believe in specific actions.

  1. Low heel shoes

For men, you impress a sweet, gentle and airy lady. They immediately want to take care of such a woman, and they are actually ready to turn mountains for her. We must pay tribute to you - you very wisely and skillfully use all your advantages and do not succumb to rude flattery and on-duty phrases. Any man will have to try very, very hard to attract your attention, and then cause at least some interest in him.


Watch the video: What Guys Think About You Attractive or Not? (July 2024).