How to protect children on vacation


Summer is a pleasant time for both children and adults. However, a great vacation can be not only the happiness of children, but also a time of injuries and illnesses. In the summer, children get freedom, parents let them walk without supervision until dark, on the seas and in forest trips, adults are increasingly thinking about themselves ... Excessive care, self-medication and all kinds of folk means of salvation from injuries can also harm the child. What doctors advise?

What are our children sick in the summer?

Every year a warm time brings misfortune to many families of large cities. In children's hospitals are treated with domestic, road, burn injuries, poisoning. Breast babies from villages are poisoned by nitrates contained in water from a well. Therefore, food mixtures for children are best prepared on specially purified water.

Curiosity makes babies who already know how to walk look out the windows. If the mother did not stop in time, the child falls out of the window and receives complex polytrauma, which can lead to a sad outcome.

Arriving in new and unexplored places - grandmother's villages, foreign cities, tourist camps and sanatoriums - schoolboy scamps, naturally, begin to explore everything. When exploring, you can ride a bicycle on a busy highway, and fall through the ceiling at a construction site, and eat some "evil" berries ... This happens even not because there are no adults around - you will not walk on your heels all the time, - but because children themselves do not understand that there are places dangerous for walking. The task of the parents is to explain this to them, to tell where they can go, and where better is not necessary.

How to behave at sea?

The sea sanatorium can not only improve health, but also significantly worsen it. If the room has air conditioning, try to keep the air in the room not much colder than outside. The normal difference is 4-5 degrees. A sharp temperature drop leads to a cold.

If the child overheats in the sun, having received a heatstroke, immediately seek help from a doctor. Until help came, put the overheated in the shade, make a cold compress. In order to avoid a blow, supply the child with a Panama and do not sit with him on the beach from 10 am to 4 pm, during the period of greatest sun activity.

What we call “burned” is actually a first degree burn, a serious skin injury. Long sunbathing on the beach - not for small children. If you go from the sea to the room for a long time, be sure to take a shower after bathing in salt water, because the skin becomes more vulnerable under the influence of salts. On the beach do not hesitate umbrellas, awnings and panam - the health of your child is in your hands.

How to behave in the forest?

The most terrible danger in forest trips is usually considered ticks. If you have to settle down under the oaks, we panic, constantly study our shoulders and in every way we spoil the rest for ourselves and others. In fact, the tick bites from doctors are rarely addressed. Much more dangerous is poisoning with mushrooms.

In agriculture, to combat pests use toxic substances - exfoliants. They fall into the ground and water, through underground streams reach the forests. A mushroom is like a sponge, it absorbs everything that comes to it in water. Thus, even completely edible mushrooms grown in the near-rural area turn out to be hazardous to health. Exfoliating poisoning is characterized by muscle tension.

If an insect has bitten you or your child, seek the help of doctors. Pay attention to whether there is swelling at the bite site, which is a sign that the bite can be really dangerous.


Watch the video: Think of the Children! - OUR FAMILY VACATION NIGHTMARE! Funny Moments (July 2024).