This is a strange word "shugaring": sweet rid of excess hair at home


There are many ways to deal with unwanted hairs. Shugaring is one of the most effective, and at the same time painless. Many girls, at least once having tried a shugaring procedure, want to repeat it at home. The most important thing here is to mix the ingredients in the right proportion.

Shugaring - hair removal composition based on sugar. For the first time this procedure was tried in ancient Persia. Since that time, the technology has not changed much, and the procedure is very popular in different countries.

Epilation with sugar paste is equivalent to wax efficiency, however, it is less painful. After the caramel paste, the skin remains smooth and silky.

Shugaring is:

  • inexpensive, and therefore available to every woman. For the preparation will need water, sugar and lemon juice;
  • safely. It is almost impossible to strip off the top layer of the skin along with the root of the hairs. In addition, the likelihood of burns or inflammation is minimized;
  • hairs after the procedure do not grow into, the skin retains an attractive appearance.

To prepare the mixture for hair removal, you will need 3 parts of sugar, part of warm water and part of citric acid. Water with sugar is mixed in a water bath and cooked until the mixture becomes caramel. It is easy to check the readiness - if you drop a little mixture into cold water, it will not spread, but will harden. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and mix everything thoroughly.

When the caramel mixture has cooled slightly, you can begin the procedure. A small piece of the mass should be kneaded in the hands. In the process, the color of the mixture will change to lighter.

Balls should be evenly distributed over the skin against hair growth. To separate the strips better in the direction of hair growth.

Over time, the mixture may cool slightly. In this case, it is better to warm it in a water bath.

The ideal hair length for sugar hair removal is a few millimeters. Long hair removal can be painful, shorter ones will not catch on.

Shugaring at home is a great way to bring your skin in order at a convenient time, without spending money on expensive procedures.


Watch the video: 25 Interesting And Somewhat Strange Word Origins (June 2024).