Seducing your loved ones: aphrodisiacs


Who knows, maybe even Eve, wanting to bewitch Adam, came up with the very first love food. Nowadays, aphrodisiacs are used by pharmacologists, healers and culinary specialists. If you master the "love cooking", you can solve more than one problem.

Aphrodisiac is translated from Greek as "love". So called substances that awaken the erotic appetite and enhance sexual pleasure. They stimulate the release of hormones: male - dopamine and female - serotonin. Meat, peanuts and cheeses increase the content of the first hormones, and the flour and vegetables - the second. But do not rush to lash out at these products - overeating does not contribute to sexuality. And there are a lot of aphrodisiacs themselves, and you can choose them to your taste.

A very loving Maria Medici preferred garlic and artichokes, and the well-known lover Casanova preferred kidney pate and cocky scallops. Louis X1V suffered from impotence, he was helped by avocados. And Madame Pompadour fed Louis XV soup with celery.

The most wonderful and effective aphrodisiac is thyme, especially when combined with rabbit meat. Frutti di mare (various seafood) also deserve great fame: the content of zinc in them enhances sexual desire. But oysters do not affect the potency, as is commonly believed, but simply enhance the quality of sperm.

Garlic and onions are also popular. Although they have specific flavors that do not fit well with amorous pleasures.

In Italy, preparing the largest number of dishes, aphrodisiacs: steaks with blood and ginseng, dandelion salads, creams with nutmegs, liquid chocolate and many others.

The most popular aphrodisiac products:

- fruits: avocados, bananas, papaya

- dairy: kefir, cheese, cottage cheese

- vitamins E, A: carrots, cod liver

- herbs: sage, wild mustard, cornflower, thyme, anise, mint

- chocolate

- Root vegetables: asparagus, horseradish and celery

- cocoa

- seasonings: ginger, rosemary, red pepper, nutmeg, dill, coriander, cloves

- as well as: walnuts, figs, wheat grains, pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, olive oil

Erotic Kitchen Rules

- Cook love dishes better on the "vegetable pillow." To do this, cut all sorts of vegetables, which laid out aphrodisiac dish.

- The effect of the dishes will be most effective if they are prepared according to the "pulsating heating" method. To do this, heat up food to 100 degrees, immediately cover with a lid and languish until ready.

In conclusion, it is impossible not to recall the drinks. Small doses of alcohol will help overcome the embarrassment and relieve tension. But do not forget that a romantic dinner richly watered with liquor can be spoiled hopelessly.


Watch the video: WARNING! Sexual Frequencies Binaural Beats. Seduction Mindset. Sexual Attraction and Love (July 2024).