How to properly care for hair after a perm


Many women believe that perm is a simple and effective way to make hair beautiful. In addition, there is a perception that hair styling with a curl takes much less time. But one name of the procedure "perm" says that the procedure can not be harmless to the hair. Using even the most gentle formulations for perm, you should be very careful with your hair and carry out a complex of rehabilitation procedures for them.

Before you decide on the need for a perm, you should evaluate the condition of the hair. Loose, dry or brittle hair may not be able to undergo this procedure. Perm is also not recommended for owners of hair with dry or split tips or girls who have recently dyed their hair.

Perm is safe only for very healthy hair. But even in this case, we can not say that the procedure will take place "painlessly."

Before curling, it is necessary to follow a few simple, but at the same time very important rules to make the hair look healthier and more beautiful.

  • Do not wet the hair for several days after the procedure. Water can wash off the chemical composition, which is fixed on the hair for two to three days. It is better to comb the hair with a sparse tooth and as little as possible.
  • For washing you should use only soft shampoos and special products intended for damaged hair.
  • When using a hair dryer, it is better to take special nozzles to disperse the flow of air.
  • Do not go to bed with a wet or wet head.

After the procedure, the hair most urgently needs hydration and nutrition. Oils, rinses and various masks will help. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to the means specially developed in laboratories for hair weakened after a perm. Be sure to use a tool that will help restore damaged hair structure. Before starting a course of recovery is best to consult with a stylist or a beautician.

You can use the hair dryer only with a special tool that helps protect the hair from the harmful effects of high temperature. It can be replaced with kvass or lemon juice. Dyeing hair is not recommended for several weeks after curling.

Nutritious masks will help to restore shine to hair after curling. They should be applied every time after washing the hair.

When deciding on a perm, you should evaluate the damage done to the hair by this procedure. After you need to carefully care for your hair, to return them a healthy look.


Watch the video: How to Wash Hair After a Perm : Hair Styling & Care (July 2024).