Family disagreements about parenting: causes and consequences


Quite often, reasons for family quarrels are controversies over the upbringing of the younger generation. Having grown up in accordance with different models of upbringing, each of the parents already in their family tries to reproduce the one they know themselves.

First, while the child is still small, most of the questions related to his upbringing are decided by the mother: what and when to feed, how much to walk, how to wear? And this, in principle, is understandable, because it is a woman who, during a decree, spends 24 hours a day with her baby. And dad all day at work, his participation in the upbringing comes down to helping his wife. And this, as a rule, suits everyone. But as time goes on, the child grows up, and the man quite rightly wants to take part in solving all issues related to the future of the baby.

And here disputes already begin: which school to send to, which section to take, let go to the street and send to learn lessons? Of course, as for the section, it is better to find out from the child himself. You should not force him to do what he does not want, to realize his own ambitions at the expense of him. Otherwise, if the basis of the family is the equality of men and women, and they know how to negotiate between themselves, then there should be no particular problems. It is more difficult when one of the parents considers himself a leader, seeks to impose his opinion on others. Here you should understand yourself. Why should the question be resolved this way and not otherwise? Is it really better for a child, or is it a way to prove his superiority to the spouse, the usual rivalry for leadership in the family? If parents can honestly answer these questions, then it will most likely become easier to agree.

If it is not possible to reach an agreement, it may be more expedient for one of the parents to compromise or to recognize leadership in the process of raising a child with their spouse. Of course, it can be extremely difficult to do (and, sometimes, impossible). But we are all civilized people and we want happiness for our child and a relaxed atmosphere in the family. No need to arrange battles, trying to defend their point of view. After all, this is the first to strike at your child. If you fight are tired, and the spouse does not want to hear you, then the choice is small: either to accept or destroy the family and, raising the child alone, do as you see fit. But is it reasonable?

In any case, to solve such questions, the husband and wife should be alone. Children do not need to hear these disputes. After all, for them the authority of both parents should not be questioned.


Watch the video: The Way Parents Fight Effects Children's Well-Being (July 2024).